Call Number (LC) Title Results
E816 .K44 1952ev Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-TN). 1
E816 .K46 1952ev Rep. John F. Kennedy (D-MA). 1
E816 .K83 1955ev Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (R-CA). 1
E816 .L64 1952ev Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R-MA). 1
E816 .M35 1952ev Theodore R. McKeldin (1952). 1
E816 .R47 1951ev Rep. Clarence J. Brown (R-OH).
Rep. Christian A. Herter (R-MA).
E816 .R47 1952ev Rep. Hugh D. Scott, Jr. (R-PA) (1951).
Rep. Frederic R. Coudert, Jr. (R-NY) (Aug. 1952).
E816 .R8 1956 The Eisenhower years; affairs of state. 1
E816 .S36 1952ev Scott W. Lucas. 1
E816 .S63 1951ev Sen. George A. Smathers (D-FL) (1951). 1
E816 .S8 1953 Major campaign speeches of Adlai E. Stevenson, 1952. 1
E816 .T24 1952ev Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-OH). 1
E835 The A to Z of the Eisenhower Era.
Eisenhower et l'État Providence : un héros de guerre à la Maison-Blanche /
Eisenhower's Sputnik moment : the race for space and world prestige /
The Eisenhower Presidency : Lessons for the Twenty-First Century /
E835 .A2 1961 Firsthand report; the story of the Eisenhower administration. 1
E835 .A495 1975 Holding the line : the Eisenhower era, 1952-1961 / 1
E835 .A495 1976 Holding the line : the Eisenhower era, 1952-1961 / 1
E835 .A5 1960 Whither American foreign policy? 1
E835 .A72 1991 Trapped by success : the Eisenhower administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961 / 1
E835 .B33 The radical right. The new American right, expanded and updated. 1
E835 .B47 1962 Cross fire; the eight years with Eisenhower. 1