Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX821 .L2 A manual of councils of the Holy Catholic Church / 1
BX 821 + M43 The Councils / 1
BX821. M43 1961 The Councils / 1
BX821 .M66 1878 Concile et jubilé : avent 1869 / 1
BX821 .M9 1960 The general councils of the church. 1
BX821 .R333 2012 The Twenty Ecemenical Councils of the Church 1
BX822 .C36 Acta et symbola conciliorum quae saeculo quarto habita sunt, 1
BX822 .C66 1997 Conciliarism and papalism / 1
BX822 .C74 1962 Conciliorum oecumenicorum decreta / 1
BX822 .P15 1962 Petite histoire des grands conciles / 1
BX822 .R86 Le Concile et les conciles; contribution à l'histoire de la vie conciliaire de l'Église 1
BX822 .S27 Bibliographia synodorum particularium. 1
BX823 .K45 2009 The ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church : a history / 1
BX825 +A1618 Concilia generalia et provincialia, Graeca et Latina, quotquot reperiri potuerunt : item, epistolae decretales et Romanor. Pontific. vitae. 1
BX825 .A1990 Decrees of the ecumenical councils / 1
BX825 +C36 Collectio Lacensis; sive, Acta en decreta sacrorum conciliorum recentiorum. 1
BX825 .H413 The Pope and the world; an illustrated history of the Ecumenical Councils. 1
BX825 .J4 1960 Ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church; an historical outline. 1
BX825 .R1 1937 The twenty ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church, 1
BX825 .S3 1937 Disciplinary decrees of the general councils, text, translation, and commentary, 1