Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4700.S7 C6 The story of St. Stanislaus Kostka / 1
BX4700.S7 G6 The story of St. Stanislaus Kostka of the Society of Jesus / 1
BX4700.S7 K1 For greater things; the story of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, 1
BX4700.S7 O7 La vie de S. Stanislas Kostka : novice de la Compagnie de Jesus / 1
BX4700.S7 T4 The life of St. Stanislaus Kotska, of the Company of Jesus. 1
BX4700.S8 D1 Life of St. Stephen Harding : abbot of Citeaux and founder of the Cistercian order / 1
BX4700.S82 H8 Saint Etienne : roi apostolique de Hongrie / 1
BX4700.T1 +M5 Tharsicius martyr : mystère lyrique en six tableaux / 1
BX4700.T3 B3 Basilii Selevciae in Isavria episcopi De vita ac miraculis D. Theclae virginis martyris iconiensis libri dvo. Simeonis Metaphrastae ... de cadem martyre Fractatus singularis. Petrvs Pantinvs ... è tenebris nunc primum eruit, latinè vertit, notisque illustrauit. 1
BX4700.T3 R2 1944 St. Theodore of Canterbury / 1
BX4700.T4 Teresa of Avila, the Holy Spirit, and the Place of Salvation 1
BX4700 .T4 1964 Obras completas / 1
BX4700.T4 A2 1944 The life of St. Teresa of Jesus : of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel / 1
BX 4700 T4 A2 1974 The lyf of the Mother Teresa of Jesus, 1
BX4700.T4A2 2000 Carmel Interpreting Great Trad (e). 1
BX4700.T4 A23 1775 L'esprit de Sainte Therese, recueilli de ses oeuvres et de ses lettres, avec ses opuscules ... 1
BX4700.T4 A23 1857 Vie de Sainte Térèse / 1
BX4700.T4 .A258 2018 Prier 15 jours avec Therese d'Avila : Un livre pratique et accessible. 1
BX4700.T4 A3 1865 Life of Saint Teresa / 1
BX4700.T4 A3 1995 The autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila / 1