Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR65 .C99 1870 The writings of Cyprian, bishop of Carthage. 1
BR65 .C99a 1982 A Donat ; et, La vertu de patience : texte latin / 1
BR65 .C99b 1957 Thasci Caecili Cypriani De bono patientiae : a translation, with an introduction and a commentary / 1
BR65.C99 B5 1961 The tradition of manuscripts; a study in the transmission of St. Cyprian's treatises. 1
BR65 .C99d De lapsis; and, De ecclesiae catholicae unitate, 1
BR65 .C99de 2006 L'unité de l'église = De ecclesiae catholicae unitate / 1
BR65 .C99dez 2008 La jalousie et l'envie / 1
BR65.C99 E539 1992 Born to new life / 1
BR65 .C99m 1933 Thasci Caecili Cypriani De mortalitate : a commentary, with an introduction and translation / 1
BR65.C99 S37 Studien zur Syntax der Briefe des hl. Cyprian, 1
BR65.C99 S9 1933 The life of the North Africans as revealed in the works of Saint Cyprian / 1
BR65.C99 T1 1946 Nature and the vocabulary of nature in the works of Saint Cyprian / 1
BR65.C996 A55 1661 Vindiciae synodi Ephesinae et S. Cyrilli de processione ex Patre & Filio Spiritus Sancti. 1
BR65.C996 C6614 1985 Contre Julien / 1
BR65.C996 C9 Cyrille d'Alexandrie: Deux dialogues christologiques / 1
BR65.C996 E5 1983 Cyril of Alexandria, select letters / 1
BR65.C996 F7 1991 Lettres festales / 1
BR65.C996 P4714 Dialogues sur la Trinité / 1
BR65.C996 Y37 2000 Cyril of Jerusalem / 1
BR65 .D1 1895 Damasi epigrammata; 1