Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1935 .C6 1927 Codex iuris canonici Pii X pontificis maximi iussu digestus Benedicti papae XV auctoritate promulgatus / 1
BX1935 .C6 1959 Codex iuris canonici : Pii X Pontificis Maximi iussu digestus, Benedicti Papae XV auctoritate promulgatus / 1
BX 1935 C6 1983 Codex iuris canonici / 1
BX1935 .C613 1983 The Code of Canon Law, in English translation / 1
BX1935 .C613 1983 Index Index to the Code of Canon Law in English translation / 1
BX1935 .C613 1983b The code of Canon Law : Latin-English edition / 1
BX1935 .C62 1993 Code of Canon Law annotated : Latin-English edition of the Code of Canon Law and English-language translation of the 5th Spanish-language edition of the commentary / 1
BX1935 .C63 1984 v.1 The new Code and the sacraments : a pastoral guide to the new Code of canon law, on the sacraments, in question and answer form / 1
BX1935 .C63 1984 v.2 The new code, laity and deacons : a pastoral guide to the new Code of canon law, on the laity and deacons in question and answer form / 1
BX1935 .C98 1961 Custom is the best interpreter of laws ; an excerpt / 1
BX1935 .D48 1816 Institutionum canonicarum : libri IV / 1
BX1935 .E21 The Future of canon law. 1
BX1935 .F37 Summa juris constitutionalis ecclesiae / 1
BX1935 .F55 1743 Claudii Fleury presbyteri prioris Argenteliæ ... Institutiones juris ecclesiastici / 1
BX1935 +I9 Decretum d. Ivonis episcopi Carnutensis septem ac decem tomis sive partibus constans. : Scriptum quidem ante annos quadringentos quinquginta, sed antehac nunquam in lucem aeditum, nunc autem primùm diuulgatur cura ac studio Io. Molinaei ... 1
BX1935 .J66 2011 Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England : a Handbook. 1
BX1935 .K3 Prima et praevia jurisprudentiae sacrae principia / 1
BX1935 .K9 1960 Harmony from dissonance; an interpretation of medieval canon law. 1
BX1935 .L2 Institutiones iuris canonici : quibus ius pontificum singulari methodo libris quatuor comprehenditur / 1
BX1935 .L2 1670 Institutiones juris canonici quibus jus pontificium singulari methodo libris quatuor comprehenditur a Joanne Paulo Lancelotto... 1