Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR95 .F91 Handbuch theologischer Grundbegriffe / 1
BR95 .H23 A Handbook of Christian theology; definition essays on concepts and movements of thought in contemporary Protestantism. 1
BR95 .H32 1966 A handbook of theological terms / 1
BR95 .H52 1991 Ensiklopedi gereja / 1
BR95 +H52 2004 Ensiklopedi gereja / 1
BR95 .K395 1992 The concise dictionary of early Christianity / 1
BR95 .L384 2015 De la suffisance de la religion naturelle. 1
BR95 .L67 Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche; 1
BR95 .L67s Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche. Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil; Dokumente und Kommentare / 1
BR95 .M1 1879 Cyclopædia of Biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature. 1
BR95 .M33 1916 Religious terms : one hundred and one signs / 1
BR95 .N3 1987 The new dictionary of theology / 1
BR95 .N3 1990 The new dictionary of theology / 1
BR95 .N393 1992 A New handbook of Christian theology / 1
BR95 .O384 2014 Somme théologique de Thomas d'Aquin - Est-il permis de voler en cas de nécessité? (Commentaire) : Comprendre la philosophie avec 1
BR95 .O9 1957 The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church, 1
BR95 .O9 1974 The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church, 1
BR95 +O94 2000 The Oxford companion to Christian thought / 1
BR95 .O98 1997 The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church / 1
BR95 .P22 1951 Dictionary of dogmatic theology 1