Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1100 .A2 The evidences of the Christian religion. / 1
BT1100 .A27 1751 The evidences of the Christian religion : with additional discourses on the following subjects ... / 1
BT1100 .A96 1775 Les fondemens de la foi, mis à la portée de toutes sortes de personnes : ouvrage principalement destiné à l'instruction des jeunes gens, qui sont à la veille d'entrer dans le monde / 1
BT1100 .B35 1784 Tractatus de vera religione : ad usum seminariorum et sacrae theologiae alumnorum... . 1
BT1100 .B4 1769 Apologie de la religion chrétienne : contre l'auteur du Christianism dévoilé, & contre quelques autres critiques / 1
BT1100 .B9 The analogy of religion, natural and revealed : to the constitution and course of nature / 1
BT1100 .B9 1834 The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature : to which are added two brief dissertations : I. On personal identity, II. On the nature of virtue / 1
BT1100 .B9 1860 The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature : to which are added two brief dissertations, I. Of personal identity, II. Of the nature of virtue / 1
BT1100.B9 C28 Butler's ethics, 1
BT1100 .E3 1984 Some thoughts concerning the several causes and occasions of atheism ; Socinianism unmask'd / 1
BT1100 .G8 De veritate religionis christianae. 1
BT1100 .G8 1724 Hugo Grotius De veritate religionis christianæ / 1
BT1100 .G8 1794 Hugo Grotius De veritate religionis Christianæ. : Cum notulis Joannis Clerici ; accesserunt ejusdem De eligenda inter Christianos dissentientes sententia, et Contra indifferentiam religionum libri duo. 1
BT1100 .G8 1809 Hugo Grotius De veritate religionis christianæ/ 1
BT1100 .G813 1707 The truth of Christian religion : in six books / 1
BT1100 .G813 1779 The truth of the Christian religion : in six books / 1
BT1100 .H5 1788 A sermon delivered September 3, 1788, at the Dudleian lecture in the chapel of Harvard College, in Cambridge / 1
BT1100 +H837 1679 Petri Danielis Huetii demonstratio evangelica ad serenissimum delphinum. 1
BT1100 .M83 2005eb Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades : the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response / 1
BT1100 .P28 1984 A demonstration of the divine authority of the law of nature and of the Christian religion / 1