Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2225 .K2 Stories for first communicants for the time before and after holy communion : drawn from the best authorities / 1
BX2225 .L67 1986 This is my body, this is my blood : miracles of the Eucharist / 1
BX2225 .S6 True stories for first communicants / 1
BX2230 .A4 Der Priester im Gebete und in der Betrachtung; Gebete für alle Tage der Woche vor und nach der heiligen Messe, nebst Erklärungen der dabei zu beobachtenden ceremonien und Betrachtungen über die hohe Würde und den Beruf des Priesters. 1
BX 2230 A4 4 Sacerdos sanctificatus; or, Discourses on the mass and office, with preparation and thanksgiving before and after mass for every day in the week. / 1
BX 2230 A4h 1889 The Holy Mass : the sacrifice of Jesus Christ : the ceremonies of the Mass : preparation and Thanksgiving : the Mass and the Office that are hurriedly said / 1
BX2230 .A5 1958 The History of the Mass. 1
BX2230 +A58 Die Sequenz und die Verbeta im mittelalterlichen Spanien / 1
BX2230 .A9 Ireland's loyalty to the mass, 1
BX2230 .B4 Benedicti XIV., Pont. Max. Commentarius de sacrosancto missae sacrificio : Accedunt variae appendices. 1
BX2230 .B6 The holy sacrifice of the mass /
Rerum liturgicarum libri duo auctore Joanne Bona ...
BX2230 +B6 Rerum liturgicarum libri duo / 1
BX2230 B6d 1874 De la liturgie, ou, Traité sur le Saint Sacrifice de la Messe / 1
BX2230 .B6s 1680 De sacrificio missæ tractatus asceticus, continens praxim attentè, devotè & reverenter celebrandi / 1
BX2230 .B6s 1691 De sacrificio missae tractatus asceticus : continens praxim attentè, devotè, & reverenter celebrandi / 1
BX2230 .B6s 1778 Joannis Bona S.R.E. Card., Testamentum, sive praeparatio ad mortem.
De sacrificio Missae tractatus asceticus : continens praxim attentè, devotè, & reverenter celebrandi /
BX2230 .B62 1940 Our sacrifice / 1
BX2230.B62 H76 Holy Mass and life. 1
BX2230 .B63 The mass-liturgy; litugical lectures on the sacrifice of the mass and the participation of the laity; 1
BX2230 .B8 1787 Explicação das Orações, e Ceremonias da Missa, ... , Offerecida a Maria Santissima, Senhora Nossa na Gloriosa, e Angelica Invocação da Graça, ... , : Tirada da Infigne Obra Sobre o Augusto Sacrificio da Missa, / 1