Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1912.5 .D95 1996 Being priest to one another / 1
BX1912.5 .F34 2011 Faithful in Christ : the ministry and life of the Catholic priest / 1
BX1912.5 .J6313 Sign of contradiction / 1
BX1912.5 .L85 1962 Retreats for priests: according to the method and plan of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. 1
BX1912.5 .L89 1961 Priestly holiness, according to the spirit of Jesus Christ, St. Paul, and Pope Pius XII. 1
BX1912.5 .M379 1991 After some years : reflections on the ministry of the priest / 1
BX1912.5 .P96 Prêtre diocesain : éléments de spiritualité sacerdotale / 1
BX1912.5 .R3813 1987 Journey towards Easter : retreat given in the Vatican in the presence of Pope John Paul II / 1
BX1912.5 .R57 1965 The priestly amen, 1
BX1912.5 .S25 1773 Regula cleri ex sacris litteris, sanctorum patrum monimentis ecclesiasticisque sanctionibus excerpta /
Praeparatio proxima ad mortem ; ad usum clericorum, populo etiam perutilis ; compendiosae regulae cleri, nuper editae, addita, ut sanctam vitam sequatuor & coronet pretiosa mors /
BX1912.5 .S39 1884 Meditationes sacerdotales : clero tum saeculari tum regulari accommodatae. 1
BX1912.5 .S54 1964 The priest is not his own / 1
BX1912.5 .T7 Sanctified in truth. 1
BX1912.5 .W67 1991 Fishers of men : the Second Worldwide Retreat for Priests, September 14 through 18, 1990, Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican City / 1
BX1912.7 .P78 1981 Happiness, issues of emotional living in an age of stress for clergy and religious / 1
BX1912.85 .C46 2012 The charism of priestly celibacy : Biblical, theological, and pastoral reflections / 1
BX1912.85 .S85 2015 Keeping the vow : the untold story of married Catholic priests / 1
BX1912.9 .A28 2023 Abuses in the church / 1
BX1912.9 .A76 2017 Defiant priests : domestic unions, violence, and clerical masculinity in fourteenth-century Catalunya / 1
BX1912.9 .B475 2004 Vows of silence : the abuse of power in the papacy of John Paul II / 1