Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2048.B5 C344 1990 Book of blessings : approved for use in the dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See. 1
BX2048.B5 S3 1907 Benedicenda; rites and ceremonies to be observed in some of the principal functions of the Roman pontifical and the Roman ritual, 1
BX2048.B5 S3 1955 Benedicenda; the rite observed in some of the principal functions of the Roman pontifical and the Roman ritual. 1
BX2048.S5 G2 1873 The sign of the cross in the nineteenth century ; 1
BX2049.A1 K5 1955 Liturgies of the religious orders. 1
BX2049.C2 H4 1956 Methods of prayer in the Directory of the Carmelite reform of Touraine / 1
BX2049.C5 ++P82 1925 Psalterium Davidicum ad usum sacri ordinis Cisterciensis per hebdomadam dispositum : cum canticis, hymnis, suffragiis necnon officio defunctorum, juxta ejusdem ordinis breviarium cumque supplemento ad antiphonalia / 1
BX2049.D6 B7 1944 A history of the Dominican liturgy, 1
BX2049.F7 Z7 2006 Franciscans and liturgical life : let us praise, adore, and give thanks : Washington Theological Union, Symposium papers, 2006. 1
BX2049.F7 Z78 2015eb Liturgy, books, and Franciscan identity in medieval Umbria / 1
BX2049.J4 C66 1873 Compendium praecipuarum caeremoniarum ad usum PP. Societatis Jesu. 1
BX2049.J4 E9 1927 Exsequiarum ordo pro patribus et fratribus : Societatis Jesu. 1
BX2049.J4 E9 1953 Exsequiarum ordo pro patribus et fratribus Societatis Jesu : cum Psalmis secundum novam interpretationem Latinam Pii Papae XII. 1
BX2049.J4 J47 Liber devotionum, ad usum scholasticorum Societatis Jesu, cum appendice ad usum novitiorum provinciae Marylandie-Neo EBoracensis. 1
BX2049.J4 J47 1975 Supplement to the Divine Office for the Society of Jesus. 1
BX2049.T73 +P74 1981 The abbey psalter : the book of Psalms used by the Trappist monks of Genesee Abbey. 1
BX2050.J5 D5 Historia Exercitiorum spiritualium S. P. Ignatii de Loyola, fundatoris Societatis Jesu / 1
BX2050.J5 H26 For Jesuits. 1
BX2055.L7 H2 La ligue des hommes : manuel et recueil de prières / 1
BX2055.S6 S3 1882 Sodality director's manual; or, a collection of instructions for sodalities of the Blessed Virgin/ 1