Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX830 1545 +A2 1779 Canones, et decreta Sacrosancti Oecumenici, et Generalis Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III, Iulio III, Pio IIII, Pontiticibus Max. celebrati, juxta exemplar authenticum Romae M.D. LXIIII. editum : praeter nomina & subscriptiones patrum, variantes etiam lectiones & notas Chiffletii, accesserunt varia ad disciplinam ecclesiae Belgicae pertinentia / 1
BX830 1545 .A2 1845 Canones et decreta Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini : sub Paulo III., Iulio III., et Pio IV. Pont. Max. ; cum appendice theologiae candidatis perutili. 1
BX830 1545 .A2 1853 Canones et decreta Concilii Tridentini : ex editione Romana a. MDCCCXXXIV repetiti : accedunt S. Congr. Card. Conc. Trid. interpretum declarationes ac resolutiones ex ipso resolutionum thesauro, bullario romano et Benedicti XIV. s.p. operibus, et constitutiones pontificiae recentiores ad jus commune spectantes e bullario romano selectae / 1
BX830 1545 .A2 1856 Sacrosancti et oecumenici Concilii Tridentini : Paulo III, Julio III, et Pio IV, pontificibus maximis celebrati, canones et decreta / 1
BX 830 1545 A2 1866 Canones et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici Concilii Tridentiti : sub Paulo III., Iulio III. et Pio IV., pontificibus maximis : cum patrum subscriptionibus... 1
BX830 1545 +A2 1874 Acta genuina ss. oecumenici Concilii tridentini: sub Paulo III. Julio III et Pio IV. ... ab Angelo Massarello episcopo thelesino ejusdem concilii secretario Conscripta; nunc primum integra edita ab Augustino Theiner ... Accedunt acta ejusdem Concilii sub Pio IV. a cardinale Gabriele Paleotto ... digesta, secundis curis expolitiora ... 1
BX830 1545 .A2 1900 Canones e decretos do Concilio Tridentino : seguido de mais de seiscentas decisões authenticas da Sagrada Congregação dos cardeaes interpretes do mesmo concilio / 1
BX830 1545 +A2 1901 Concilium Tridentinum : diariorum, actorum, epistolarum, tractatuum nova collectio / 1
BX830 1545 +A2 1946 Decreta septem priorum sessionum Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III, Pont. Max. Ex autographo Angeli Massarelli (codice Morganiano ms. A. 225 A Neo-Eboracensi) 1
BX830 1545.A3 B8 The doctrinal decrees and canons of the Council of Trent / 1
BX830 1545.A3 D6 The catechism of the Council of Trent : published by command of Pope Pius the fifth / 1
BX830 1545.A3 D6 2 Catechism of the Council of Trent / 1
BX 830 1545 A3 W3 1912 Dogmatic canons and decrees: authorized translations of the dogmatic decrees of the Council of Trent, the decree on the Immaculate Conception, the Syllabus of Pope Pius IX, and the decrees of the Vatican Council. 1
BX830 1545 .B66 2022 Art in dispute : Catholic debates at the time of Trent : with an edition and translation of key documents / 1
BX 830 1545 B9 A History of the Council of Trent, compiled from a comparison of various writers; with a chronological summary. 1
BX830 1545 .C7 1841 The Council of Trent : comprising an account of the proceedings of that assembly ; and illustrating the spirit and tendency of popery. 1
BX 830 1545 E9 The Cardinal of Lorraine and the Council of Trent; a study in the counter-reformation, 1
BX 830 1545 F9 Lectures on the Council of Trent. delivered at Oxford 1892-3. 1
BX830 1545 .G3 Oratio habita ad patres Concilii Tridentini : dominica prima quadragesimae anni. 1547. / 1
BX 830 1545 J4 A history of the Council of Trent. 1