Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX885 .W6 The consolations of Catholicism. 1
BX890 The Crucified : Contemporary Passion Plays in Poland / 1
BX890 1939 .C5 The Pope speaks; the teachings of Pope Pius XII. 1
BX890 .A2 1902 Orations of Henry Austin Adams; 1
BX890 .B3 Catholicism and papacy : some Anglican and Russian difficulties / 1
BX 890 B3e 3 Études d'histoire et de théologie positive. 1
BX890 .B3813 2016 Controversies of the Christian faith / 1
BX890 .B4 1931 Essays of a Catholic. 1
BX890.B45 S6 1991 The spiritual teachings of Bernard of Clairvaux : an intellectual history of the early Cistercian order / 1
BX890 .B5 Discourses and essays / 1
BX890 .B6 1940 Saint Bonaventure's De reductione artium ad theologiam; a commentary with an introd. and translation by Sister Emma Thérèse Healy. 1
BX 890 B6i B7 1964 Introduction to the works of Bonaventure. 1
BX890 +B6o 1619 Opvscvlorvm tomvs primvs, complectens primam, et secvndam partem eorvmdem : Nunc primùm in gallia, post correctiss. Romanam Vaticanam editionem, impressus. Indices in fine tomi secundi reperiuntur. 1
BX 890 B6w The works of Bonaventure: cardinal, seraphic doctor, and saint. 1
BX890 .B6w 1955 The works of Saint Bonaventure: 1
BX890 .B6613 2005eb Breviloquium / 1
BX890 .B6731313 1978 Bonaventure / 1
BX890 .B7 Œuvres de Bourdaloue ... 1
BX890 .B7 1812 Oeuvres complètes de Bourdaloue, de la compagnie de Jesus. 1
BX890 .B8 1910 Watchwords from Dr. Brownson : chosen and edited / 1