Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX980 +A5 Anastasii Bibliothecarii De vitis Romanorum pontificum a B. Petro apostolo ad Nicolaum I : adjectis vitis Hadriani II et Stephani VI : auctuve Guillelmo Bibliothecario sus auspiciis Santissimi Domini Nistvi Clementis XII. 1
BX980 .B3 Primitive Catholicism, 1
BX980 .B4 Origins of the Catholic Church / 1
BX980 .D7 Les apôtres; ou, Histoire de l'église primitive / 1
BX980 .M2 Triumph of the Catholic Church in the early ages. 1
BX980 .M26 1860 Triumph of the Catholic Church in the early ages / 1
BX980 .M9 A history of the Catholic church of Jesus Christ : from the death of Saint John to the middle of the second century / 1
BX980 .N5 1857 The church of the fathers / 1
BX980 .T3 The church and the gentile world at the first promulgation of the gospel. Considerations on the catholicity of the church soon after her birth. 1
BX1004 .M9 Saint Clement, pope and martyr, and his basilica in Rome / 1
BX1004 .M9 1873 Saint Clement, Pope and martyr, and his basilica in Rome / 1
BX1004 .S6 The Clementine homilies.
The apostolical constitutions /
BX1036 .H5 1958 The Canons of the Council of Sardica, A.D. 343; a landmark in the early development of Canon law. 1
BX1039 .O5 2004 On the communion of Damasus and Meletius : fourth-century synodal formulae in the Codex Veronensis LX / 1
BX1047 1583 Opera D. Leonis Magni, Romani Pontificis, eius nominis Primi : per canonicos regulares Sancti Martini oppidi & Universitatis Lovaniensis ex manuscriptis codicibus emendata : cum indicibus novis. 1
BX1047 .H1 1939 The style of Pope St. Leo the Great ... 1
BX1047 .M3 1943 The vocabulary of Pope St. Leo the Great / 1
BX1047 .S5 1964 Sermons / 1
BX1047 .W47 2008eb Leo the Great and the spiritual rebuilding of a universal Rome / 1
BX1051 .B1 1945 The syntax of the letters of Pope Gelasius I, 1