Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2649 +B8 Sancti Brunonis Carthusianorum institutoris expositiones in omnes Epistolas beati Pauli Apostoli. 1
BS2649 +E88 1709 Absolutissima in omnes beati Pauli et septem Catholicas Apostolorum Epistolas commentaria : tribus tomis distincta : in quibus genuinus litterae sensus solide, & perspicuè traditur, hereses tum novae, tum veteres doctissimè refutantur, mores denique varia, & exquisita eruditione formantur / 1
BS2649 +G5 Benedicti Iustiniani Genuensis Societatis Iesu In omnes B. Pauli Apost. Epistolas explanationum tomus I[-II]. 1
BS2649 +L3 Commentaria in omnes D. Pavli Epistolas / 1
BS2649 +T3 Theophylacti archiepiscopi Bulgariae, in omnes divi Pauli Epistolas enarrationes ... recognitae ... / 1
BS2649 +T4 Sancti Thome de Aquino Ordinis Praedicatorum Super Epistolas Pauli commentaria preclarissima : cu[m] tabula vel indice alphabetico. 1
BS2649 .T4 1929 ...In omnes S. Pauli apostoli epistolas commentaria. 1
BS2650 .C1 The Epistles of St. Paul, with introductions and commentary for priests and students, 1
BS2650 .C8 Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli epistolas / 1
BS2650 .D6 1954 That we may have hope; reflections on the Epistles for the Sunday Masses and some of the feasts. 1
BS2650 .E78 Guilielmi Estii, ss. theologiae doctoris ... In omnes D. Pauli Epistolas, item in Catholicas commentarii / 1
BS2650 .J8 The Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans ; with critical notes and dissertations / 1
BS2650 .P1 Horæ Paulinæ : or, The truth of the Scripture history of St. Paul evinced / 1
BS2650 .S36 1987 Paul wrote from the heart : Philippians, Galatians in straightforward English / 1
BS2650.2 Paul as Missionary : Identity, Activity, Theology and Practice. 1
BS2650.2 .B374 1994 Paul : an introduction to his thought / 1
BS2650.2 .C34 2005eb The quest for Paul's gospel : a suggested strategy / 1
BS2650.2 .C35 2001 Paul in chains : Roman imprisonment and the letters of St. Paul / 1
BS2650.2 .C35 2021eb Jerome's commentaries on the Pauline epistles and the architecture of exegetical authority / 1
BS2650.2 .C36 1988 Grace and law : St. Paul, Kant, and the Hebrew prophets / 1