Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9135 .C5 1996 The cigarette papers / 1
HD9135 .H34 2011 Making tobacco bright : creating an American commodity, 1617-1937 / 1
HD 9135 + H45 Smoking, tobacco, and health 1
HD9135 .H55 1996 Smokescreen : the truth behind the tobacco industry cover-up / 1
HD9135 .W47 1984 A smoking gun : how the tobacco industry gets away with murder / 1
HD9135 .W48 1988 Merchants of death : the American tobacco industry / 1
HD9136 .R43 2001eb Regulating tobacco / 1
HD9136 .V57 2002eb Smoke-filled rooms : a postmortem on the tobacco deal / 1
HD9137.K4 A98 2009eb Tobacco and Kentucky / 1
HD9137.K4 C36 2005eb The politics of despair : power and resistance in the Tobacco Wars / 1
HD9137.M3 M34 1982 Tobacco colony : life in early Maryland, 1650-1720 / 1
HD 9139 A5 + A5 1954 "Sold American!" The first fifty years [1904-1954. 1
HD 9139 L8 + A3 1960 Lorillard and tobacco; 200th anniversary, P. Lorillard Company, 1760-1960. 1
HD9139.U63 D85 2015 Tobacco merchant : the story of Universal Leaf Tobacco Company / 1
HD 9141.5 + P94 The tobacco adventure to Russia; enterprise, politics, and diplomacy in the quest for a northern market for English colonial tobacco, 1676-1722. 1
HD9141.9.P47 P75 1992eb Perry of London : a family and a firm on the seaborne frontier, 1615-1753 / 1
HD9144.C9 O713 1995 Cuban counterpoint, tobacco and sugar / 1
HD9144.C9 T56 2007 El lector de tabaquería : historia de una tradición cubana / 1
HD9144.C9 T5613 2010 El lector : a history of the cigar factory reader / 1
HD9144.C92 C67 2014eb The golden leaf : how tobacco shaped Cuba and the Atlantic world / 1