Call Number (LC) Title Results
CN675.A85 D55 Epigrafía romana de Asturias. 1
CN675.B25 V47 Corpus de las inscripciones baleáricas hasta la dominación árabe. 1
CN675.B25 V47 1972 Corpus of Balearic inscriptions up to the Arab conquest. 1
CN675.B84 A2 Epigrafía romana de la regíon de Lara de los Infantes / 1
CN690 .F82 1999 Croatian Glagolitic epigraphy / 1
CN730.T8 +B55 Mustitana; recueil des nouvelles inscriptions de Mustis, cité romaine de Tunisie. 1
CN745 .C67 2010 Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae / 1
CN745 .F89 1975 Corpus of Jewish inscriptions : Jewish inscriptions from the third century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. / 1
CN745 .N68 1993 Jewish inscriptions of Western Europe / 1
CN750 .M38 Epigrafia cristiana : trattato elementare con una silloge di antiche iscrizioni cristiane principalmente di Roma / 1
CN753.I85 K13 Onomastic studies in the early Christian inscriptions of Rome and Carthage. 1
CN753.I85 N32 Trío de estelas / 1
CN753.S7 V8 1942 Inscripciones cristianas de la España romana y visigoda / 1
CN960 .O41 Hand-list of Anglo-Saxon non-runic inscriptions. 1
CN1060 .C482 2012 Taĭnopisʹ dokhristianskikh ikon / 1
CN1063.N6 Voices on birchbark : everyday communication in medieval Russia /
Old Russian birchbark letters : a pragmatic approach /
CN1063.N6 A7 Novgorodskie gramoty na bereste / 1
CN1150.S25 1998 CN1150 CN1150 .S25 1998eb Indian Epigraphy : a Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the other Indo-Aryan Languages. 1
CN1153 Epigraphy and Islamic Culture : Inscriptions of the Early Muslim Rulers of Bengal (1205-1494). 1
CN1230.T55 I57 2010eb Tibetan inscriptions : proceedings of a panel held at the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 2010 / 1