Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4700.A6 P9 1903 Conferences on St. Anthony of Padua / 1
BX4700.A6 P98 1960 Saint Anthony and his times. 1
BX4700.A6 R5 Life of St. Anthony of Padua. 1
BX4700.A6 +R7 1931 Santo António de Lisboa (história, tradiçāo e lenda). 1
BX4700.A6 S5 St. Anthony's messenger. 1
BX4700.A6 S8 1896 The wonder-worker of Padua, 1
BX4700.A6 W2 Saint Anthony, the saint of the whole world. 1
BX4700.A6 W8 1911 Saint Antony of Padua : the miracle worker (1195-1231) 1
BX4700.A62 W2 1950 Saint Anthony of Egypt. 1
BX4700.A63 J3 S. Antonino and mediaeval economics. 1
BX4700.A63 P6 1603 Insignium gestorum S. Antonini martyris Placentiae tutelaris, aliorumque sanctorum , quorum sacra pignora in eiusdem divi martyris ... series breuiter descripta, ex veteribas monumentis deprompta / 1
BX4700.A635 C5 Le bienheureux Antonio Baldinucci de la Compagnie de Jésus / 1
BX4700.A635 G1 Vita del P. Antonio Baldinucci della Compagnia di Giesù missionario / 1
BX4700.A635 G6 The life of the Blessed Antony Baldinucci / 1
BX4700.A635 V2 Vita del Beato Antonio Baldinucci : sacerdote professo della Compagnia di Gesù / 1
BX4700.A6351 C53 The modern apostle : Blessed Anthony M. Claret, archishop and founder / 1
BX4700.A6351 R8 1957 Saint Anthony Claret, modern prophet and healer. 1
BX4700.A6351 S2 1948 The assignments of Antonio Claret / 1
BX4700.A9 A3 S. Auiti Archiepiscopi Viennensis Opera : edita nunc primùm instaurata / 1
BX4700 A92 B8 3 St. Augustin de Canterbury et ses compagnons par le R.P. Brou ... 1