Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX825 .H413 The Pope and the world; an illustrated history of the Ecumenical Councils. 1
BX825 .J4 1960 Ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church; an historical outline. 1
BX825 .R1 1937 The twenty ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church, 1
BX825 .S3 1937 Disciplinary decrees of the general councils, text, translation, and commentary, 1
BX825 .W3 1960 The church in council. 1
BX826.E5 M3 The book of the Gospels at the oecumenical councils. 1
BX830 Ecumenical Potential of the Second Vatican Council. 1
BX830 1179 .S86 2019 The canons of the Third Lateran Council of 1179 : their origins and reception / 1
BX 830 1311 D95 Tractatus de modo generalis concilii celebrandi / 1
BX830 1414 The Council of Constance the unification of the church / 1
BX830 1414 .G47 Constance et Bâle-Florence. 1
BX830 1431 A companion to the Council of Basel / 1
BX 830 1431 P69 De gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorum: libri II; 1
BX830 1431 .P69 1823 Pius II. Pont. Max. a calumniis vindicatus ternis retractationibus eius quibus dicta et scripta : pro Consilio Basileensi contra Eugenium PP. IV eiuravit.
Nuove osservazioni dell'avvocato d. Carlo Fea ... sopra la Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri : specialmente su ciò che desso ha scritto ivi e altrove riguardo all'impero romano, lette in compendio nell'Accademia archeologica il 19. e 26. novembre 1829.
BX830 1438 +A2 Concilium Florentinum documenta et scriptores. 1
BX830 1438 +A2 Ser.A v.1 pt.1 Epistolae pontificiae ad Concilium florentinum spectantes / 1
BX830 1438 +A2 Ser.A v.3 pt.1 Acta Camerae apostolicae et civitatum Venetiarum, Ferrariae, Florentiae, Ianuae, de Concilio Florentino. 1
BX830 1438 +A2 Ser.B v.5 pt. 1-2 Quae supersunt actorum Graecorum Concilii Florentini necnon descriptionis cuiusdam eiusdem. 1
BX830 1438 +A2 Ser.B v.6 Acta Latina Concilii Florentini, 1
BX830 1438 G4 The Council of Florence. 1