No. de Clasificación (LC) Título Resultados
B 765 D7p W86 1962 Philosophical writings; a selection edited and translated by Allan Wolter. 1
B765.D7 S1 1955 John Duns Scotus : a teacher for our times. 1
B765.D7 S5 Some facts and probabilities relating to the history of Johannes Scotus, surnamed Duns, and concerning the genuineness of the Spagnoletto portrait belonging to the General theological seminary of the United States, 1
B765.D7 S55 1942 The univocity of the concept of being in the philosophy of John Duns Scotus ... 1
B765.D7 W8 1946 The transcendentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotus, 1
B765.D73 D86 1986 Duns Scotus on the will and morality / 1
B765.D74 Understanding John Duns Scotus : of realty the rarest-veined unraveller /
The physics of Duns Scotus : the scientific context of a theological vision /
B765.D74 .B34 2010eb Duns Scotus and the problem of universals / 1
B765.D74 C75 1999eb Duns Scotus / 1
B765.D74 I55 2012 The harmony of goodness : mutuality and moral living according to John Duns Scotus / 1
B765.D74 I554 2004 The philosophical vision of John Duns Scotus : an introduction / 1
B765.D74 I555 2003 Scotus for dunces : an introduction to the subtle doctor / 1
B765.D74 S53 2012eb The ethical theory of John Duns Scotus : a dialogue with medieval and modern thought / 1
B765.E3 D31 Studien zum Wandel des Eckhartbildes. 1
B765.E3 F53 2010 Meister Eckhart : Philosoph des Christentums / 1
B765.E3 L88 Théologie négative et connaissance de Dieu chez maître Eckhart. 1
B765.E3 M313 Parisian questions and prologues / 1
B765.E3 M9 1939 ... The establishment of the university of being in the doctrine of Meister Eckhart of Hochheim 1
B765.E3 S3813 1978 Meister Eckhart, mystic and philosopher : translations with commentary / 1
B765.E34 A companion to Meister Eckhart / 1