Call Number (LC) Title Results
B491.M4 R44 2000 Substantial knowledge : Aristotle's metaphysics / 1
B491.M45 S55 1999eb Order in multiplicity : homonymy in the philosophy of Aristotle / 1
B491.M48 T76 Physiological theory and the doctrine of the mean in Plato and Aristotle. 1
B491.M5 F87 1987 Substance, form, and psyche : an Aristotelean metaphysics / 1
B491.M5 M33 1988 Christian revelation and the completion of the Aristotelian revolution / 1
B491.M5 R413 The concept of first philosophy and the unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle / 1
B491.M5 U55 1994 Unity, identity, and explanation in Aristotle's metaphysics / 1
B491.M5 V92 Die These der Metaphysik. Zur Gestalt der Metaphysik bei Aristoteles, Kant und Hegel. 1
B491.M6 S45 1994 Self-motion : from Aristotle to Newton / 1
B491.M8 G63 1979 Aristote et les mystères / 1
B491.N3 A75 2020 Aristotelian Naturalism A Research Companion / 1
B491.N3 F35 2005 Aristotle and the science of nature : unity without uniformity / 1
B491.N3 H34 2017 |Ristoteles gegen Epikur : eine Untersuchung über die Prinzipien der hellenistischen Philosophie ausgehend vom Phänomen der Bewegung / 1
B491.N3 N37 Die Naturphilosophie des Aristoteles / 1
B491.N3 S98 Naturphilosophie bei Aristoteles und Theophrast. Verhandlungen des 4. Symposium Artistotelicum, veranstaltet in Göteborg, August 1966. 1
B491.O5 A74 1976 Das [Ti ēn einai (romanized form)] bei Aristoteles / 1
B491.O5 B65 1983 Aristotelian aporetic ontology in Islamic and Christian thinkers / 1
B491.O5 K67 2013eb The activity of being : an essay on Aristotle's ontology / 1
B491.O5 M2 1946 Le jugement d'existence chez Aristote. 1
B491.O5 M3413 Introduction to Aristotle's theory of being as being / 1