Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1756 .C78 1867 Sunday readings : a series of short sermons for families / 1
BX1756 .C8 Father Coughlin's radio sermons. 1
BX1756 .C82 1910 Little sermons on the catechism, 1
BX1756.C93 V81 Virtue and vice; Catholic dogma and Christian living. 1
BX1756 .D1 An altar wreath. 1
BX1756 .D2 Opere del Padre Pacifico Deani. 1
BX1756 .D3 Harvard University and historical truth : notes and comments on Professor Emerton's Introduction to the Middle Ages and Medieval Europe / 1
BX1756 .D33 1946 In Him was life; short sermons for Sundays skillfully linked to the mass, 1
BX1756 .D4 Pentecost preaching; twenty-five instructive sermons on the Gospels for the Sundays after Pentecost. 1
BX1756 .D42 The Catholic. Letters addressed by a jurist to a young kinsman proposing to join the Church of Rome. 1
BX1756 .D5 Exhortationes domesticae etiam aliis religiosis perutiles accedit auctarium de solemnioribus festis.
Opere /
BX 1756 D5 4 Exhortationes domesticae etiam aliis religiosis perutiles accedit auctarium de solemnioribus festis. 1
BX1756 .D5 1826 Ioannis Dirckinck e Societate Iesv sacerdotis Exhortationes domesticae etiam aliis religiosis pervtiles : accedit avctarivm de solemnioribvs festis. 1
BX1756 .D5 1913 Exhortationes domesticae etiam aliis religiosis perutiles accedit auctarium de solemnioribus festis. 1
BX1756 .D6 Plain sermons, 1
BX1756 .D61 Discourses from the pulpit : a compilation of sacred and sublime oratory / 1
BX1756 D61 2 Discourses from the pulpit : a compilation of sacred and sublime oratory / 1
BX1756 .D68 Short instructions for low masses; or, The sacraments explained 1
BX1756.D69 D58 Diurnale Concionatorium in Festa ... / 1
BX1756 .D7 Lectures for boys /
Manipulus sacer, concionum moralium,