BV813.2 +C37 1996
Catechesis and mystagogy : infant baptism / |
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BV813.2 .D55
Faut-il baptiser les enfants? La réponse de la tradition. |
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BV813.2 .J55
Le baptême des enfants dans les quatre premiers siècles / |
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BV813.2 .J5713
The origins of infant baptism; a further study in reply to Kurt Aland. |
1 |
BV815 .B75 1995
Models of confirmation and baptismal affirmation : liturgical and educational designs / |
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BV815 .L98
The sacrament of confirmation in the early-middle scholastic period. |
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BV815 .R39 1810
Instructions pour la confirmation, : distribuées pour chaque jour, pendant six semaines, avant la réception de ce sacrement à l'usage des jeunes gens qui se disposent à le recevoir ; et rédigées par demandes et réponses , en faveur des jeunes enfans avec des exhortations pour deux jours de retraite, des instructions sur les douze fruits du Saint-Esprit, et l'examen des péchés / |
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BV815 .R44 1988
Renewing the baptismal promises : their meaning for Christian life / |
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BV815 .T53 1963
Consecration of the layman; new approaches to the sacrament of confirmation. |
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BV815 .T875 1993
Sources of confirmation : from the Fathers through the Reformers / |
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BV820.B36 2000eb
Faith on the way : a practical parish guide to the adult catechumenate / |
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BV820 .D39 2022
Why baby boomers turned from religion : shaping belief and belonging, 1945-2021 / |
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BV820 .D85
Church membership as a Catholic and ecumenical problem / |
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BV820 .U5
Understanding church growth and decline, 1950-1978 / |
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Martin Bucer, De vera et falsa caenae dominicae administratione (1546). Some later medieval theories of the Eucharist : Thomas Aquinas, Gilles of Rome, Duns Scotus, and William Ockham / |
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BV823 .A45 1998
Mass confusion : the do's and don'ts of Catholic worship / |
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BV823 .A77 2006
Eating beauty : the Eucharist and the spiritual arts of the Middle Ages / |
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BV823 .B78
Eucharist: theology and spirituality of the eucharistic prayer. |
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BV823 .B8
History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain / |
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BV823 .B8 1881
History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain / |
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