Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC256.8 .S75 1987 The French generation of 1820 / 1
DC256.8 .S76 Old hatreds and young hopes; the French Carbonari against the Bourbon Restoration 1
DC257 .I3 La cour de Louis XVIII / 1
DC257 .L9 Louis XVIII. 1
DC257 .S2 Louis XVIII. 1
DC258 .D3 Une girafe pour le roi / 1
DC258 .I3 Le cour de Charles X. 1
DC259 .B36 Charles X of France: his life and times 1
DC260.B5 I3 La duchesse de Berry et la cour de Charles X. 1
DC260.B5 I3 1893 La duchesse de Berry en Vendée : á Nantes et á Blaye. 1
DC260.B5 I3d The Duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830. 1
DC260.M3 A3 1984 Souvenirs des deux Restaurations : journal inédit / 1
DC261 .C9 Review, historical and political, of the late revolution in France, and of the consequent events in Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, and other parts of Europe/ 1
DC261 .E9 Events in Paris, during the 26, 27, 28 and 29 of July, 1830, 1
DC261 .M465 2015eb L'hotel-dieu de paris en juillet et en aout 1830 : histoire de ce qui s'est passe dans cet hopital pendant et apres les trois grandes journees. 1
DC261 .P56 The French revolution of 1830, 1
DC261 .P56 1972 The French revolution of 1830 / 1
DC262 .E35 1830 in France / 1
DC266 .B63 The history of ten years, 1830-1840. 1
DC266.5 .B47 1984 Populist religion and left-wing politics in France, 1830-1852 / 1