Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG3881.5.A37 .P477 2012eb Perspectives économiques régionales : Afrique subsaharienne préserver la croissance dans un monde incertain. 1
HG3881.5.A75 A partnership transformed : three decades of cooperation between the Asian Development Bank and the People's Republic of China in support of reform and opening up /
ADB's third decade (1987-1996) /
ADB's second decade (1977-1986) /
ADB's first decade (1966-1976) /
ADB's fourth decade (1997-2006) /
ADB's fifth decade (2007-2016) /
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in a changing era new institution and new roles /
HG3881.5.A75 .A853 2012eb Loan disbursement handbook / 1
HG3881.5.A75 .A853 2014 Evaluation for better results. 1
HG3881.5.B38 L33 2013 Tower of Basel : the shadowy history of the secret bank that runs the world / 1
HG3881.5.B38 Y34 2012 The Financial History of the Bank for International Settlements. 1
HG3881.5.E83 K55 2021 Transforming Markets A Development Bank for the 21st Century. a History of the EBRD, Volume 2. 1
HG3881.5.E87 The role of the European Investment Bank / 1
HG3881.5.I56 B54 2013eb Assessing the monitoring and evaluation systems of IFC and MIGA : biennial report on operations evaluation / 1
HG3881.5.I56 E93 2013eb Evaluation of the International Finance Corporation's global trade finance program, 2006-12 / 1
HG3881.5.I56 F56 2008 Financing micro, small, and medium enterprises : an independent evaluation of IFC's experience with financial intermediaries in frontier countries / 1
HG3881.5.I56 I534 2008eb Independent evaluation of IFC's development results 2007 : lessons and implications from 10 years of experience / 1
HG3881.5.I56 I534 2009eb Independent evaluation of IFC's development results 2009 : knowledge for private sector development / 1
HG3881.5 .I58 Spain : Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes - Summary Assessments.
People’s Republic of China–Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Trinidad and Tobago.
Eastern Caribbean Currency Union.
Solomon Islands.
HG3881.5.I58 International Finance and Financial Crises : Essays in Honor of Robert P. Flood Jr. /
Real Effects of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis : Is it a Demand or a Finance Shock? /
Banks' Precautionary Capital and Credit Crunches /
Accumulating Foreign Reserves Under Floating Exchange Rates /
Breaking the Impediments to Budgetary Reforms : Evidence from Europe /
Resolving a Large Contingent Fiscal Liability : Eastern Europe Experience /
ECCU Business cycles : impact of the U.S. /
Bank Restructuring and Resolution /
Republic of Yemen : 2007 Article IV Consultation Staff Report ; Staff Supplements ; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion ; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Yemen.
Systemic Risk Monitoring ("SysMo") toolkit -- a user guide /
Measures of fiscal risk in hydrocarbon-exporting countries /
A new heuristic measure of fragility and tail risks : application to stress testing /
Oil and Growth in the Republic of Congo.
Understanding the Inflationary Process in the Gcc Region : the Case of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Writing Clearly : Ecb's Monetary Policy Communication.
Can the Poor Influence Policy? : Participatory Poverty Assessments in the Developing World. /
Balance of Payments Manual.
The Value of Institutions for Financial Markets : Evidence from Emerging Markets /
The Macroeconomic Impact of Scaled-Up Aid : the Case of Niger /
The Jordanian Stock Market : Should You Invest in it for Risk Diversification or Performance? /
The Level and Composition of Public Sector Debt in Emerging Market Crises /
The Difference Between Hedonic Imputation Indexes and Time Dummy Hedonic Indexes /
A Solution to Two Paradoxes of International Capital Flow /
A New Database of Financial Reforms /
The Impact of Oil-Related Income on the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Syria /
The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy in Honduras /
The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank : Challenges to an Effective Lender of Last Resort /
A Theory of International Crisis Lending and IMF Conditionality /
Optimal Capital Structure of Public-Private Partnerships /
The Information Content of Money in Forecasting Euro Area Inflation /
The Impact of Public Capital, Human Capital, and Knowledge on Aggregate Output /
The Korean Crisis : What Did We Know and When Did We Know It? What Stress Tests of the Corporate Sector Reveal /
The Lender of Last Resort in the European Single Financial Market /
The Monetary Policy Regime and Banking Spreads in Barbados /
The Incidence and Effectiveness of Prior Actions in IMF-Supported Programs /
Idiosyncratic and Systemic Risk in the European Corporate Sector : a CDO Perspective /
The Pricing of Credit Default Swaps During Distress /
The IMF's Reserves Template and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility /
A New-Open-Economy Macro Model for Fiscal Policy Evaluation /
Equity Returns in the Banking Sector in the Wake of the Great Recession and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.
Finanzas y Desarrollo.
The Eastern Caribbean Economic and Currency Union.
Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.
Competitiveness in the Southern Euro Area : France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
New Evidenceon Fiscal Adjustment and Growth in Transition Economies /
Reflectionson Quantitative Fiscal Conditionality in African PRGF-Supported Programs /
Constraintson the Design and Implementation of Monetary Policy in Oil Economies : the Case of Venezuela.
Paraguay : Temas seleccionados.
Spillovers of the U.S. Subprime Financial Turmoil to Mainland China and Hong Kong Sar : Evidence from Stock Markets.
Tax Administration Reform and Fiscal Adjustment : the Case of Indonesia(2001-07).
Central Bank Response to the 2007-08 Financial Market Turbulence : Experiences and Lessons Drawn.
Challenges to Monetary Policy from Financial Globalization : the Case of India.
Fiscal and Monetary Anchors for Price Stability : Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.
Household Income As a Determinant of Child Labor and School Enrollment in Brazil : Evidence from a Social Security Reform.
Inflation Targeting and Communication : It Pays off to Read Inflation Reports.
Mauritius : a Competitiveness Assessment.
Mexico's Integration into Nafta Markets : a View from Sectoral Real Exchange Rates and Transaction Costs.
Monetary Transmission in an Emerging Targeter : the Case of Brazil.
Stressing to Breaking Point : Interpreting Stress Test Results.
Systemic Banking Crises : a New Database.
Africa's Oil Abundance and External Competitiveness : Do Institutions Matter?.
Foreign Banks in the Cese Countries : In for a Penny, in for a Pound?.
In Search of a Dramatic Equilibrium : Was the Armenian Dram Overvalued?.
Irrational Exuberance in the U.S. Housing Market : Were Evangelicals Left Behind?.
Rapid Current Account Adjustments : Are Microstates Different?.
Regional Economic Outlook : Asia and Pacific, September 2006.
Regional Economic Outlook : Sub-Saharan Africa, May 2005.
Regional Economic Outlook : Asia and Pacific, April 2007.
Regional Economic Outlook : Middle East and Central Asia, May 2007.
Regional Economic Outlook : Western Hemisphere, April 2007.
St. Kitts and Nevis.
Côte d'Ivoire.
The Role of Financial Variables in Predicting Economic Activity in the Euro Area.
Investment Incentives and Effective Tax Rates in the Philippines.
Modeling Macro-Critical Energy Sectors in Low-Income Countries.
Financial Deepening in the CFA Franc Zone.
Trade Elasticities in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Credit Matters.
Global Business Cycles.
Calculating Sustainable Non-mineral Balances as Benchmarks for Fiscal Policy.
Government Size and Output Volatility.
Trade Effects of Currency Unions.
Convergence in Emerging Europe.
International Risk Sharing.
Transmission of Liquidity Shocks.
The Optimal Level of International Reserves for Emerging Market Countries : Formulas and Applications. /
Financial Integration in Asia : Recent Developments and Next Steps. /
Mali : Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Implementation Report.
Toward an Effective Supervision of Partially Dollarized Banking Systems.
Technology Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations : How Well Does the RBC Model Fit Postwar U.S. Data?.
Financial Versus Monetary Mercantilism : Long-Run View of the Large International Reserves Hoarding.
How Does the Introduction of Health Insurance Change the Equity in the Health Care Provision in Bulgaria?
Trade, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Institutions.
The Limits of Market-Based Risk Transfer and Implications for Managing Systemic Risks.
Is One Watchdog Better Than Three? International Experience with Integrated Financial Sector Supervision.
Making Fiscal Space Happen : Managing Fiscal Policy in a World of Scaled-Up Aid.
Fiscal and Monetary Nexus in Emerging Market Economies : How Does Debt Matter?.
Probabilistic Sustainability of Public Debt : a Vector Autoregression Approach for Brazil, Mexico, and Turkey.
How to Measure the Fiscal Deficit : analytical and methodological issues /
IMF Research Bulletin, September 2003.
IMF Research Bulletin, March 2010.
Factor endowment, structural coherence, and economic growth /
Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook 2009.
Implications of quasi-fiscal activities in Ghana /
Financial Systems and Labor Markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Globalizers : The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers
The Impact of Tradeon Wages : What If Countries Are Not Small? /
Policy and Spillover Analysis in the World Economy.
Los regímenes de tipo de cambio y la estabilidad del sistema monetario internacional /
The Philippines and the International Monetary Fund negotiations on petroleum and imports : toward a theory of negotiation /
Perspectives économiques régionales, Avril 12 : Afrique subsaharienne: Entretenir la croissance dans un climat mondial d incertitude.
Perspectives économiques régionales, Mai 13 : Afrique subsaharienne Créer une dynamique dans une économie mondiale à plusieurs vitesses.
Energy Subsidy Reform : Lessons and Implications /
Las Américas, Mayo 13 : Tiempo de reforzar las defensas macroeconómicas.
Jobs and Growth : Supporting the European Recovery /
The impact of the global financial crisis on banking globalization /
IMF Financial Operations 2014.
Emerging market sovereign bond spreads : estimation and back-testing /
United States.
West African Economic and Monetary Union.
HG3881.5.I58 A333 2005eb Accountability of the International Monetary Fund / 1
HG3881.5.I58 ǂb T74 2006eb Policy Analyses in International Economics, Number 77 : a Strategy for IMF Reform. 1
HG3881.5.I58 .B384 2014 Burundi. 1
HG3881.5.I58 B523 2014 The IMF and the Future. 1
HG3881.5.I58 B68 2001eb Silent revolution : the International Monetary Fund, 1979-89 / 1