Ταξινομικός αριθμός (LC) Τίτλος Αποτελέσματα
BS1180 .H94 The world of the patriarchs. 1
BS1180 .I58 2013 Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity. 1
BS1180 J76 Old Testament illustrations; 1
BS1180 .K57 1988 The Old Testament and folklore study / 1
BS1180 .K57 1988eb The Old Testament and folklore study / 1
BS1180 .L1 La méthode historique, 1
BS 1180 L1 3 Historical criticism and the Old Testament. 1
BS1180 .M3 New Bible evidence from the 1925-1933 excavations 1
BS1180 .M42 1991 Old Testament parallels : laws and stories from the ancient Near East / 1
BS1180 .P37 Egypt and the Old Testament, 1
BS1180 .P56 2018 Memory in the time of prose : studies in epistemology, Hebrew scribalism, and the biblical past /
Memory in a time of prose : studies in epistemology, Hebrew scribalism, and the biblical past /
BS1180 .P833 The ancient Near East in pictures relating to the Old Testament. 1
BS1180.P84 1958eb Archaeology and the Old Testament. 1
BS 1180 +P9 1955 Ancient Near Eastern texts relating to the Old Testament. 1
BS1180 .P9 1958 Archaeology and the Old Testament. 1
BS1180 .P9a The ancient Near East; an anthology of texts and pictures. 1
BS1180 .P94 The monuments and the Old Testament; evidence from ancient records. 1
BS1180 +P96 The ancient Near East; supplementary texts and pictures relating to the Old Testament, 1
BS1180 .R57 1946 Dead men tell tales / 1
BS1180 .R66 1995 Pharaohs and kings : a biblical quest / 1