BX3704.Z5 V5 1923
Miles Christi Iesu : le sommaire des Constitutions médité / |
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BX3704.Z5 V513 1951
Miles Christi Jesu : meditations on the Summary of the Constitutions / |
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BX3704.4 .P73 1846
Praepositor. generalium selectae epistolae et documenta ad superiores. |
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BX3704.4 .P73 1877
Praepositorum generalium selectae epistolae et documenta ad superiores. |
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BX3704.5 .M67 2014
Early modern Jesuits between obedience and conscience during the generalate of Claudio Acquaviva (1581-1615) / |
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BX3704.5 .M67 2014eb
Early modern Jesuits between obedience and conscience during the generalate of Claudio Acquaviva (1581-1615) / |
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BX3704.5 .O43 2016
The Jesuits and the popes : a historical sketch of their relationship / |
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BX3704.5 .T75 1994
Faith beyond justice : widening the perspective / |
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BX3704.6 .E5 1934
Elenchus eorum quae a superioribus localibus praestanda sunt : ad usum nostrorum tantum. |
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Étienne Pasquier, The Jesuits' catechism or their doctrine examined (1602) / |
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BX3705.A2 C1
La morale pratique des Jesuites, |
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BX3705.A2 C34 1635
Pacificvm Certamen : sev, in R.P. Ivlii Nigroni Genvensis ... oposculum Posthumum. Continens Dispvtationem de S. Ignatio Loyola, et de B. Caietano Animadversiones / |
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BX3705.A2 D68
Ignatius his conclave; |
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BX3705.A2 I3
La monarchie des solipses / |
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BX3705.A2 I3 1648
Caeli[i] Secundi Curionio Pasquillus ecstaticus : cui accedit Pasquillus theologaster. Tractatus utilissimus ac jucundissimus. D. Ruardi Tappart, Enchusani, hæreticæ pravitatis primi & postremi per Belgium inquisitoris, Cancellarii Academiæ Lovaniensis, Apotheosis. Lvcii Cornelii Europæi Monarchia solipsorum : ad virum clarissimum Leonem Allativm. Cui nuperrimè accessit Clavis onomastica. Isaaci Peyerii Epistola ad Philotimum : qua exponit rationes propter quas ejuraverit sectam Calvini quam profitebatur, & librum de prae-Adamitis quem ediderat. |
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BX3705.A2 O9 1629
Speculum Jesuiticum, or, The Iesuites looking-glasse : wherein they may behold Ignatius ... together with a true catalogue of all their colledges, profess'd houses, houses of approbation, seminaries, and houses of residence in all parts of the world ... which may serue as a fore-warning for England, to chase away in time, this trayterous and insociable societie, or disordered Iesuiticall Order / |
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BX3705.A2 P22
A parallel of the doctrine of the pagans with the doctrine of the Jesuits : and that of the constitution Unigenitus issued by Pope Clement XI. Divided into several chapters and sections, shewing the contrary sentiments of the pagans and Jesuits, concerning: I) The knowledge and love of God and justice, II) The worship due to God, and the love due to our neighbor, III) Sins of ignorance, and wilful or premeditated sins, IV) Precipitant absolutions, V) The servile fear of God, VI) Vain swearing ... [Title continued in note]. |
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BX3705.A2 P37 1975
The Iesuites catechisme / |
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BX3705.A2 P39613 2005
The wily Jesuits and the Monita secreta : the forged Secret instructions of the Jesuits, myth and reality / |
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BX3705.A2 S45 1761
Sentimenti di alcuni teologi sul caso esposto nelle Curie Arcivescovili di Ferrara e di Udine se sia lecito leggere, o dar a leggere i libri pubblicati sulle presenti materie contro i religiosi della Compagnia di Gesù. Editto pubblicato dalla Santa Generale Inquisizione di Spagna col quale si ordina toglier dall'espurgatorio la nota di proibizione appostavi per altri editti del 1700. 1707. 1747. e 1759. dalla detta Inquisizione di alcune lettere, memorie, e scritti dell'Illustrissimo, e Venerabile Servo di Dio D. Giovanni di Palafox e Mendoza Vescovo di Angelopoli. |
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