Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2181 .L4 1831 Man's only affair : or, Reflections on the four last things to be remembered / 1
BX2181 .L97 1634 The devout hart or Royal throne of the pacifical Salomon. Composed by F. St. Luzuic S.I. Translated out of Latin into English. Enlarged with incentiue by F. St. Binet of the same S. and now enriched with hymnes by a new hand. 1
BX 2181 .L97 1975 The devout hart, 1634 / 1
BX2181 .P38 1977 A golden treatise of mentall praier, 1632 / 1
BX2181 .P4 Spiritual exercises of a Dominican friar : being ghostly meditations, and a very near way to come to perfection and life contemplative ; very profitable for religious and all other that desire to come to perfect love of God and to the contempt of the world / 1
BX2181 .P4 1977 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditations, 1598 / 1
BX2181 .S67 1973 Two letters and Short rules of a good life. 1
BX2181 .V3 The Mount of Olives, and Primitive holiness set forth in the life of Paulinus, Bishop of Nola. 1
BX2181 .V71 A manuall of devout meditations, 1618 / 1
BX2181 .W5 1961 The monk of Farne : the meditations of a fourteenth century monk / 1
BX2182 .A3 1920 A spiritual retreat / 1
BX2182 .A8 1887 L'art de méditer : réflexions et méthodes d'après Saint Ignace de Loyola / 1
BX2182 .A9 Vita et doctrina Jesu Christi : ex quatuor evangelistis collecta et in meditationum materiam ad singulos totius anni dies distributa / 1
BX 2182 A9 5 Meditations on the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ / 1
BX2182 .A9 1837 Sacerdotalium meditationum sylva : seu, Vita et doctrina Jesu Christi, ex evangeliis collecta et ad meditationum norman redacta / 1
BX2182 .A9 1893 The life and teaching of Jesus Christ : gathered from the four Gospels and arranged for meditation for every day of the year / 1
BX2182 .A9 1961 The life and teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 1
BX2182 .A93 1875a Spiritual conferences on the mysteries of faith and the interior life / 1
BX2182 .A93 1920 Spiritual conferences / 1
BX2182 .B3 Meditations for every day in the year : collected from different spiritual writers / 1