Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1750 .P9 De Christiani hominis perfectione in qvolibet ejvs vitae genere : tomi qvatvor : qvorvm argvmenta ex sacra Rvth historia praecipve desvmta / 1
BX1750 .R34 1975 A refutation of sundry reprehensions, 1583 / 1
BX1750 .R63 1978 The genealogie of Protestants / 1
BX1750 .S2 The triumph of the cross / 1
BX1750 .S21 The Rocke of the churche, 1567 / 1
BX1750 .S65 A conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine, 1631 / 1
BX1750 .S66 Qui non credit condemnabitur, 1625 / 1
BX1750 .S7 A fortresse of the faith : first planted amonge vs Englishmen, and continued hitherto in the vniuersall church of Christ, the faith of which time Protestants call papistry / 1
BX1750 S7 1565 A fortresse of the faith / 1
BX1750 +T2 La religione dimostrata e difesa / 1
BX1750 .T2 1854 La religione, dimostrata e difesa / 1
BX1750 .T5 1763 Theologia universa ad usum sacræ theologiæ candidatorum / 1
BX1750 .T5 1794 Compendium theologiae universae ad usum examinandorum / 1
BX1750 .T5 1828 Theologia universa ad usum sacræ theologiæ candidatorum / 1
BX1750 +T6 Francisci Turriani Societatis Iesu Aduersus Magdeburgenses centuriatores pro Canonibus apostolorum : & epistolis decretalibus pontificum apostolicorum libri quinque ... 1
BX1750 .T7 Tractatus de virtutibus in genere : et signanter de fide, spe, et charitate, in specie : ad usum quorumcumque ss. theologiae studiosorum, breviter, dilucidè, & succinctè admodum digestus. 1
BX1750 .V2 La verità della chiesa Cattolica Romana : dimostrata, illustrata e difesa da Fr. Antonio Valsecchi. 1
BX1750 +W24 1669 Tractatus generales de controversiis fidei / 1
BX1750 +W24 1670 Tractatus generales. De controversiis fidei. / 1
BX1750 .W24 1768 De controversiis tractatus generales / 1