Call Number (LC) Title Results
AC 1 H3 2 v.11 The origin of species, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.12 Plutarch's lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades, and Coriolanus, Demosthenes, and Cicero, Cæsar and Antony, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v. 13 Virgil's Æneid, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.14 ... The first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight Don Quixote of the Mancha, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.15 Pilgrim's progress, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.16 ... Stories from Thousand and one nights (the Arabian nights' entertainments) / 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.17 Folk-lore and fable: Æsop, Grimm, Andersen, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.18 Modern English drama: Dryden, Sheridan, Goldsmith, Shelley, Browning, Byron, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.19 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust, part I, Engmont, Hermann and Dorothea; Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus; 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.20 The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri; Hell, Purgatory, Paradise, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.21 I promessi sposi (The betrothed) 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.22 The Odyssey of Homer; 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.23 Two years before the mast and Twenty-four years after, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.24 On taste; On the sublime and beautiful; Reflections on the French revolution; A letter to a noble lord; with introduction, notes and illustrations. 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.25 John Stuart Mill: Autobiography, Essay on liberty; 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.26 Continental drama: Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Molière, Lessing, Schiller, 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.27 English essays from Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay; with introductions, notes and illustrations. 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.28 Essays, English and American, with instructions, notes and illustrations. 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.29 The voyage of the Beagle. 1
AC 1 H3 2 v.30 Scientific papers: physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, 1