LCC'ye Göre Listele Materyal Adı Sonuçlar
F866.2 .P8 1971 Governmental response to the California earthquake disaster of February 1971. Hearings, Ninety-second Congress, first session. June 10, 11, and 12, 1971. 1
F866.2.R39 E3 Reagan; a political biography. 1
F866.2.R39 V65 Sincerely, Ronald Reagan / 1
F866.2 .S39 1998 Triumph of the right : the rise of the California conservative movement, 1945-1966 / 1
F866.2 +W48 2004 What's going on? : California and the Vietnam era / 1
F866.4 .B75 R37 2004 California Rising : the Life and Times of Pat Brown. 1
F866.4.H42 A34 1982b Every secret thing / 1
F866.4.H42 G73 2015 Patty's got a gun : Patricia Hearst in 1970s America / 1
F866.4.R43 W4 Reagan, in pursuit of the Presidency, 1980 / 1
F867 Aztlán and Arcadia : religion, ethnicity, and the creation of place /
Thrown among strangers : the making of Mexican culture in Frontier California /
F867 .A45 1997 The ethnic quilt : population diversity in Southern California / 1
F867 .C62 The cattle on a thousand hills. 1
F867 .C79 2010 The frontier of leisure : Southern California and the shaping of modern America / 1
F867.L89 J5813 1997 Hollywood Haven : homes and haunts of the European émigrés and exiles in Los Angeles / 1
F867 .M1 1946 Southern California country, an island on the land, 1
F867 .M69 1990 Thrown among strangers : the making of Mexican culture in Frontier California / 1
F867 .P74 2003eb Postborder city : cultural spaces of Bajalta California / 1
F867.R7 R7 1959 L.J. Rose of Sunny Slope, 1827-1899, California pioneer, fruit grower, wine maker, horse breeder. 1
F867 .S1 A truthful woman in southern California; 1
F867 .S8 1985 Inventing the dream : California through the Progressive Era / 1