BX2179.I2 P48 1978
The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius ; exposition and interpretation / |
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BX2179.I2 P6
La religiosa in solitudine : opera, in cui si porge alle monache il modo d'impiegarsi con frutto negli Esercizj spiritualj di S. Ignazio e può anche servire a chiunque brama di riformare con un tal mezzo il proprio stato / |
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BX2179.I2 P6 1948
Manrèse : Les éxercices spirituels de Saint Ignace mis a la portée de tous les fidèles. entie︡rement refondue / |
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BX2179 I2 P6e 1950
Exercices spirituels, selon la méthode de Saint Ignace / |
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BX2179.I2 P7 1889
Commentaire sur les exercices spirituels de Saint-Ingace. |
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BX2179.I2 P76 1947
Perfect obedience; commentary on the letter on obedience of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. |
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BX2179.I2 P78 1993
Person and society in the Ignatian exercises. |
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BX2179.I2 P8
Life in faith and freedom : an essay presenting Gaston Fessard's analysis of the Dialectic of the Spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius / |
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BX2179.I2 P85
Presenting the first week. |
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BX2179.I2 P9 1951
The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius : a new translation based on studies in the language of the autograph / |
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BX2179.I2 P9 1951b
The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius : based on studies in the language of the autograph / |
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BX2179.I2 P92
Prayer in the spiritual exercises / |
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BX2179.I2 +P94
Deus semper maior; Theologie der Exerzitien. |
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BX2179.I2 R1 1956
Notes on the spiritual exercises / |
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BX2179.I2 R1s 1965
Spiritual exercises. |
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BX2179.I2 R6 1948
Arte de santidad : o, Sea meditaciones y pláticas para el tiempo de los Ejercicios Espirituales / |
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BX2179.I2 R7 1838
Exercitia spiritualia S.P. Ignatii de Loyola cum versione literali ex autographo hispanico, notis illustrata. |
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BX2179.I2 R7 1887
Exercitia spiritualia S.P. Ignatii de Loyola : versio litteralis ex autographo Hispanico / |
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BX2179.I2 R8 1937
Ignatian thoughts in sonnet form / |
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BX2179.I2 R9 1855
Die geistlichen Übungen des Hl. Ignatius, |
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