Call Number (LC) Title Results
HB1.A2 La larga cola / 1
HB1.A2 C66 2020 Comparative economic studies in Europe : a thirty year review / 1
HB1 .A5 1887 ...Two chapters on the mediæval guilds of England.
Historical sketch of the finances of Pennsylvania.
Three phases of cooperation in the West.
HB1 .A5 1888 Statistics and economics. An outline of statistical science, with especial reference to the use of statistics in political economy and social science.
Capital and its earnings.
The stability of prices;
HB1 .A5 1889 Socialism in England.
Road legislation for the American state.
HB1 .A5 1890 The canal and the railway;
The educational value of political economy,
The industrial transition in Japan,
History of the New York property tax. An introduction to the history of state and local finance in New York.
HB1 .A5 1891 Municipal ownership of gas in the United States.
I. Government forestry abroad,
State railroad commissions, and how they may be made effective.
HB1 .A5 1892 Sinking funds.
The reciprocity treaty with Canada of 1854 /
The silver situation in the United States /
HB1 .A5 1893 Public assistance of the poor in France.
The first stages of the tariff policy of the United States,
The housing of the poor in American cities. The prize essay of the American Economic Association for 1892.
HB1 .A5 1894 Progressive taxation in theory and practice. 1
HB1 .A5 1895 Letters of David Ricardo to John Ramsay McCulloch, 1816-1823.
Poor-laws of Massachusetts and New York, with appendices containing the United States immigration and contract-labor laws; by John Cummings.
The Canadian banking system, 1817-1890;
HB1 .A5 1899 The federal census; critical essays by members of the American economic association, 1
HB1 .A5 1900 Currency and banking in the province of the Massachusetts-Bay,
The end of villainage in England.
HB1 .A5 1901 The theory of value before Adam Smith.
A comparative study of the administration of city finances in the United States, with special reference to the budget,
HB1 .A5 1902 The negro in Africa and America,
Rent in modern economic theory: an essay in distribution.
A history of taxation in New Hampshire,
HB1 .A5 1903 Ethnic factors in the population of Boston
The income tax in the commonwealths of the United States,
The history of contract labor in the Hawaiian Islands.
HB1 .A5 1904 The influence of farm machinery on production and labor.
Monopolistic combinations in the German coal industry,
HB1 .A5 1905 The factory legislation of the state of New York,
History of shipping subsidies,
HB1 .A5 1906 Railroad rate control in its legal aspects; a study of the effect of judicial decisions upon public regulation of railroad rates.
On collective phenomena and the scientific value of statistical data,
The taxation of the gross receipts of railways in Wisconsin, by Guy Edward Snider.
HB1 .A5 1907 Historical sketch of the finances and financial policy of Massachusetts from 1780 to 1905,
The growth of large fortunes; a study of economic causes affecting the acquistion and distribution of property.
The labor legislation of Connecticut,