Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS75 1965 Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam Clementinam / 1
BS75 2007 Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem / 1
BS75 .S384 2012 An Introduction to the 'Glossa Ordinaria' as Medieval Hypertext / 1
BS85 .B4 1895 Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du Moyen Age. 1
BS90 1834 Sainte Bible, contenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament, avec une traduction française, en forme de paraphrase / 1
BS 90 1979 Nova Vulgata bibliorum sacrorum editio : sacros. Oecum. Concilii Vaticani II ratione habita jussu Pauli PP. VI recognita, auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgata. 1
BS90 +I5 1925 Codicum casinensium manuscriptorum catalogus cura e studio monachorum S. Benedicti archicoenobii Montis Casini ... 1
BS106 .F35 2015eb The gothic version of the Gospels and Pauline Epistles : cultural background, transmission and character / 1
BS111 .A54 1999 Tekstologii︠a︡ slavi︠a︡nskoĭ Biblii / 1
BS125 .B5 1993 The complete parallel Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments with the Aprocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : New Revised Standard Version, Revised English Bible, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible. 1
BS125 .H53 Historical catalogue of printed editions of the English Bible: 1525-1961; 1
BS125 .H55 1962 The English Bible in America; a bibliography of editions of the Bible & the New Testament published in America, 1777-1957. 1
BS125 .M7 A hand-book of the English versions of the Bible; with copious examples illustrating the ancestry and relationship of the several versions, and comparative tables. 1
BS125 .P27 1973 English Biblical translation 1
BS132 .B6 A plain account of the English Bible : from the earliest times of its translation to the present day / 1
BS132 .M87 A manual of Old English Biblical materials. 1
BS132 .M9 Our grand old Bible : being the story of the Authorized version of the English Bible told for the tercentenary celebration / 1
BS132 .T36 2013 The Macregol Gospels or The Rushworth Gospels edition of the Latin text with the Old English interlinear gloss transcribed from Oxford Bodleian Library, MS Auctarium D. 2. 19 / 1
BS136 The Wycliffite Bible : origin, history and interpretation / 1
BS140 1967 William Tyndale's five books of Moses called the Pentateuch, being a verbatim reprint of the edition of MCCCCCXXX. Compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, Luther, and Matthew's Bible, with various collations and prolegomena, 1