HD4966.P882 U54
The regulatory process and labor earnings / |
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HD4966.R1 B9 1941
Wages and labor relations in the railroad industry, 1900-1941, an historical survey and summary of results. |
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HD4966.R1 B9 1947
Railroad wages and labor relations, 1900-1946, an historical survey and summary of results. |
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HD4966.R1 B9 1953
Railroad wages and labor relations, 1900-1952; an historical survey and summary of results, |
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HD4966.R1 W6r 1946
Report of A. F. Whitney, president, Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, on railroad rules-wage movement, United States, 1944-45-46. |
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HD4966.S8 B1 1949
Economics of a fourth round wage increase, answer to the Nathan report. |
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Working toward Better Pay : Earnings Dynamics in Ghana and Tanzania / |
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HD4974 .F3 1938
How to operate under the wage-hour law, |
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HD4974 .N5 1941
The Federal wage and hour law (the Fair labor standards act of 1938) Questions and answers. A manual for executives, department heads and supervisors, |
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HD4975 .A5
Russia today / |
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HD4975 .B1w 1959
Wage determination; an analysis of wage criteria. |
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HD4975 .B63 2009
Wage theft in America : why millions of working Americans are not getting paid--and what we can do about it / |
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HD4975 .B8
Earnings of factory workers, 1899 to 1927. An analysis of pay-roll statistics, |
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HD4975 .C7
The wages of unskilled labor in manufacturing industries in the United States, 1890-1924, |
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HD4975 .D57 1952ev
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-IL). |
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HD4975 .D7 1930
Real wages in the United States, 1890-1926. |
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HD4975 .F52 1999
Growing apart : the causes and consequence of global wage inequality / |
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HD4975 .F54 2005eb
Living wages, equal wages : gender and labor market policies in the United States / |
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HD4975 .F87 1990
A Future of lousy jobs? : the changing structure of U.S. wages / |
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HD4975 .G553 1999
A living wage : American workers and the making of consumer society / |
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