Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.P62 W32 La cité engloutie (souvenirs du ghetto de Varsovie) 1
DS135.P62 W3213 1993 The vanished city / 1
DS135.P62 W32413 1979 On both sides of the wall : memoirs from the Warsaw ghetto / 1
DS135.P62 W3265 2002 Secret city : the hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945 / 1
DS135.P62 W3313 1974 Notes from the Warsaw ghetto; the journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum. 1
DS135.P62 W3313 2006 Notes from the Warsaw ghetto : the journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum / 1
DS135.P62 W3355 1992 Courage under siege : starvation, disease, and death in the Warsaw ghetto / 1
DS135.P62 W33613 1994 Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto fighter : the past within me / 1
DS135.P62 W336313 1994 The final station : Umschlagplatz / 1
DS135.P62 W342 1999 The Warsaw Ghetto / 1
DS135.P62 W348 1997 The Warsaw ghetto diaries / 1
DS135.P62 W364 1981 There is always time to die / 1
DS135.P62 W364 1995 Will to live : one family's story of surviving the Holocaust / 2
DS135.P62 W3743 1986 To live with honor and die with honor!-- : selected documents from the Warsaw Ghetto Underground Archives "O.S." ("Oneg Shabbath") / 1
DS135.P62 +W387 1987 The Warsaw ghetto : the 45th anniversary of the uprising / 1
DS135.P62 +W39 1984 The Warsaw ghetto in photographs : 206 views made in 1941 / 1
DS135.P62 W39 1990 Powstanie sierpniowe / 1
DS135.P62 W42 2005 The cigarette sellers of Three Crosses Square / 1
DS135.P62 W613 1991 The last Jew from Wegrow : the memoirs of a survivor of the step-by-step genocide in Poland / 1
DS135.P63 The narrow bridge : beyond the Holocaust /
A Match Made in Hell : the Jewish Boy and the Polish Outlaw Who Defied the Nazis.
Saved to remember : Raoul Wallenberg, Budapest 1944 and after /