Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT70 .T7g 1738 Praelectiones theologicae de gratia Christi / 1
BT70 .T7i 1727 Prælectiones theologicæ : de incarnatione verbi divini / 1
BT70 .T7m 1743 Praelectiones theologicae de sacramento matrimonii / 1
BT70 .T7o 1742 Praelectiones theologicae de sacramento ordinis, quas in scholis Sorbonicis habuit Honoratus Tournely. 1
BT70 .T7s 1737 Praelectiones theologicae de sacramentis in genere / 1
BT70 .T7t 1746 Prælectiones theologicæ de mysterio sanctissimæ Trinitatis, quas in scholis Sorbonicis habuit Honoratus Tournely, .... 1
BT70 .T78 1755 Praelectiones theologicae, De gratia : ad usum seminariorum, et examinis ad gradus theologicos praevii, tomis duobus contractae ... / 1
BT70 +U4 Theologia scholastica : quinque tomis comprensa / 1
BT70 +V1 Commentariorvm theologicorum tomi quatuor : In qvibvs omnes qvæstiones, quæ continentur in Summa theologica D. Thomæ Aquinatis, ordine explicantur ...
Gregorii de Valentia Metimnensis ... Commentariorvm theologicorvm tomi quatuor : in qvibus omnes materiæ, quæ continentvr in Svmma theologica Diui Thomæ Aquinatis ordine explicantur ...
BT70 .W8 Compendium theologiae Christianæ, accurata methodo sic adornatum ut sit ad SS. Scripturas legendas, ad locos communes digerendos, ad controversias intelligendas, manuductio. 1
BT75 Theology as an empirical science / 1
BT75 .A1 Institutiones theologicae, 1
BT75 .A92 The faith of the Christian church. 1
BT75 .B2 Lehrbuch der Dogmatik / 1
BT75 .B28 1961 Church dogmatics : a selection / 1
BT 75 B28c Church dogmatics / 1
BT75.B28 H85 1991 How to read Karl Barth : the shape of his theology / 1
BT75.B28 W42 Karl Barth's Church dogmatics; an introductory report on volumes I: 1 to III: 4. 1
BT75 .B2834 1978 Karl Barth, preaching through the Christian year : a selection of exegetical passages from the Church dogmatics / 1
BT75.B286 How to read Karl Barth : the shape of his theology / 1