Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT111 .A6 1937 The holy Trinity; a theological treatise for modern laymen, 1
BT111 .B5 De deo uno et trino : commentarius in primam partem S. Thomae / 1
BT111 .C3 1929 Tractatus de mysterio Sanctissimae Trinitatis / 1
BT111 .D7 1930 The blessed Trinity, 1
BT111 .F8 Tractatus de Deo trino secundum personas / Ioannis Bapt. Franzelin. 1
BT 111 F8e Examen doctrinae Macarii Bulgakow episcopi Russi schismatici et Iosephi Langen neoprotestantis bonnensis de processione Spiritus Sancti paralipomenon tractatus de SS. Trinitate. 1
BT111 .G1 1933 De SS. Trinitate in se et in nobis; 1
BT 111 G1h 1928 L'habitation en nous des trois personnes: le fait - le mode. 1
BT111 .H6 1943 The doctrine of the Trinity / 1
BT111 .H6 1944 The doctrine of the Trinity; Croall lectures, 1942-1943, 1
BT111 .H8 1912 Le mystère de la très Ste Trinité / 1
BT111 .K6 1940 The doctrine of the Trinity, 1
BT111 .L4 Histoire du dogme de la trinité : des origines au concile de Nicée / 1
BT111 .L4 1939 History of the dogma of the Trinity from its origins to the Council of Nicæa, 1
BT111 L4d 1922 The living God : the mystery of the Blessed Trinity as revealed in the New Testament / 1
BT111 L4d 1924 Le Dieu vivant; la revelation de la Sainte Trinite dans le Nouveau Testament. 1
BT111 .L47 Tractatus de Sanctissima trinitate (I,Q.XXII-XLIII). 1
BT111 .L8 1926 The burning bush; being a treatise on the ecstatic contemplation of the Blessed Trinity. 1
BT111 .L9 1818 A defence of the doctrine of the trinity : containing a refutation of the objections brought against it, by its opposers in general, and the people who call themselves Chrī-stians in particular. 1
BT111 .O2 1852 Atheism of Brownson's review. Unity and trinity of God. Divinity and humanity of Christ Jesus. Banks and paper money. 1