Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS440 +C34 1766 Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale sacræ scripturæ : cum figuris antiquitates Judaicas repræsentantibus / 1
BS440 +C34 1795 Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et litterale Sacrae Scripturae : cum figuris antiquitates Judaicas repraesentantibus / 1
BS440 .C47 1971 50 key words, the Bible. 1
BS440 .D73 1962 The new Bible dictionary. 1
BS440 .E1 The Bible word-book: a glossary of old English Bible words, 1
BS440 .E56 The Encyclopedia of the Bible. 1
BS440 .G55 2006 A concise dictionary of Bible origins and interpretation / 1
BS440 .H1 Lexicon biblicum / 1
BS440 .H237 1985 Harper's Bible dictionary / 1
BS440 .H237 1996 The HarperCollins Bible dictionary / 1
BS440 +H3 A dictionary of the Bible; dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the Biblical theology; 1
BS440 +H3 4 A dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the Biblical theology / 1
BS440 +H3d A dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, 1
BS440 .I6 1962 The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible; an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Aprocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and researches into the life and faith of ancient times. 1
BS440 .I6 1979 The International standard Bible encyclopedia / 1
BS440 .I6s 1976 The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and researches into the life and faith of ancient times : supplementary volume / 1
BS440 +J3 1909 A standard Bible dictionary; designed as a comprehensive guide to the scriptures, embracing their languages, literature, history, biography, manners and customs, and their theology, 1
BS440 .J7 1964 The greatest Old Testament words / 1
BS440 .K6 The Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature / 1
BS440 .L3 1575 Sylua allegoriarum totius sacrae scripturae : mysticos eius sensus, et magna etiam ex parte literales complectens, synceræ theologiæ candidatis perutilis, ac necessaria / 1