Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1212 .E24 2009 Reason, faith, & revolution : reflections on the God debate / 1
BT1212 .E24 2009eb Reason, faith, & revolution : reflections on the God debate / 1
BT1212 .N68 2008 No one sees God : the dark night of atheists and believers / 1
BT1212 .W38 2002eb A Christian faith for today / 1
BT1213 .G7 1959 Modern gloom and Christian hope. 1
BT1220 .C1 1951 Science and christian apologetic : an essay in the comparison of methods / 1
BT1220 .J57 2000 The wedge of truth : splitting the foundations of naturalism / 1
BT1220 .M1 The reaction from agnostic science, 1
BT1240 .F3 The confusion of tongues; a review of modern isms, 1
BT 1240 F3 3 The new books of revelations; the inside story of America's astounding religious cults, 1
BT1240 .W5 1958 Communism and the theologians; study of an encounter. 1
BT1250.C33 2002 Christianity on Trial : Arguments Against Anti-Religious Bigotry. 1
BT1313 Concerning heretics : whether they are to be persecuted and how they are to be treated : a collection of the opinions of learned men both ancient and modern / 1
BT1313-1480 Ethical formation in Christian worship : righteous and holy in Christ / 1
BT1313 .A9 1956 De haeresibus : a translation with an introduction and commentary / 1
BT1313 .B28 The pedegrewe of heretiques. 1
BT1313 .E2 Mallevs hæreticorvm : De variis falsorvm dogmatvm notis, atqve censuris, libri dvo. In quibus vniuersa penè h̨ereses & cognoscendi & fugiendi ratio continetur. Sive methodvs contra sectas, ad argvendos et convincendos hæreticos, hoc tempore omninò necessaria. Ex paucorum quidem, sed probatissimorum Patrum præscriptionibus in vnum velut corpvs congesta / 1
BT1313 .H82 A most excellent treatise of the begynning of heresyes, 1565 1
BT1313 .M3 1578 A treatise of schisme : shewing, that al Catholikes ought in any wise to abstaine altogether from heretical conunenticles, to witt, their players, sermons, & c.: deuided into foure chapters, whereof 1. Conteineth sundry reasons to that purpose, grounded for the most part vpon Scriptures and Fathers. 2. Examples out of Holy Scriptures. 3. Examples out of ecclesiastical histories. 4. Answeres to the chiefe objections / 1
BT1313 .P7 Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des égaremens de l'esprit humain par rapport à la religion chrétienne: ou, Dictionnaire des hérésies, des erreurs et des schismes ... 1