HB881 .C53
Population and world politics, |
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HB881 .C87
Demography, |
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HB881 .C87 1976
Demography / |
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HB881 +D7
Historical demography : problems and projects / |
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HB881 .E23 1967
Population growth and the brain drain; |
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HB881 .F74
Population Ahead. |
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HB881 .F8 1958
The population ahead. |
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HB881 .F85 1964
Population: the vital revolution. |
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HB881 .G34 1956
A report on world population migrations as related to the United States of America; an exploratory survey of past studies and researches on world population migration with the view of evaluating areas already covered and outlining areas which warrant development. |
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HB881 .G54 1965
Population in history; essays in historical demography. |
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HB881 .H45
Readings on population |
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HB881 .H57 1956
The crisis in world population; a sociological examination, with special reference to the underdeveloped areas. |
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HB881 .H74
Historical demography, |
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HB881 .K15
Population studies; selected essays and research, |
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HB881 .K15 1975
Population studies; selected essays and research, |
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HB881 .K45
Overpopulation; a Catholic view. |
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HB881 .M6 1944
Demographic studies of selected areas of rapid growth; proceedings of the round table on population problems, twenty-second annual conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, April 12-13, 1944. |
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HB881 .N17
Population and society; a textbook of readings, |
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HB881 .O37
Population control and economic development. |
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HB881 .O58
On population; three essays |
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