Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT645 .D3 1949 The reign of Jesus through Mary / 1
BT645 .E3 Le culte de la Sainte Vierge dans toute la catholicité, principalement en France et dans le diocèse de Paris, depuis l'établissement du christianisme jusqu'a nos jours. 1
BT645 .G1 Mariolatry: new phases of an old falacy/ 1
BT645 .G73 1963 The devotion to Our Lady. 1
BT645 .G8 A book of the love of Mary / 1
BT645 .H35 Mary, Mother of God 1
BT645 .H7 Fasti Mariani, sive Calendarium festorum sanctae Mariae Virginis Deiparae. Memoriis historicis illustratum. 1
BT645 .H8 1904 La Vierge Prètre : Examen théologique d'un titre at d'une doctrine / 1
BT645 .L3213 1977 The little garden of our B. Lady, 1626 / 1
BT645 .L8 A treatise on the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin / 1
BT645 .L8 12 A treatise on the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin / 1
BT645 .L8 1888 A treatise on the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin / 1
BT645 .L8 1907 Traité de la vraie dévotion à la Très Sainte Vierge : ou le Secret de Marie / 1
BT645 .L8 1941 Treatise on the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1
BT645 .M3 The Queen's way : or, to Jesus through Mary / 1
BT645 .M58 2009 The Mystery of the Rosary : Marian Devotion and the Reinvention of Catholicism.
The mystery of the rosary : Marian devotion and the reinvention of Catholicism /
BT645 .N8 1946 Visitations of Our Lady, 1
BT645 .O1 Our Lady, mediatrix of all graces, 1
BT645 .P6 The secret way of the enclosed garden, after the Blessed Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort ; 1
BT645 .P8 Historia Divæ Virginis in regni Bohemiæ monte sancto : Vaticano diademate in Germania primæ omnium coronatæ : ex monumentis authenticis de statuæ sacræ, origine, vetustate, cultlu, prodigiis, coronatione, aliisque huc facientibus in libros tres compendio digesta / 1