Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX835 1849 .A3 Concilium Baltimorense Provinciale VII habitum anno 1849. 1
BX835 1852 .A3 Concilium plenarium totius Americae Septentrionalis Foederatae, Baltimori habitum anno 1852. 1
BX835 1866 Decreta conciliorum provincialium et plenarii Baltimorensium, pro majori cleri Americani commoditate simul collecta.
Concilii plenarii Baltimorensis II. : in ecclesia metropolitana Baltimorensi, a die vii. ad diem xxi. octobris, A.D., MDCCCLXVI., habiti, et a Sede apostolica recogniti, acta et decreta.
BX835 1866 .A3 Concilii plenarii Baltimorensis II. : in ecclesia metropolitana Baltimorensi, a die VII. ad diem XXI. octobris, A.D., MDCCCLXVI., habiti, et a sede apostolica recogniti, decreta / 1
BX 835 1866 S6 Notes on the Second plenary council of Baltimore. 1
BX835 1884 Acta et decreta Concilii plenarii Baltimorensis tertii. A.D. MDCCCLXXXIV. 1
BX 835 1884 H6 A History of the 3d Plenary Council of Baltimore : Nov. 9 - Dec. 7, 1884. 1
BX835 1884 .N7 Commentaria in Concilium Plenarium Baltimorense tertium ex praelectionibus academicis / 1
BX835 1884 .P2 Pastoral letter of the archbishops and bishops of the United States : assembled in the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, to the clergy and laity of their charge. 1
BX835 1884 .P2 1885 Pastoral Letter of the Archbishops and Bishops of the United States : assembled in the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, to the Clergy and Laity of Their Charge. 1
BX837 .R65 1726 Concilium Romanum in sacrosancta Lateranensi Basilica celebratum, anno universalis jubilæi MDCCXXV, a ... Benedicto Papa XIII, pontificatûs sui anno primo. 1
BX837.5 .C68 1986 John Paul II and the battle for Vatican II : report from the synod / 1
BX837.5 .E65 1989 Episcopal conferences : historical, canonical, and theological studies / 1
BX837.5 .H42 1986 Synod Extraordinary : the inside story of the Rome Synod, November-December 1985 / 1
BX837.5 .S96 1986 Synod 1985, an evaluation / 1
BX838 .B35 1863 Synodus Diocesana Baltimorensis, Mense Maii 1863 Habita ... 1
BX838 .P13 The diocesan pastoral council. 1
BX839.B1 A5 Official report of the proceedings of the Catholic Congress, held at Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11th and 12th, 1889. 1
BX839.C5 C5 1893 The World's Columbian Catholic Congresses and educational exhibit : ... embracing official proceedings of all the Chicago Catholic Congresses of 1893 ... : Catholic Education Day at World's Columbian Exposition. 1
BX839.C7 A9 Augustinus magister. 1