Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK441 .S9p 1945 Poland; here is the record, an American's view, 1
DK441 +U5 1960 Directory of Polish officials; 1
DK443 .B56 Gomułka: his Poland, his communism, 1
DK443 .H67 1963 Poland, bridge for the abyss? 1
DK443 .K38 Area handbook for Poland. 1
DK443 .K38 1983 Poland, a country study / 1
DK443 .W413 1973 At the Red summit; interpreter behind the Iron Curtain. 1
DK443.6 .R33 Political opposition in Poland, 1954-1977 / 1
DK450 + B7 1938 Finland - United States, 1938. 1
DK450 .D5 Finland as it is, 1
DK450 .S87 Finland forever, 1
DK450 .W1 A summer tour in Finland, 1
DK450.9 .S5 The athletic Finn : some reasons why the Finns excel in athletics. 1
DK459.3 .P11 The victors in World War I and Findland. 1
DK459.45 .L9 1957 Finland in the Second World War. 1
DK500.F67 B76 2004 A biography of no place : from ethnic borderland to Soviet heartland / 1
DK500.F67 B76 2004eb A biography of no place : from ethnic borderland to Soviet heartland / 1
DK500.L57 S4513 2015 Livonia, Rus' and the Baltic Crusades in the thirteenth century / 1
DK501.5 .M38 1998eb Red Arctic : polar exploration and the myth of the north in the Soviet Union, 1932-1939 / 1
DK502.35 Baltic Region -- the region of cooperation / 1