Call Number (LC) Title Results
E856 .B83 2017 Nixon's White House wars : the battles that made and broke a president and divided America forever / 1
E856 .C384 2015 Le scandale du Watergate : L'affaire qui a fait tomber Nixon / 1
E856 .C75 1998 Nixon in winter : the final revelations / 1
E856 .C76 1996 Nixon off the record / 1
E856 .D35 2007 Nixon and Kissinger : partners in power / 1
E856 .D4 One man alone: Richard Nixon. 1
E856 .F37 2017 Richard Nixon : the life / 1
E856 .F435 2004 Nixon at the movies : a book about belief / 1
E856 .F45 2010 Poisoning the press : Richard Nixon, Jack Anderson, and the rise of Washington's scandal culture / 1
E856 .F75 2008 Reinventing Richard Nixon : a cultural history of an American obsession / 1
E856 .F76 1990 From the President : Richard Nixon's secret files / 1
E856 .F85 1994ev The funeral service of President Richard Nixon at the Nixon Presidential Library & Birthplace in Yorba Linda, California / 1
E856 .G45 1999 The contender, Richard Nixon : the Congress years, 1946-1952 / 1
E856 .G45 2017 The contender : Richard Nixon, the Congress years, 1946-1952 / 1
E856 .H64 1994 Nixon reconsidered / 1
E856 +I44 1969 The Inaugural story, 1789-1969. 1
E856 .K67 1995 The President and I : Richard Nixon's rabbi reveals his role in the saga that traumatized the nation / 1
E856 .M47 In search of Nixon; a psychohistorical inquiry. 1
E856 .M67 1990 Richard Milhous Nixon : the rise of an American politician / 1
E856.N73 A3 RN, the memoirs of Richard Nixon. 1