Call Number (LC) Title Results
HT863 .P47 2014 Gender, Manumission, and the Roman Freedwoman. 1
HT863 .S35 Vie et mort des esclaves dans la Rome antique. 1
HT863.S55 2008 HT861.S37 2008 Slave Systems : Ancient and Modern. 1
HT863 .S74 2012eb Plautus and Roman slavery / 1
HT863.U73 2008eb Slave Revolts in Antiquity. 1
HT863 .V88 Sklaverei und Humanität. Studien zur antiken Sklaverei und ihrer Erforschung. 1
HT863 .V88 1975 Ancient slavery and the ideal of man / 1
HT863 .V88s Sklaverei und Humanität im klassischen Griechentum 1
HT863 .W36 Familia Caesaris; a social study of the Emperor's freedmen and slaves 1
HT863 +W5 1955 The slave systems of Greek and Roman antiquity. 1
HT863 .W54 1987 Slavery / 1
HT865 .D613 1982 Medieval slavery and liberation / 1
HT865 .V4 L'esclavage dans l'Europe médiévale. 1
HT867 Extracts from letters of teachers and superintendents of the New-England Educational Commission for Freedmen.
Wendell Phillips esq., on a metropolitan police /
The great conspiracy : an address delivered at Mt. Kisco, West Chester County, New York, on the 4th of July, 1861, the 86th anniversary of American independence /
Samuel Joseph May : born in Boston, Massachusetts, September 12th, 1797, died in Syracuse, New York, July 1st, 1871.
Speech of Hon. John S. Millson, of Virginia, on the state of the Union : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 21, 1861.
Organization of the house : speech of Hon. Charles H. Larrabee of Wisconsin, in the House of Representatives, December 17, 1859.
The case of the Negro, as to education in the southern states : a report to the Board of Trustees /
Speech of the Hon. John Quincy Adams, in the House of Representatives, on the state of the nation : delivered May 25, 1836.
State of the Union : speech of Hon. Jas. Harlan, of Iowa, in the Senate, January 11, 1861.
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. M. MacDonald of Maine in the House of Representatives, April 10, 1854.
A review of the trial conviction and sentence of George F. Alberti for kidnapping.
An essay on the African slave trade.
The Mozambique and Nyassa slave trade.
A narrative of the loss of His Majesty's ship the Litchfield : Captain Barton, on the coast of Africa. With an account of the sufferings of the captain, and the surviving part of his crew, in their slavery under the Emperor of Morocco. To which are added, Some remarkable Particulars of the Character and Conduct of that Emperor, and a Description of the City of Morocco. In a journal, kept by Lieutenant James Sutherland.
The Lecompton constitution : in the House of Representatives, March 10, 1858, Mr. Stephens of Georgia, from the Select Committee of Fifteen, made the following report.
The amended constitution of the state of New York : adopted by the convention of 1867-8 : together with the manner and form of submission and address to the people.
Slavery, the Bible, infidelity : an attempt to prove that pro-slavery interpretations of the Bible are productive of infidelity /
United States' liberty almanack for 1845 /
No slavery in Nebraska, no slavery in the nation, slavery an outlaw : speech of Gerrit Smith, on the Nebraska bill, in Congress, April 6, 1854.
Review of that portion of the ninth section of President Wayland's valuable treatise on the limitations of human responsibility : in which he gives his views of our duty as citizens of the United States, in relation to the slavery question /
Speech of Hon. T. Wentworth, of Mass., on the Kansas and Nebraska question : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 18, 1854.
Speech of Mr. Dixon, of Connecticut, against the extension of slave territory : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., Feb. 9, 1847.
A letter on the political obligations of abolitionists /
Speech of Mr. Slade, of Vermont, on the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., December 20, 1837 : to which is added the intended conclusion of the speech, suppressed by resolution of the House.
An address to the people of Great Britain, on the consumption of West India produce.
Negro slavery described by a negro : being the narrative of Ashton Warner, a native of St. Vincent's : with an appendix, containing the testimony of four Christian ministers, recently returned from the colonies, on the system of slavery as it now exists /
Slavery : a poem.
Position and duties of the north with regard to slavery
A white man's government : speech of Andrew J. Rogers, of New Jersey, delivered in the House of Representatives January 11, 1866.
Admission of Georgia : speech of Hon. Hiram R. Revels, of Mississippi, in the Senate of the United States, March 16, 1870.
Report of the Committee on Outrages in Mississippi.
The mortality of nations : an address delivered before the American Equal Rights Association, in New York, Thursday evening, May 9, 1867 /
The Mexican treaty : speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, on the bill to appropriate ten millions : delivered in the House of Representatives, June 26, 1854.
Dialogue on slavery, and miscellaneous subjects, based on the word of God.
Address of Hon. S.V. White upon the race question in the South : delivered at Salisbury, N.C., before the literary societies of Livingstone College, May 27th, 1890.
Abolition philanthropy! : the fugitive slave law, too bad for southern Negroes, but good enough for free citizens of foreign birth! : Handcuffs for white men! : Shoulder straps for negroes! : Voters read!.
The Bible the best of all books.
The Bechuana girl : Lessons from heathen lands ; and, Christ our intercessor.
Beadle's dime comic speaker : comprising gems of wit, humor and drollery, from the best and freshest sources.
An appeal to workingmen.
Appeal to honest voters.
The African widow.
Abolition!! : infatuation of federal Whig leaders of the South.
The causes and justice of the Mexican War : containing ninety five instances of wanton murder, robbery, aggression and outrage, by the Mexican authorities, upon the persons and property of American citizens.
The case of Andrew and Jeronimy Clifford.
Bryant's Power of music : being a collection of all the latest and best sentimental and Negro songs, etc., as sung by the inimitable Bryant's Minstrels.
Biographical, historical and incidental sketch of Ossian E. Dodge.
Extracts from the American slave code.
Duplicity on the slavery question.
Don't put it off.
Democratic protests against the Lecompton fraud : address of Hon. F.P. Stanton, of Tennessee.
Defence of General Cass : speech of Hon. R. McClelland of Michigan, in the House of Representatives, Saturday, July 1, 1848, on the Civil and diplomatic appropriation bill.
Commercial conventions : direct trade : a chance for the South.
The happy Negro : to which is added, The grateful Negro.
The happy Negro : to which are added, The praying soldier, and The profligate reclaimed.
Grandmother's stories for little children.
The generous planter, and his carpenter, Ben.
Frank. Pierce and his abolition allies.
Facts for the people.
The last appeal to Pennsylvania.
Kansas affairs in the Senate : minority report of the State Committee on Territories : made March 12, 1856 /
J.W. Pepper's American "minstrel" songster : formerly Carncross' songster.
Intelligent Negroes.
Inconsistency and hypocrisy of Martin Van Buren : on the subject of slavery.
In memoriam : Rev. Fielder Israel.
Hymns to be sung at the N.E. Anti-Slavery Convention, May 24th and 25th, 1836.
Hymns sung by little Cordelia Howard and her parents, in the popular, touching, and truthful Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Missionary boards in relation to slavery, caste, and polygamy.
The missing disciple.
Minority report of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania in relation to the rights of transit of slave property through the state.
McAndrew's watermelon man songster : containing all the popular songs as sung by this favorite Negro comedian throughout the United States.
Massachusetts Liberty Convention and speech of Hon. John P. Hale : together with his letter accepting his nomination for the presidency.
Letter of Hon. Edward Wade, of Ohio, to the Cleveland herald : remarks upon it by Messrs. Campbell, of Ohio, Thorington, of Iowa, Sherman, Leiter, and Wade, of Ohio, Houston, of Alabama, A.K. Marshall, of Kentucky, and Dunn, of Indiana : in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1856.
The political and public character of James K. Polk of Tennessee.
The past, the present, and the future, or, The Nullifier's road to ruin.
The Pacific railroad : speech of Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts : delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 11, 1859.
The new "Democratic" doctrine : slavery not to be confined to the Negro race, but to be made the universal condition of the laboring classes of society : the supporters of this doctrine vote for Buchanan!.
Mr. Van Buren's opinions.
The monthly offering.
The Mohawk Minstrels' fifth book of dramas, dialogues & drolleries : as performed by the Mohawk Minstrels at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington /
Richard & Pringle's Georgia minstrel songster.
Report and resolutions of the minority of the Committee on Negro slavery.
"Rebel war claims" : a plain statement from the records : all the acts authorizing the appropriation of money for the payment of Southern war claims were passed by Republican Congresses : read the facts.
Primrose & West's "Eight bells" songster.
Popular objections to the anti-slavery movement considered.
Political burden of slavery.
'Thoughts on slavery' rebutted by other thoughts on the same subject : being a review of a pamphlet issued from the press of Daniel Bixby & Co., Lowell, Mass., 1848.
The soul in bonds.
Slavery and the slave trade : who is responsible?.
The slave trade.
A short statement of the causes which led to the war with Mexico : showing the inconsistent course of the Whig Party on the subject.
The genius and posture of America : an oration delivered before the citizens of Boston, July 4, 1857 /
Mr. Adams' speech, on war with Great Britain and Mexico : with the speeches of Messrs. Wise and Ingersoll, to which it is in reply.
Address of John Quincy Adams, to his constituents of the Twelfth Congressional District : delivered at Braintree, September 17, 1842.
An address to abolitionists of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
The Whig-Abolitionist attack! : Whig and Abolitionists against General Pierce.
The American anti-slavery almanac for ...
The annual report of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society : presented at ... : with the addresses and resolutions.
The Republican Party : its necessity and its mission : speech of Hon. John Allison, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, August 6, 1856.
The ... annual report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States.
Speech of Mr. Banks, of Massachusetts, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 23, 1854.
The great questions of national and state politics : speech of Hon. Nathaniel P. Banks, of Waltham : delivered at Worcester, before the Young Men's Ratification Convention, September 8th.
British Honduras, Central America : a plain statement to colored people of the U.S. who contemplate emigration /
American slavery : just published : a reply to the letter of Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, on this important subject /
Annual report of the Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans.
Remarks of Mr. Beardsley, of New York, on the right of petition : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 5, 1844.
Speech of Hon. James A. Bayard, of Delaware : delivered in the Senate of the United States March 22, 1858 : on the bill for the admission of Kansas into the Federal Union under the Lecompton constitution.
Jesus and Jerusalem, or, Christ the saviour and civilizer of the world : a discourse preached before the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches, on Sunday evening, April 12, 1857, in behalf of the Ministry at Large /
National politics : speech of Hon. D. Barclay, of Pennsylvania : delivered in the House of Representatives, August 6, 1856.
The prevalence of error, an earnest reason for spreading the truth : a sermon, preached before the Madison County (N.Y.) Bible Society, at their semi-annual meeting, held in Cazenovia, on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1845 /
A review of the President's message : speech of Hon. Charles Billinghurst, of Wisconsin, delivered in the House of Representatives, August 9, 1856.
Slavery and the slave trade, as carried on in eastern and central Africa in 1872 /
Speech of Hon. H.P. Bennet, of Nebraska, on the Nebraska contested election : delivered in the House of Representatives, July 22, 1856.
Speech of Hon. Henry Bennett, of New York, on the bill for the admission of Kansas as a free state : delivered in the House of Representatives, June 30, 1856.
Complaints of the extensionists -- their falsity : speech of Hon. Philemon Bliss, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, May 21, 1856.
Origin of modern nullification : letter from F.P. Blair to the New York Republicans.
Facts for the people : speech of Hon. Francis P. Blair, Jr., delivered at Concord, February 2, 1859.
An Englishman's thoughts on the crimes of the South, and the recompence of the North /
Defence of President Fillmore, by Hon. James Brooks, (of New York) : before a meeting of the American Party, held at Cincinnati, Friday evening, May 30, 1856 /
An appeal to facts /
Documents and comments on benefit of clergy as applied to slaves /
The constitutionality of slavery.
Speech of Hon. John M. Botts, on the political issues of the day : delivered at the African Church, in the city of Richmond, August 8, 1856.
Elegiac poem on the death of Nathaniel Peabody Rogers /
The maid of Artois : a grand melo-dramatic opera in three acts : the music, with additional pieces composed expressly for Madame Anna Bishop /
Freemen, or slaves? /
Slavery irreconcilable with Christianity and sound reason, or, An anti-slavery argument /
A discourse on the slavery question : delivered in the North Church, Hartford, Thursday evening, Jan. 10, 1839 /
Oration /
Defence of Massachusetts : speech of Hon. Anson Burlingame, of Massachusetts, in the United States House of Representatives, June 21, 1856.
Speech of Hon. C.H. Carroll, of New York, on the Mexican War : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 22, 1847.
Speech of Hon. L.D. Campbell, of Ohio, on southern aggression, the purposes of the Union, and the comparative effects of slavery and freedom : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 19, 1850.
Repeal of the Missouri compromise -- extension of slavery : speech of Hon. L.D. Campbell, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 17, 1854, in reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union.
Opinions on slavery : Clay Sen. vs. Clay Jr. : a colloquy between Hon. L.D. Campbell, of Ohio, and Hon. James B. Clay, of Ky., in the House of Representatives of the U.S., March 30, 1858.
Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, on the Wilmot Proviso : delivered in the Senate of the United States, Monday, March 1, 1847.
Speech of General Cass, of Michigan, in reply to Governor Jones, of Tennessee : also, letter from Jefferson Davis, and explanation of Gen. Cass.
Remarks of Mr. Cass, of Michigan, on the dissolution of the Union, and the constitution of California : in the Senate of the United States, February 12 and 20, 1850.
The Mexican War : speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, in the Senate of the United States, February 10, 1847.
Union and freedom, without compromise : speech of Hon. S.P. Chase, of Ohio, on Mr. Clay's compromise resolutions, delivered in the United States Senate, March 26 and 27, 1850.
Kansas, the Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. Z. Chandler, of Michigan : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 12, 1858.
The war with Mexico /
The Vermont letter on the Nebraska Bill, respectfully addressed to the House of Representatives of the United States.
Byron Christy's burnt cork comicalities.
Letter from Hon. Rufus Choate on the questions of the day.
Hon. Rufus Choate on the presidential question.
Speech of Hon. James B. Clay, of Kentucky, on the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton constitution : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 30, 1858.
Speech of Hon. J.B. Clay, of Kentucky, on our foreign policy : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 7, 1859.
A letter to the clergy of various denominations, in the slave states of America /
Mr. Collamer, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following as the views of the minority on the Constitution of Kansas, adopted by the convention which met at Lecompton on Monday, the 4th of September, 1857.
The president's message : speech of Hon. J. Collamer, of Vermont : delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 9, 1856.
Mr. Collamer's report and speech against a new constitution for Kansas, and in favor of the free state constitution.
Speech of John Cochrane, Esq. : delivered before the Young Men's Democratic Union Club, April 9th, 1856.
Right of search and foreign slave trade : speech of Hon. C.B. Cochrane, of New York : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, June 8, 1858.
The Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. Clark B. Cochrane, of New York : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, January 26, 1858.
Admission of Oregon : speeches of Hon. Clark B. Cochrane, of New York, and Hon. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 11 and 12, 1859.
Minutes of the proceedings of a Convention of Delegates From the Abolition Societies Established in Different Parts of the United States.
Minutes and proceedings of the ... annual Convention for the Improvement of the Free People of Colour in these United States.
The Fugitive slave bill, or, God's laws paramount to the laws of men : a sermon, preached on Sunday, October 20, 1850 /
The right of petition /
Politics of the country : speech of Hon. Will. Cumback, of Indiana : in the House of Representativeg [i.e. Representatives], December 17, 1856.
Personal explanation : remarks of Elisha D. Cullen, of Delaware, in the House of Representatives, August 4, 1856, on the next presidency : the House being in Committee of the whole of the State of the Union.
The man, the hero, the Christian! : a eulogy on the life and character of Thomas Clarkson : delivered in the city of New-York, December, 1846 /
The crisis.
Jefferson against Douglas : speech of Hon. A.H. Cragin, of New Hampshire : delivered in the House of Representatives, August 4, 1856.
The Democratic Party as it was and as it is! : speech of Hon. Timothy C. Day, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, April 23, 1856.
Speech of Mr. Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, on the army bill and the war with Mexico : delivered in the House of Representatives, U.S., May 14, 1846.
Assault on Mr. Sumner : speech of Hon. W.S. Damrell, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, July 12, 1856.
Our liberties in danger : sermon preached in Windham, the day of the annual Thanksgiving, November 26, 1835 /
Speech of Hon. Will. Cumback, of Indiana, on the politics of the country : delivered in the House of Representatives, December 17, 1856.
Free soil, free speech, free men : proceedings of the Democratic Republican State Convention at Syracuse, July 24, 1856 : the address and resolutions, with the list of delegates.
Anti-spoonerism, or, The reactionary forces of the Negro : with a scriptural view of the "Equality of man" : also, considerations on the dogma of "Man has no property in man" /
Kansas, slavery, the Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. Sidney Dean, of Connecticut : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 25th, 1858.
Election of Speaker : remarks of Hon. Geo. G. Dunn of Indiana : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 4 1856 : previous to the nintey-second ballot for Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The rebellion : its origin and life in slavery : position and policy of Missouri : speech of Charles D. Drake : delivered by request, in Mercantile Library Hall, St. Louis, April 14, 1862, having been previously spoken, in substance, at Union, Mo., April 7, 1862.
The union : Kansas and the Lecompton Constitution /
J.W. Pepper's Good morning how'dy Dockstader songster : 50 songs : words and music.
Remarks of Mr. English, of Indiana, and other proceedings, upon the occasion of the introduction and reference of the House bill to organize the territories of Nebraska and Kanzas : in the House of Representatives, January 31, 1854.
Oberlin and the anti-slavery movement up to the Civil War : an abstract of a thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy /
Confiscation : speech of Hon. Jos. K. Edgerton of Ind. : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1864.
Remarks of Mr. Durkee, of Wisconsin, on the Lecompton conspiracy : in the Senate of the United States, March 20, 1858.
Organization of the House : remarks of Hon. George G. Dunn, of Indiana, delivered in the House of Representatives, December 17, 1855, on the election of Speaker and the organization of the House of Representatives, and in answer to the assaults of the New York tribune, and other papers.
Addresses of Hon. Millard Fillmore : on his arrival at New York, from Europe, and at the several points on his way home in response to the congratulations of the people.
The true state of the American question : reply to Mr. Thurlow Weed /
Scriptural temperance : a sermon delivered in the Hollis Street Meeting-House, Boston, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, 1856 /
The fugitive slave law : a discourse delivered in the Congregational Church in West Bridgewater, Mass., on Sunday, November 17th, 1850 /
Speech of Hon. Graham N. Fitch, of Indiana, on the constitution of Kansas : delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 22, 1857.
Lecture on the North and the South : delivered before the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, of Cincinnati, Ohio, January 16, 1849 /
Exercises at the installation of Rev. J.E. Rankin, as pastor of the First Congregational Church, St. Albans, Vt., June 24, 1857.
A sermon, delivered May 14, 1841, on the occasion of the national fast recommended by the President /
The right of property in man : a discourse delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church, Sunday July 3, 1859 /
Speech of the Rev. O.B. Frothingham, before the American Anti-Slavery Society, in New York, May 8th, 1856.
For representative to Congresss, Second District : Benjamin F. Newhall, of Saugus : to the voters of the Second Congressional District.
Mr. Parker and his views : an article from the Christian Examiner and religious miscellany.
A treatise on resistance and nonresistance : in which is included a scriptural distinction between the Church of Christ and the civil government of the world /
The Son of Man cometh : a discourse preached before the Society of the Cambridgeport Parish, Sunday, May 30, 1847 /
The right of the people to control the national treasure : speech of Hon. Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio : on his motion, that the House of Representatives adhere to its position on the bill making appropriations for the support of the army : in the House of Representatives, August 17, 1856.
Privileges of members of Congress : speech of Mr. Giddings of Ohio, on the resolution of Mr. Palfrey to inquire whether the members of Congress had been threatened by a lawless mob : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 25, 1848.
Organization of the House : speech of Hon. R.J. Giddings of Ohio : delivered in the House of Representatives, Dec. 18, 1855.
Freedom of speech vindicated : speech of Hon. J.R. Giddings, of Ohio, on the President's message, in the House of Representatives, December 10, 1856.
Speech of Mr. Gerry, of Maine, on the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 21, 1850.
Our national charters : for the millions ... with notes, showing their bearing on slavery, and the relative powers of the state and national governments /
One more appeal to ministers and churches who are not enlisted in the struggle against slavery /
Public meeting in Glasgow with reference to the discussion.
Speech of the Hon. Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives, Concord, N.H., on the evening of June 29, 1847 : Proceedings of the N.H. legislature on the subject of slavery, at the June session, 1847.
Speech of Hon. Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio, on the bill to raise a company of sappers, miners and pontoniers : delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, May 12, 1846.
Christianity and civil liberty : a Thanksgiving sermon delivered in the meeting house of the First Baptist Church, Providence, November 26th, 1846 /
The slavery question : speech of Hon. Amos P. Granger, of New York, in the House of Representatives, April 4, 1856 : the House being in the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union.
Speech of Hon. J.Z. Goodrich, of Mass. : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 27, 1852.
A letter to the secretaries of the American Tract Society : written in behalf of the Rev. Jeremiah Day, D.D., LL. D., Eleazer T. Fitch, D.D., and others /
Speech of Martin Grover, of New York, on the Wilmot Proviso : delivered in the House of Representatives, Thursday, January 7, 1847.
Speech of Hon. A.B. Greenwood, of Arkansas, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1854.
Slaves, Berbice and Demerara : the minutes of evidence taken before His Majesty's Privy Council, in the matter of the Berbice and Demerara manumission Order in Council.
Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the State of the Colony of Sierra Leone
Minutes of evidence taken before His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, at the Council Office, Whitehall, in the matter of the Demerara and Berbice manumission Order in Council, on the 19th, 20th, and 21st November 1827.
Remarks of Mr. Hamlin, of Maine, defining his position, and the tests of the Cincinnati Convention : in the Senate of the United States, June 12, 1856.
The compromise bill : speech of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, in Senate of the United States, July 22, 1848 : on the bill reported from the Select Committee to establish Territorial Governments in Oregon, New Mexico, and California.
Speech of Hon. Robert B. Hall, of Massachusetts, on the assault on Senator Sumner : delivered in the House of Representatives, July 12, 1856.
Admission of Kansas : speech of Hon. Robert B. Hall, of Massachusetts : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 27, 1858.
Three letters of B.F. Hallett, to Col. C.G. Greene, editor of the Boston post : on the course of the Democratic party of Massachusetts, upon political abolitionism, the Union, the nationality, and the brotherhood of the North and South.
Speech of Hon. John P. Hale, upon the slavery resolutions in the House of Reps., June 25th, 1846.
Speech of Hon. G.A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, on the Senate Kansas bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, August 7, 1856.
Admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. John B. Haskin, of New York, against the admission of Kansas, and in favor of justice to Northern Democrats : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 10, 1858.
Douglas and the Compromise of 1850 /
The Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa delivered in the United States Senate, January 25, 1858.
Admission of Kansas : speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa, in the Senate of the United States, March 27, 1856.
Speech of Hon. A. Harlan, of Ohio, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1854.
The herald of the glorious morning of Emanuel : and genius of universal emancipation /
Popular sovereignty, the will of the majority against the rule of a minority : speech of Hon. J. Hickman, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1858.
Dr. Henry's speech at Geneva : plain reasons for the great Republican movement : what we want, why we want it, and what will come if we fail : remarks made at a public meeting in Geneva, N.Y., July 19, 1856 /
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. Bernhart Henn, of Iowa, in the House of Representatives, May 20, 1854.
The mission of free labor on the American continent : an address delivered August 10, 1858, before the Philomathesian Society of Middlebury College, Vermont /
Speech of Hon. Elias B. Holmes, of N.Y. : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, Aug. 7, 1848.
The present position of our country, and the duty of the patriot and Christian : a discourse delivered June 11, 1854, in the Evangelical Congregational Church, Lunenburg, Mass. /
A free-state view of slavery, causes of present agitation, danger and corruption of executive power and patronage : speech of Hon. Charles B. Hoard, of New York in the House of Representatives, March 30, 1858.
Speech of Hon. M. Hoagland, of Ohio, on the proposition to admit California as a state into the Union : delivered in the House of Representatives, June 5, 1850.
Facts and arguments against the election of General Cass : respectfully addressed to Whigs and Democrats of all the free states /
Speech of Hon. C.J. Ingersoll, of Penn., on the Mexican War : delivered in the House of Representatives Tuesday, January 19, 1847.
Parallel between intemperance and the slave-trade /
Speech of Mr. Charles Hudson, of Mass., on the subject of the war with Mexico : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 14, 1846.
Four years in Secessia : a narrative of a residence at the South previous to and during the Southern rebellion, up to November, 1863, when the writer escaped from Richmond /
Kansas, the Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. William Kellogg, of Illinois : in the House of Representatives, March 22 and 23, 1858.
The hidden hand : a drama, in five acts : adapted from Mrs. Emma D.E.N. Southworth's celebrated novel of the same name, published in the New York Ledger /
Speech of James C. Jones, of Tennessee, on the Nebraska question : delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 6, 1854.
Speech of Hon. R.W. Johnson, of Arkansas, on the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives, June 7, 1850.
Remarks of Preston King, of New York : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 17, 1852 : on the compromise measures.
Speech of Mr. Daniel P. King, of Massachusetts, on the general appropriation bill and the Mexican War : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., Feb. 4, 1847.
Fugitive slave law : reply of Rev. G.F. Kettell to Rev. Daniel Curry's review of his Thanksgiving sermon.
Thoughts on slavery /
Plantations for slave labor the death of the yeomanry /
Sham democracy exemplified : speech of Hon. Benjamin F. Leiter, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, August 5, 1856.
The new commandment : a review of a discourse delivered in the North Church Salem, on Sunday, June 4, 1854, by the Rev. O.B. Frothingham, Pastor of the Society /
A discourse delivered at the United Service of the Congregational Churches in Lowell, on Fast Day, April 10, 1856 /
Slavery agitation : speech of Hon. Daniel Mace, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1854 : against the repeal of the Missouri compromise as proposed in the Senate bill to organize the territories of Nebraska and Kanzas.
The covenant of freedom : speech of Hon. Caleb Lyon, of Lyonsdale, New York, in the House of Representatives, May 8, 1854.
The fanaticism of the Democratic Party : speech of Hon. Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 21, 1859.
The branded hand : a dramatic sketch commemorative of the tragedies at the South, in the winter of 1844-5 /
Speech of Mr. Lindley, of Missouri, in the House of Representatives, June 19, 1856.
American progress, Judge Douglas, the presidency : speech of Mr. Marshall of California in the House of Representatives, March 11, 1852 in reply to the speech of Mr. Breckinridge of Kentucky.
The Virginia philosopher, or, Few lucky slave-catchers : a poem /
Message of Governor Morrill : to the Legislature of the State of Maine, January 6, 1855.
Impending judgments averted by repentance : a sermon at Oxford, Ohio, Friday, August third, MDCCCXLIX, the day of the National Fast /
The revolution unfinished, or, American independence begun : illustrated in an address before the anti-slavery societies of Dover and Great Falls, New Hampshire, on the fourth of July, 1838 /
Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, presented ...
Report on the subject of domestic slavery.
Speech of Hon. H. Maynard, of Tenn., on the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., March 20, 1858.
Speech of Hon. Samuel Mayall, of Maine, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 16, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill.
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. A.E. Maxwell, of Florida : in the House of Representatives, May 16, 1854.
To my brethren of the Presbytery of Champlain.
The California question : speech of James Meacham, of Vermont, in the House of Representatives, May 14, 1850, in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, on Mr. McClernand's bill relating to California.
The claims of Vermont : a sermon, delivered before the Congregational Convention of Vermont, Bennington, June 18, 1857 /
Speech of Mr. A.R. McIlvaine, of Penn'a, on the military occupation of Texas : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. States, March 26, 1846.
Slavery in the new territories : speech of Hon. R. McClelland, of Michigan, in the House of Representatives, February 10, 1849 : in the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union (Mr. Cabell, of Florida, in the chair) on the bill to carry into effect the Treaty of Peace with Mexico.
Letter addressed to the editor of the Christian examiner /
The olive branch, or, The evil and the remedy /
Speech of Mr. Miller, of New Jersey, on the exploration of the interior of Africa, and in favor of recognizing the independence of Liberia : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 3, 1853.
Oration pronounced by the Honourable J.W. Miller, of the U.S. Senate, on the fourth of July, 1851, at Morristown, New Jersey.
To the freemen of Huntingdon County.
Speech of Hon. James Meacham of Vermont, on Kansas affairs : delivered in the House of Representatives, April 30, 1856.
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Mr. Meacham, of Vermont, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 15, 1854 : against the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill, and in favor of maintaining the government faith with the Indian tribes.
Defense of the clergy : speech of Hon. James Meacham, of Vermont, in the House of Representatives, May 17, 1854.
Speech of Hon. I.N. Morris, of Illinois, on executive abuses and the duty of the Democratic Party : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 15, 1859.
Speech of Hon. I.N. Morris, of Illinois, against the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 23, 1858.
Admission of Kansas : vindication of the rights of the people against executive usurpation : speech of Hon. Edward Joy Morris, of Pennsylvania : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 26, 1858.
Speech of Hon. G.W. Morrison, of N.H., delivered in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill.
Admission of Kansas : speech of Hon. J.S. Morrill of Vermont on the admission of Kansas as a free state into the Union : delivered in the House of Representatives, June 28, 1856.
Speech of Mr. M.H. Nichols, of Ohio, on the President's message : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, Dec. 16, 1856.
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. M.H. Nichols, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, April 5, 1854 : delivered in the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union.
To the people of the United States.
Annual report of the Board of Managers of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, presented ...
Communication from his Honor the mayor, Randal MacGavock : transmitted to the City Council of Nashville, Tenn. with accompanying documents, September 30th, 1859.
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. Jesse O. Norton, of Illinois, in House of Representatives, March 29, 1854 : delivered in the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union.
Resolutions on the slavery question, introduced by S.P. Hill.
Speech of the Hon. M. Norris, of New Hampshire, in the United States Senate, March 3, 1854 on Nebraska and Kansas.
Remarks of Mr. Isaac Parish, of Ohio, on the Three million bill : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., February 10, 1847.
Executive usurpation, Kansas, the Union : speech of Hon. Geo. W. Palmer, of New York : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 26, 1858.
Speech of Mr. Palfrey, of Massachusetts, on the bill creating a territorial government for Upper California : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, February 26, 1849.
A tribute to the memory of the late William Forster /
Assault on Mr. Sumner : speech of Hon. Andrew Oliver, of New York, delivered in the House of Representatives, July 12, 1856.
Proceedings of the Ohio Anti-Slavery Convention : held at Putnam, on the twenty-second, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth of April, 1835.
Message of the Governor of Ohio, to the fifty-third General Assembly, at the regular session, commencing January 4, 1858.
John Brown : as viewed by H. Clay Pate.
The reign of public opinion, or, The achievements of the popular will triumphing over law : being the substance of a discourse delivered on the day of annual fast, 1837, in Bowdoin Street Church, Boston /
Speech of Hon. Marcus J. Parrott, delegate from Kansas : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, March 31, 1858.
The effect of slavery on the American people : a sermon preached at the Music Hall, Boston, on Sunday, July 4, 1858 /
The Compromise, the public lands, common schools, colonization : speech of Hon. S.W. Parker, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, April 28, 1852.
Letter from Democratic citizens of New Hampshire, and reply of Charles H. Peaslee.
The triumphs of war : a sermon preached on the day of the annual fast, April 1847 /
Memorial of the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund : with the report of their Committee on the subject of the education of the colored population of the Southern states, 19 February, 1880.
Speech of Hon. John Pettit, of Indiana : delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 20, 1854 : on the Nebraska and Kansas bill.
Defense of Republicanism : speech of Hon. John J. Perry, of Maine, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1857.
Report of remarks by Rev. G.W. Perkins, on Mr. Stuart's book "Conscience and the Constitution" : a meeting in Guilford, August 1, 1850, commemorative on emancipation in the West Indies.
An account of the Congo independent state : read before the American Philiosophical Society, November 2, 1888, and February 1, 1889 /
Speech of Hon. John U. Pettit, of Indiana, on the restoration of the Missouri compromise : delivered in the House of Representatives, August 2, 1856.
Kansas affairs : speech of Hon. George E. Pugh, of Ohio, delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 2, 1856.
Slavery illegal : a sermon, on the occasion of the annual fast, April 12, 1850 : delivered in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Shelburne, Vt. /
Speech of the Hon. Wm. Preston, of Kentucky, in the House of Representatives, April 6, 1854, on Nebraska and Kansas.
The anti-slavery men of the South.
The Presidency-compromise measures : speech of Hon. Wm. H. Polk, of Tennessee, in the House of Representatives, April 8, 1852 : on the Presidency-compromise measures.
Sermon on holding communion with extortioners : preached at Dunbarton, N.H., October 14, 1838 /
Speech of Hon. George S. [sic] Pugh, of Ohio, on the condition of affairs in Kansas Territory : delivered in the United States Senate, May 26, 1856.
Speech of Hon George E. Pugh, of Ohio, on the President's annual message : delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 10, 1856.
Speech of Hon. George E. Pugh, of Ohio, on the Kansas Lecompton Constitution : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 16, 1858.
Speech of the Hon. R. Barnwell Rhett, on the right of petition : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 11, 1844.
Circular of the National Committee of the Pittsburgh Convention, appointed February 22, 1856.
Speech of Mr. Rathbun, of New York, on the annexation of Texas : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 22, 1845.
An address to the churches in relation to slavery : delivered at the first aniversary [sic] of the Ohio State Anti-slavery Society /
Remarks of Mr. Richardson, of Illinois, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : delivered in the House of Representatives June 27, 1854.
Speeches of Senator Rhett and Senator Clemens in controversy : delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 27th and 28th of February, 1852.
Speech of Hon. Russell Sage of New York : on the professions and acts of the President of the United States, the repeal of the Missouri compromise, the outrages in Kansas, and the sectional influence and aggressions of the slave power : delivered in the House of Representatives, August 6, 1856.
Speech of Hon. William A. Sackett, of New York.
Speech of Hon. G.A. Simmons, of New York, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 10, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill.
Speech of Mr. Simmons, of Rhode Island, on the Mexican War : delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 20, 1847.
Speech of Gerrit Smith, on the Koszta case : in Congress, December 20, 1853.
Speech of Gerrit Smith, made in the National Convention of the Liberty Party, at Buffalo, October 21, 1847, on the character, scope and duties of the Liberty Party.
Speech of Gerrit Smith, at the State Temperance Convention at Syracuse, January 19 and 20, 1848 : on the obligation of civil government to prohibit the traffic in intoxicating liquors.
Speech of Hon. F.P. Stanton, and letter of Governor Walker.
The Red Hill tragedy /
Hickory Hall /
Report of the Special Committee of the House of Representatives of South Carolina : on so much of the message of His Excellency Gov. Jas. H. Adams, as relates to slavery and the slave trade.
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. C.M. Straub, of Penn'a : in the House of Representatives, May 17, 1854.
Speech of Mr. Stetson, of New York, touching the opinions of Mr. Van Buren on the right of suffrage, in reply to Mr. Caleb B. Smith : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 20, 1844.
Memorial of John Denison Baldwin : minister, legislator and journalist /
Modern "democracy," the ally of slavery : speech of Hon. M.W. Tappan, of New Hampshire, in the House of Representatives, July 29, 1856.
Our favored inheritance a motive to fidelity : a sermon preached on the day of the annual Thanksgiving, November 26, 1846 /
Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. Andrew Stuart, of Ohio : in the House of Representatives, May 20, 1854.
Speech of Mr. Strong, of New York, on the amendment to the Three Million bill, familiarly known as the Wilmot Proviso : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 8, 1847.
A sermon, preached at Lyme, New-Hampshire, at the annual Thanksgiving, Nov. 27, 1856 /
Speech of the Hon. John L. Taylor, of Ohio, on the bill to prohibit the importation of slaves into the District of Columbia for sale : delivered in the House of Representatives, U.S., January 31, 1849.
Speech of Hon. John J. Taylor, of New York, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 1854.
Slavery agitation, nullification, the Lecompton constitution : speech of Hon. M.W. Tappan, of New Hampshire : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, March 31, 1858.
Address of Hon. Jno. R. Thurman, Representative of the Fifteenth Congressional District of New York, to his constituents.
Squatter sovereignty : review of the article of Stephen A. Douglas in Harper's magazine, September, 1859 /
The admission of Kansas : speech of Hon. John Thompson, of New York, in the House of Representatives, March 31, 1858.
Remarks of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, in the Senate, January 7, 1859 : on the motion to recommit the bill for the construction of a Pacific railroad, with instructions to bring in a bill for the construction of a Northern and Southern road, and in reply to Hon. A. Iverson.
Kansas, the Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, in the Senate of the United States, March 17, 1858.
Affairs in Kansas territory : speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 14, 1856, on the motion to print thirty-one thousand extra copies of the reports of the Majority and Minority of the Committee on Territories, in reference to affairs in Kansas.
Speech of Mr. Daniel R. Tilden, of Ohio, on the Mexican War : delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, July 14, 1846.
Homes for the homeless : what the Republican Party has done for the poor man /
Report of proceedings connected with the great Union Meeting, held at the Academy of Music, New York, December 19th, 1859.
The proceedings of the Union Meeting, held at Castle Garden, October 30, 1850.
Boston Courier report of the Union Meeting in Faneuil Hall, Thursday, Dec. 8th, 1859 : speeches of ex-Gov. Lincoln, Edward Everett, Caleb Cushing ; resolutions adopted by the meeting ; letters of ex-President Pierce, Judge Curtis, ex-Govs. Morton and Clifford, Profs. Felton and Pierce, Erasmus D. Beach, and others ; names of signers to the call : phonographic report.
Justice to all : speech of Hon. William M. Tweed, of N.Y., in the House of Representatives, May 10, 1854.
The compromise bill : speech of Hon. W. Upham, of Vermont, in the Senate of the United States, July 26, 1848, on the bill reported from the Select Committee to establish Territorial Governments in Oregon, New Mexico, and California.
Subduing freedom in Kansas : report of the Congressional Committee, presented in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, July 1, 1856.
Report of the Kanzas Congressional Investigating Committee : submitted to the House of Representatives, July 1, 1856.
Proceedings and debate in House of Representatives, on the election of speaker, January 14, 1856.
Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the thirty-fourth Congress.
Speech of Hon. A. Wakeman, of New York, on the powers of the House of Representatives in contested-election cases : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 12, 1856.
Speech of Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio, on the bill to admit the states of Iowa and Florida into the Union : delivered in the House of Representatives, U.S., February 11, 1845.
Kansas and the Lecompton Constitution : speech of Hon. I. Washburn, Jr., of Maine : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 7, 1858.
Nebraska and Kansas -- rights of the North : speech of Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, April 5, 1854 : delivered in the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union.
Slavery compromises : speech of Hon. S.H. Walley, of Mass., on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 1854.
Conscience the best policy : a fast-day sermon, preached on April 6, 1848 /
Slavery in the Transvaal.
Speech of Hon. I. Washburn, Jr., of Maine on the Compromise as a national party test : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 24, 1852.
The Republican Party : speech of Mr. Washburn, of Maine : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1859.
The president's message and the slavery question : speech of Hon. I. Washburn, of Maine : in the House of Representatives, December 10, 1856.
Harper's Ferry and its lesson : a sermon for the times /
Speech of the Hon. John Wheeler, of New York, in the House of Representatives February 15, 1854, on the faithlessness of the administration.
The poor whites of the South /
The federal union, it must be preserved
Correspondence of the W. Brookfield Anti-Slavery Society, and Rev. Moses Chase.
Defence of the Republican Party : speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, on the President's message.
The Union, its dangers, progress : speech of Hon. W.W. Wick, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, June 20, 1848 : in Committee of the Whole of the State of the Union.
Letter from Mr. Whitney, of New York, to his constituents.
The true Whig sentiment of Massachusetts.
Christian communion with slaveholders : will the Alliance sanction it? : letters to Rev. John Angell James, D.D., and Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D.D., shewing their position in the alliance.
Speech of Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania, on the slavery question, and the measures of the administration : delivered in the House of Representatives, Dec. 22, 1853.
Speech of Hon. Hendrick B. Wright, of Penn., on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, April 4, 1854.
Resolutions on the slavery question introduced into the Senate of North Carolina, on December 31, 1850.
Emancipation in the British W. Indies, August 1, 1834 : an address delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Syracuse, on the first of August, 1845 /
Proceedings before the Privy Council, on the subject of compulsory manumission in the colonies of Demerara and Berbice.
Report of the Committee of correspondence with Southern ecclesiastical bodies on slavery : to the General Association of Massachusetts.
Speech of Hon. E.P. Walton, of Vermont, on the bill for the admission of Kansas : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 31, 1858.
Invasion of Harper's Ferry : speech of Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio : delivered in the United States Senate, December 14, 1859.
A discourse on the sin of American slavery : delivered in the Baptist church, E. Dedham, on Sabbath evening, May 21st, 1854 /
White's Serenaders' song book : illustrated with numerous engravings : containing a splendid collection of all the new and most popular songs, glees, choruses, duetts, trios, operatic pieces, burlesque lectures, jokes, stories, conundrums, &c. which have made the former numbers of this little work so immensely popular /
Address at the funeral of the Rev. John Oliver Means, D.D. in the Immanuel Church, Boston, December 12, 1883 /
Address and proceedings of the Democratic State Central Committee.
An account of the sufferings of Friends of North Carolina Yearly Meeting : in support of their testimony against war, from 1861 to 1865.
An account of the insurrection in St. Domingo, begun in August 1791 : taken from authentic sources /
Abolition of slavery : speech of Hon. John A. Kasson, of Iowa, in the House of Representatives, January 8, 1867.
Address of Hon. E.H. Kellogg of Pittsfield, Mass. : together with other exercises connected with the dedication of the Town Hall, at Easthampton, Mass., June 29, 1869.
Address of Gen. William Cogswell, of Salem, at the grand New England celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation, the charge of the Mass. 54th, at Fort Wagner, and the adoption of the 15th amendment : held under the auspices of the colored citizens of New Bedford, July 18, 1871.
An address delivered before the Union Agricultural Society of Adams, Rodman, and Loraine, Jefferson County, New York, 12 September, 1861 /
Address of the Republican State Central Committee to the electors of Rhode Island.
Address of Hon. W.L. Harris, Commissioner from the State of Mississippi : delivered before the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, on Monday, Dec. 17th, 1860.
Address to the people of the slave holding states.
Address to the national democracy of the state of Iowa.
An address on the progress of the abolition cause : delivered before the African Abolition Freehold Society of Boston, July 16, 1832 /
Admission of Kansas under the Wyandott [sic] Constitution : speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in reply to Mr. Seward and Mr. Trumbull : delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 29, 1860.
Addresses of Hon. I.A. Lapham, LL. D., and Hon. Edward Salomon : at the dedication of the rooms in the south wing of the Capitol for the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Wednesday evening, January 24, 1866.
An address : education and labor : delivered before the Georgia Teachers' Association, August 1st, 1879 /
The ... annual report of the American Colonization Society ...
Annual message of the Governor to the General Assembly of the State of Vermont : October session, 1854.
Annual message of Alexander W. Randall, Governor of the state of Wisconsin : delivered to the Legislature, January 12, 1860.
Annexation of Santo Domingo : speech of Justin S. Morrill of Vermont, delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 7, 1871.
The "Alabama" : a statement of facts from official documents, with the sections of the Foreign Enlistment Act violated by her equipment.
The agitation of slavery : who commenced! And who can end end it! : Buchanan and Fillmore compared from the record.
Apportionment of representation : speech of Hon. Lot M. Morrill, of Maine : in the Senate of the United States, March 8, 1866.
The anti-southern lecturer.
The anti-imperialist.
Annual report of the missionary to the Negroes in Liberty County, Ga.
The Army of the Potomac, and its mismanagement : respectfully addressed to Congress /
Britain and the Boers : both sides of the South African question : with map.
Peace & union, war & disunion : speech of Hon. John McKeon, delivered before the Democratic Union Association, at their headquarters, no. 932 Broadway, on Tuesday evening, March 3.
The party of freedom and its candidates : the duty of the colored voter /
Our indebtedness to the Negroes for their conduct during the war /
Our duty to the Negro /
Political disabilities : speech of Hon. Matthew H. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 1, 1872.
The blot on the eschutcheon [sic] : an address delivered before the Afro-American League, Branch no. 1, at the Second Baptist Church, Washington, D.C., April 4th, 1890 /
A catechism for colored persons /
Catalogue of the officers and students of Oberlin Theological Seminary for 1870-1871.
The case of the planters of tobacco in Virginia, as presented by themselves : signed by the President of the Council, and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. To which is added, a vindication of the said representation.
The case of Maria in the Court of Assistants in 1681 /
A candid examination of the objections to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between the United States and Great-Britain : as stated in the report of the Committee appointed by the citizens of the United States, in Charleston, South-Carolina /
Canada's part in freeing the slave /
"Can such things be and overcome us like a summer cloud, without our special wonder?"
Charles Hudson, in memoriam : a paper read at the meeting of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, on the evening of June 7, 1881 /
The celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of William Lloyd Garrison, December 10 and 11, 1905 /
A caution to Great Britain and her colonies : in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions /
A concise account of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers : embracing a sketch of their Christian doctrines and practices.
The price of peace.
Pretexts of the rebels and their sympathizers refuted by the logic of facts : rebellion against free government, as well as against the National Union resulting from the conspiracy of the slaveholding aristocracy : illustrated in the speech of the Hon. Lorenzo Sherwood : delivered before the Unionists of the city of Brooklyn, September, 1864, and also in the letter of Governor Hamilton to Pres't Lincoln : with an extract of the celebrated letter of Daniel O'Connell, the Irish liberator, to his countrymen, on the subject of American slavery and freedom.
Christy's bones and banjo melodist : being a collection of the most popular, fashionable, patriotic, Ethiopian comic and humorous songs, speeches, etc. : as sung and delivered by the world renowned Christy's Ministrels at their popular entertainments throughout the United States.
Conflict between Christianity and slavery.
Confiscation, emancipation and colonization : "indemnity for the past and security for the future" : speech of Hon. F.P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, in the House of Representatives, May 23, 1862.
Confiscation of rebel property : speech of Hon. Andrew J. Rogers, of New Jersey, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 21, 1864.
Confiscation of rebel property : speech of Francis P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 5, 1864.
The conduct of the war : remarks of Hon. William E. Lehman, of Pennsylvania, on the bill to confiscate the property of rebels, delivered in the House of Representatives, April 23, 1862.
The contact of "higher" and "lower" races /
Cursory remarks and plain facts connected with the question produced by the proposed Slave Registry Bill /
Crimp's trip to the Centennial : a negro farce, in two acts /
Reconstruction : speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa, delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 10, 1868.
Reconstruction : speech of Hon. James A. Cravens, of Ind. : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 2, 1864.
Reconstruction : speech of Hon. J.K. Edgerton, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, February 20, 1865.
Reconstruction : speech of F.C. Beaman, of Michigan, in the House of Representatives, March 22, 1864, on the bill to guarantee to certain states, whose governments have been usurped or overthrown, a Republican form of government.
Relations and duties of servants and masters /
Regeneration before reconstruction : speech of Hon. George W. Julian, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1867.
A refutation of the principles of abolition /
The record of the Democratic Party, 1860-1865.
Remarks of the Hon. B.F. Thomas, of Massachusetts : on the relation of the "seceded states" (so called) to the Union and the confiscation of property and emancipation of slaves in such states.
Remarks of Hon. J. Hutchins, of O., Hon. I. Washburn, Jr., of Me., and Hon. J. Hickman, of Pa. : on the subject of the organization of the House : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1860.
Remarks of Hon. D.E. Sickles, of N.Y., on the relations of the North and the South, and the duty of the North in the present crisis : delivered in the House of Representatives, December 13, 1859.
Religious instruction of the Negroes : an address delivered before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, at Augusta, Ga., December 10, 1861 /
The religious instruction of the colored population : a sermon preached by the Rev. John B. Adger, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C., May 9th, 1847.
The religious instruction of the Black population.
A reorganization of our work among the colored people /
Remarks on the ordinance of nullification, the President's proclamation, the President's last message, and the enforcing bill, reported by the Judiciary Committee of the Senate : together with some general observations on the present position and future prospects of South-Carolina in her controversy with the federal government, and, on the duties and obligations of her citizens in connexion with that contest : being a series of essays originally published in the State rights and free trade evening post /
Remarks on emigration to Jamaica : addressed to the coloured class of the United States /
A report on the condition of the freedmen of the Mississippi : presented to the Western Sanitary Commission, December 17th, 1863 /
Report of the Select Committee on Slavery, the Dred Scott Decision, and the Action of the Federal Government Thereon : submitted Thursday, Nov. 18, 1858.
Frank Converse's "Old Cremona" songster : containing a choice and popular collection of banjo songs, stump speeches, sentimental ballads, comic songs, comic quartettes, walk arounds, songs and dances, &c., &c. : with music /
Four open letters from the University Commission on Race Questions to the college men of the South.
Four articles on the state of the country, and the Civil War /
Forts in the seceding states : speech of Hon. John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, in the Senate of the United States, March 18, 1861.
The future of the country /
Free Negroes, District of Columbia.
A glance at the resources of the South in the event of separation and hostile collision with the North : together with a brief examination into the value of the Union to the South, &c., in a series of articles originally published in the Columbia, So. Ca., Telegraph.
Georgia's General Assembly of 1878 : biographical sketches of senators, representatives, the Governor and heads of departments /
George N. Sanders on the sequences of southern secession.
General Hunter's letter.
Great union meeting held at Indianapolis, February 26th, 1863 : speeches of Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Gen. Samuel F. Carey, of Ohio, and others.
The great rebellion in the light of Christianity /
The rights and duties of the Negro : an address delivered by Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee, Alabama, before the National Afro-American Council in McCauley's Theater, Louisville, Ky., Thursday evening July 2nd, 1903.
The rights and duties of slaveholders : two discourses delivered on Sunday, November 27, 1836, in Christ Church, Raleigh, North Carolina /
Serious considerations on the present state of parties, with regard to the presidential election : with the author's own case fairly stated, and submitted to all candid and compassionate men /
Separate state secession, practically discussed, in a series of articles published originally in the Edgefield advertiser /
Senator from Louisiana : speech of Hon. George F. Edmunds, of Vermont, in the United States Senate, March 16, 1875.
Selections from the pen of Lieut. Samuel Hathaway.
The Sea-Witch, or, The beautiful Quadroon /
San Domingo : speech of Hon. Timothy O. Howe of Wisconsin, in the Senate of the United States, March 27 and 28, 1871.
The seventieth birthday anniversary of John W. Hutchinson : (tribe of John and Jesse,) at Tower Cottage, High Rock, Lynn, Mass., January fifth, 1891.
Service of the militia : speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa : delivered in the United States Senate, July 11, 1862.
Horace Greeley, "the Chappaqua sage" : what he knows about partisan politics : glances at his political record.
History of the First Church, Oberlin, Ohio : an address by the pastor Rev. James Brand, delivered December, 1876.
Invasion of states : speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, on the introduction of a resolution relative to the invasion of states.
Introductory to the lectures of Henry M. Stanley : the discoverer of Dr. David Livingstone, the great African explorer, the Christian missionary, and Consul to the African tribes, who was long deemed lost by the Royal Geographical Society of London : with biographical sketches of Mr. H.M. Stanley and Dr. David Livingstone.
The institution of slavery, viewed in the light of divine truth : a lecture delivered in the City Hall, Portland, Sunday evening, March 17, 1861 /
Laws of national growth : Mexican affairs : speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, of Ohio : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 19, 1860.
John Greenleaf Whittier : a plea for political equality : centennial oration delivered by Reverdy C. Ransom in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., U.S.A., December 17, 1907.
John Brown mort, pour l'affranchissement des noirs : émancipation graduelle, Oswald, États-Unis ... Daniel Manin, Ary Scheffer ... Souscription, Lamartine : souscription à ses oeuvres complètes, 1861. Manifeste de propagande, remords d'une nation! /
John Bell's anti-slavery record.
The sorrows of Yamba, or, The Negro woman's lamentations.
A sober view of the slavery question /
Speech of Aaron F. Perry, Esq. : delivered before the National Union Association, at Mozart Hall, Cincinnati, Sept. 20, 1864.
Letter from William M. Peyton to the Hon. Wm. C. Rives, on the present crisis.
The Southern view of "Uncle Tom's cabin" : from the Southern literary messenger /
The Southern rebellion and the constitutional powers of the republic for its suppression : an address delivered by Hon. Henry Winter Davis, before the Mercantile Library Association of Brooklyn, Nov. 26, 1861 /
"Let the people rule" : speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, at Concord, New Hampshire, July 31, 1860.
Speech of Hon. A.L. Knapp, of Illinois, on freedmen's affairs : delivered in the House of Representatives, March 1, 1864.
Speech of Hon. A.H. Coffroth, of Penna., delivered in the House of Representatives, June 14, 1864.
Speech of Hoh. [sic] Joseph Segar of Elizabeth City County : against the seizure of the U.S. guns at Belona [sic] Arsenal, and against secession, delivered in the House of Delegates of Virginia, March 30, 1861.
Speech of Hon. J.W. Patterson, of New Hampshire, on the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 28th, 1865.
Speech of Hon. J.H.D. Henderson, of Oregon, on Reconstruction : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 18, 1867.
Speech of Hon. Horace Maynard, of Tennessee, on the claim of Joseph Segar to a seat in the House : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 11, 1862.
Speech of Hon. Henry R. Low, on the right of Congress to determine the qualification of its members, and to determine when the public safety will permit the admission of representatives from the states lately in rebellion, and the present condition of national affairs : in Assembly, March 14, 1866.
Man's rule and Christ's reign : a sermon, preached on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, 1862 /
Loyalty versus copperheadism : an address delivered by Rev. Bryon Sunderland, D.D., before the National Union League, Washington, D.C., Tuesday evening, June 30, 1863.
Mr. Gayarré's address to the Know Nothing Convention in Philadelphia, 1855.
The Mississippi election : speech of Hon. Blanche K. Bruce, of Mississippi, in the United States Senate, March 31, 1876.
Miss Martineau on America, reviewed.
Minutes of the proceedings of a Convention of Merchants and Others held in Augusta, Georgia, October 16, 1837 : with an address to the people of the Southern and South-western states, relative to the establishment of a direct export and import trade with foreign countries.
Military interference with elections : speech of Hon. Willard Saulsbury, of Delaware, delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 24 and 25, 1864, on the bill to prevent officers of the army and navy, and other persons engaged in the military and naval service of the United States, from interfering in elections in the states.
National Union Club documents : speeches of Hon. Edgar Cowan, of Pennsylvania, Hon. Jas. R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of Treasury, letter of Hon. O.H. Browning, of Illinois, and and an address by a member of the Club, also, The condition of the South : a report of Special Commissioner B.F. Truman.
National testimonial to William Lloyd Garrison.
The nation and its labor : speech of Hon. J.K. Moorhead, of Pennsylvania : delivered in the House of Representatives, April 28, 1866.
A narrative of some of the proceedings of North Carolina Yearly Meeting on the subject of slavery within its limits.
Names of persons pardoned by the President : message from the President of the United States, further in answer to a resolution of the House of 10th December last, relative to persons pardoned by the President.
Nachash--what is it? or, An answer to the question "Who and what is the Negro?", drawn from Revelation /
Mr. Player's speech, in the debate in the Legislature of South Carolina, on the expediency of calling a convention.
The Negro and the domestic problem /
Neapolitan captive : interesting narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Miss Viletta Laranda, a native of Naples, who, with a brother, was a passenger on board a Neapolitan vessel wrecked near Oran, on the Barbary coast, September 1829, and who soon after was unfortunately made a captive of by a wandering clan of Bedowen Arabs, on their return from Algiers to the deserts, and eleven months after providentially rescued from Barbarian bondage by the commander of a detached regiment of the victorious French Army /
Speech of Hon. T. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives, March 19, 1867 : on the bill (H.R. no. 20) relative to damages to loyal men, and for other purposes.
Speech of Hon. Samuel Shellabarger, of Ohio, on Reconstruction : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 24, 1867.
Speech of Hon. William J. Flagg, of Hamilton County : delivered in the Ohio House of Representatives, on the resolution of Mr. West to expel Hon. Otto Dresel, March 25, 1863.
Negro emigration : speech of Wade Hampton, a Senator from the state of South Carolina, in the Senate of the United States, Thursday, January 30, 1890.
A Negro baptism in the Hudson /
The Negro at the South : address by W.J. Northen (ex-Governor of Georgia) before the Congregational Club, Boston, Mass. May 22, 1899.
Speech of Hon. William D. Northend, of Essex, in the Senate of Massachusetts, February 27, 1861, upon the modification of the Personal Liberty Bill.
Speech of R.M. Saunders, of North Carolina, against receiving, referring, or reporting on abolition petitions : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 19 & 23, 1844.
Speech of R.K. Meade : to his constituents of the 2d Congressional District of Virginia, on the subject of restricting slavery in the territories of the United States, August, 1849.
Speech of Mr. Turpie : delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 7, 1863.
The Negro servant
Nullification considered and defended on the principle of abstract right, and as necessary to the preservation of popular freedom in a confederation of republics /
Northern radicals and southern radicals : speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, January 27, 1868.
The North forbearing, the South aggressive : speech of J.B. Alley of Mass., delivered in the House of Representatives January 26, 1861.
Non-interference by Congress with slavery in the territories : speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate, May 15 and 16, 1860.
No British slavery, or, An invitation to the people to put a speedy end to it.
The Nigger night school : a farce in one act for six male characters /
Old Peggy Boggs, or, The old dominion inside out : a tale of the great rebellion /
Observations on the necessity of introducing a sufficient number of respectable clergymen into our colonies in the West Indies : and the expediency of establishing for that purpose, by subscription, a college, in this country, in which persons may be fitly educated for the performance of the clerical functions, in that part of the British Empire.
Observations on the impolicy of recommencing the importation of slaves : respectfully submitted to the consideration of the Legislature of South Carolina /
An oration delivered in the city of Charleston : before the State Rights & Free Trade Party, the State Society of Cincinnati, the Revolution Society, the '76 Association, the Young Men's Free Trade Association, and several volunteer companies of militia, on the 4th of July, 1832, being the 56th anniversary of American Independence /
Oration delivered by Hon. Whiting Griswold at the Firemen's celebration in Greenfield, July 4, 1862.
An oration delivered by appointment before the Union & State Rights Party, on the 4th of July 1832, at the Second Presbyterian Church : by James H. Smith.
The one hundredth anniversary of the birthday of William Lloyd Garrison at the Joy Street African Baptist Church, Sunday, December 10, 1905, 3.00 o'clock P.M. : under the auspices of the Boston Literary and Historical Association, St. Mark Musical and Literary Union and Boston suffrage League.
On the expulsion of Mr. Bright from the Senate : speech of Hon. M.S. Wilkinson, of Minnesota :delivered in the Senate, January 20, 1862.
Our country's mission, or, The present suffering of the nation justified by its future glory : a discourse preached at Williston, Vermont, on the day of the National Fast, August 4th, 1864 /
An oration on domestic slavery : delivered at the North Meeting-House in Hartford, on the 12th day of May, A.D. 1791 : at the meeting of the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, and the Relief of Persons Unlawfully Holden in Bondage /
The Peninsular campaign and its antecedents : as developed by the report of Maj. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, and other published documents /
A Thanksgiving discourse delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church in Philadelphia, April 13th 1862 : by W.H. Furness D.D., in accordance with the recommendation of the President of the United States.
The testimony of the Society of Friends, on the continent of America.
A system of prospective emancipation, advocated in Kentucky by Robert J. Breckinridge, D.D., and urged and supported in the Princeton review, in Article VI, October 1849 /
Supremacy of partisanship over patriotism and principle.
To the free white men of South Carolina.
To the electors of the city of New-York.
'Tis all for the best : an interesting moral tract illustrating the happy effects resulting from a confidence in the equity of divine providence /
Theodore Parker in spirit life : a narration of personal experience, inspirationally given to Fred. L.H. Willis, M.D.
Thanksgiving for peace : a sermon, preached in the First Congregational Church, at Pittsfield, Mass., on the occasion of the national and state Thanksgiving, December 7, 1865 /
A true picture of abolition /
The trials of the nation : God's method of preparing it for a higher mission : a discourse delivered on the day of national thanksgiving, August 6, 1863, in the Congregational Church at St. Albans, Vermont /
Travels of a philosopher : containing observations on the manner and arts of various nations, in Africa and Asia /
The Union, past, present, and future : a speech delivered by Hon. W.W. Eaton, at City Hall, Hartford, on Saturday evening, March 3d, 1860.
The union : an address by the Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, delivered before the literary societies of Amherst College, July 10th, 1861.
The Union : a plea for reconciliation : being an address by Hon. Roger A. Pryor, delivered in the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, N.Y. on Decoration day, May 30th, 1877.
The Union as it is, and the Constitution as our fathers made it! : speech of Hon. Mason W. Tappan, of New Hampshire : in the U.S. House of Representatives, February 5, 1861.
Union and Republican Parties : address of the Union Electoral Committee to the Union men of New York.
U.L.A. record. their party and platform reviewed /
The twelfth of August, or, The feast of freedom.
The war and slavery, and their relations to each other : a discourse, delivered in the Old South Church, Reading, Mass., December 28, 1862 /
The vote of a Confederate soldier south twice as powerful as the vote of the Union soldier north : speech of James G. Blaine, of Maine, in the Senate of the United States, December 11, 1878.
A view of the war : its causes and probable results /
The White League conspiracy against free government : speech of General Hugh J. Campbell, on Monday evening, January 11, 1875, before a Republican mass meeting, held in Bethel Chapel, for the purpose of giving the sense of the Republicans of Louisiana as to the correctness of the facts stated in General Sheridan's dispatches.
Wendell Phillips : a commemorative discourse /
The way to attain and secure peace : speech of Hon. W.D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania : delivered in the House of Representatives, December19, 1862.
Wm. Lloyd Garrison to Chas. Sumner : review of the senator's career, Greeleyism exposed!, the bearings of the present campaign!.
"Wisdom better than weapons of war" : a discourse, delivered on the day of national thanksgiving at Abington, Mass. December 7, 1865 /
William Lloyd Garrison : the centennial oration delivered by Reverdy C. Ransom in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Dec. 11, 1905.
A child remembers Berea in the 70's /
The execution of Henry Jackson, a slave of Wm Jackson, at Decatur, Ga., Nov. 3d, 1858.
Draft preliminary report of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Slavery of the United Nations.
Contemporary forms of slavery in Uruguay /
Contemporary forms of slavery in Peru /
Contemporary forms of slavery in Paraguay /
Contemporary forms of slavery in Brazil /
Contemporary forms of slavery in Bolivia /
Contemporary forms of slavery in Argentina /
Our news, our views : children's rights, child labour & the media /
Historical register of the officers and students of Berea College, from the beginning to June, 1915.
Historical register of the officers and students of Berea College, from the beginning to June, 1904.
Georgia : colonial inventories and appraisements,
Records of slaves and free persons of color,
Papers on Black students at Berea College,
Trafficking for forced labour in Europe : report on a study in the UK, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Portugal /
Slavery : statement submitted by the Anti-Slavery Society.
Slave collection,
Résumé du rapport final sur le trafic des enfants entre le Bénin et le Gabon /
When rights are left /
Anti-slavery collection,
1807-2007 : over 200 years of campaigning against slavery /
Berea evangelist.
Administration of Governor Light in British Guiana, &c., &c., &c.
Report of the trials of the insurgent Negroes : before a general court-martial, held at Georgetown, Demerara, on the 25th August, 1823, and continued by arrangement, until the 11th October following.
A narrative of the shipwreck of the British brig, "Surprise", of Glasgow, John William Ross, master, on the coast of Barbary, on the 28th December, 1815 : and subsequent captivity of the passengers and crew by the Arabs, until ransomed by the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers.
American slavery : report of a public meeting held at Finsbury Chapel, Moorfields, to receive Frederick Douglass, the American slave, on Friday, May 22, 1846 /
Some historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce, and general disposition of its inhabitants : with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature, and lamentable effects : also a republication of the sentiments of several authors of note on this interesting subject, paricularly an extract of a treatise written by Granville Sharpe /
Oroonoko, or, The royal slave /
Spain & the African slave-trade : an address to Spaniards from the Committee of the British & Foreign Anti-Slavery Society.
The white slavery of Europe /
The results of emancipation /
The history of the rise, progress, and accomplishment of the abolition of the African slave-trade by the British Parliament /
Life and sufferings of Francis Fedric while in slavery : an escaped slave after 51 years in bondage : a true tale founded on facts, shewing the horrors of the slave system.
Le grand désert : itinéraire d'une caravane du Sahara au pays des Nègres royaume de Haoussa /
A voyage to New Holland, &c. in the year 1699 : wherein are described, the Canary-Islands, the Isles of Mayo and St. Jago, the Bay of All Saints, with the forts and towns of Bahia in Brasil, Cape Salvadore, the winds on the Brasilian coast, Abrohlo-Shoals, a table of all the variations observ'd in this voyage, occurrences near the Cape of Good Hope, the course to New Holland, Shark's Bay, the isles and coast, &c. of New Holland : their inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, &c., their harbours, soil, beasts, birds, fish, &c., trees, plants, fruits, &c. : illustrated with several maps and draughts, also divers birds, fishes, and plants, not found in this part of the world, curiously ingraven on copper-plates /
A curious and exact account of a voyage to Congo in the years 1666 and 1667 : by the R.R.F.F. Michael Angelo of Gattina, and Denis de Carli of Piacenza, Capuchins and apostolick missioners into the said Kingdom of Congo.
Wonderous grace display'd in the life and conversion of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African prince : giving an account of the religion, customs, manners, &c. of the natives of Zaara, in Africa /
Slavery and the slave trade in the United States of America : and the extent to which the American churches are involved in their support : drawn up at the request of the Committee of the Edinburgh Emancipation Society /
The English-American, his travail by sea and land, or, A new svrvey of the West-India's : containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America ... : also, a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts ... : with a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue called Poconchi, or Pocoman /
A plea for Africa : being familiar conversations on the subject of slavery and colonization /
Missionary travels and researches in South Africa : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast, thence across the continent, down the River Zambesi, to the eastern ocean /
A true & exact history of the island of Barbados : illustrated with a mapp of the island, as also the principall trees and plants there, set forth in their due proportions and shapes, drawne out by their severall and respective scales : together with the ingenio that makes the sugar, with the plots of severall houses, roomes, and other places, that are used in the whole processe of sugar-making, viz. the grinding-room, the boyling-room, the filling-room, the curing-house, still-house, and furnaces, all cut in copper /
Lettres de m. A. Jollivet.
A voyage to Congo, and several other countries, chiefly in southern Africk /
The true interpretation of the American civil war, and of England's cotton difficulty, or, Slavery, from a different point of view, shewing the relative responsibilities of America and Great Britain /
Africa : being an accurate description of the regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the land of Negroes, Guinee, Æthiopia and the Abyssines : with all the adjacent islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern or Oriental Sea, belonging thereunto : with the several denominations of their coasts, harbors, creeks, rivers, lakes, cities, towns, castles, and villages, their customs, modes and manners, languages, religions and inexhaustible treasure : with their governments and policy, variety of trade and barter : and also of their wonderful plants, beasts, birds and serpents : collected and translated from most authentick authors and augmented with later observations : illustrated with notes and adorn'd with peculiar maps and proper sculptures /
The Under-ground Railroad /
A true and faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mahommetans : in which is a particular relation of their pilgrimage to Mecca, the place of Mahommet's birth, and a description of Medina, and of his tomb there : as likewise of Algier and the country adjacent : and of Alexandria, Grand-Cairo, &c. : with an account of the author's being taken captive, the Turks cruelty to him, and of his escape : in which are many things never publish'd by any historian before /
The history of the long captivity and adventures of Thomas Pellow, in South Barbary : giving an account of his being taken by two Sallee Rovers, and carried a slave to Mequinez, at eleven years of age : his various adventures in that country for the space of twenty-three years, escape, and return home : in which is introduced a particular account of the manners and customs of the Moors, the astonishing tyranny and cruelty of their Emperors, and a relation of all those great revolutions and bloody wars which happen'd in the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, between the years 1720 and 1736, together with a description of the cities, towns, and publick buildings in those Kingdoms, miseries of the Christian slaves, and many other curious particulars /
Horrors of the Virginian slave trade and of the slave-rearing plantations : the true story of Dinah, an escaped Virginian slave, now in London, on whose body are eleven scars left by tortures which were inflicted by her master, her own father ; together with extracts from the laws of Virginia, showing that against these barbarities the law gives not the smallest protection to the slave, but the reverse /
Uncle Tom's cabin : a tale of life among the lowly, or, Pictures of slavery in the United States of America /
History of slavery in Connecticut /
Autobiography of the Rev. Devereux Spratt, who died at Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, 1688 /
Slavery as it once prevailed in Massachusetts /
Narrative of an expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, under the direction of Captain J.K. Tuckey, R.N. : to which is added, The journal of Professor Smith, some general observations on the country and its inhabitants, and an appendix, containing the natural history of that part of the Kingdom of Congo through which the Zaire flows.
Barbarian cruelty, or An accurate and impartial narrative of the unparallel'd sufferings and almost incredible hardships of the British captives belonging to the Inspector Privateer, Capt. Richard Veale, Commander, during their slavery under the arbitrary and despotic Government of Muley Abdallah, Emperor of Fez and Morocco, from January 1745-6, to their happy ransom and deliverance from their painful captivities, compleated in December 1750, by his Excellency William Latton, Esq., his Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Consul-General to the Emperor of Fez and Morocco.
The narrative of John Williams, a Negro : showing how he made his escape from New Orleans, in America, and came to England, where he learned that the Black man has many kind and sympathising friends, and where he was instructed in the saving truths of Christianity.
Historical sketch of the New York African Society for Mutual Relief : organized in the city of New York, 1808, chartered by the Legislature of the State of New York, 1810, now existing under the general law of the state, passed 1848, the oldest society of its kind in the United States /
Collections relating to the slave trade,
A letter from Barbary by Thomas Sweet to his friends in London, narrating the circumstances of his captivity.
[Materials relating to the Jamaican sugar and slave trade],
An account of the Conference on the Relation of the Church to the Colored People of the South : held at Sewanee, Tennessee July 25 to 28, 1883.
An Act Respecting Slaves /
An act to give effect to the provisions of the Constitution of the United States, relative to fugitives from labor, for the protection of free people of color, and to prevent kidnapping.
Address of Dr. W.H. Goler, president of Livingston College, N.C. at the 120th anniversary of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully held in Bondage and for Improving the Condition of the African Race.
Address of Scipio Quarterly Meeting of Friends, on the subject of slavery, to its members.
An address on West India emancipation : delivered on the first of August, 1838, before the Union Anti-Slavery Society of Philadelphia /
Address to the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church /
An address to the members of the Religious Society of Friends, on the propriety of abstaining from the use of the produce of slave labour.
An address to the members of the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia.
An adjourned meeting of "The Friends' Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity for the Relief of Colored Freedmen" will be held at Arch Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, on third day evening, 11th mo. 5th, at 7 1 /
Preamble : Constitution /
African evangelization and civilization /
Africa's call to America : a discourse preached in behalf of the American Colonization Society in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, February 26th, 1882 /
America, or Africa? /
The American free produce journal.
Ancient slavery disapproved of God /
Annual report of the Association of Friends for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the Free People of Color, for the year ...
NAACP annual report.
The annual report of the Presbyterian Committee of Missions for Freedmen of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, presented ...
Annual report of Thos. W. Conway, Superintendent Bureau of Free Labor, Department of the Gulf, to Major General Hurlbut commanding, for the year 1864.
Twelfth annual report to the General Assembly of its Trustees in relation to disabled ministers in need, and the needy widows and orphans of deceased ministers : presented May, 1967.
The annual sermon of the Conference of Church Workers among Colored People : New Haven, Conn., September, 1903 /
Sketch of the life of Frederick Douglass : chiefly compiled from his autobiography and a few of his letters and speeches.
[Circular], Anti-Slavery Office, May 30, 1849.
Apology for ladies' anti-slavery associations /
Appeal of forty thousand citizens, threatened with disenfranchisement, to the people of Pennsylvania.
An appeal of the Executive Board of the "Friends' Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity for the Relief of Colored Freedmen."
An appeal to the conservative masses, North and South, to end agitation for or against slavery, by decided action now.
At a meeting of the Representative Committee, or Meeting for Sufferings, held 1st mo. 31, 1851.
At a special meeting of the Association of Friends of Philadelphia and its vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen, held tenth month 25th, 1866.
The Bible against slavery : an address delivered in the 6th Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, March 19, 1843 /
The black bondman /
The black man's children /
Blasting influence of slavery on the social circle.
The blind slave in the mines /
A booklet descriptive of the Christiansburg Industrial Institute, Cambria, Virginia.
Brief memoirs of Thomas Shipley and Edwin P. Atlee : read before the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, &c., tenth month, 1837 /
The burial of John Brown /
Caste : compiled, chiefly, from recent publications /
Celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the organization of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, and for Improving the Condition of the African Race : held at Concert Hall, fourth mo. (April) 14th, 1865.
Circular, November 20, 1865.
[Circular, June 9th, 1865].
[Circular], Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 1869.
[Circular], Philadelphia, 11th mo. 18, 1865.
[Circular] /
Circular, to the members and friends of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery.
Colonization : compiled, chiefly, from recent publications.
Colored school statistics : to the Board of Education of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, &c. /
Constitution of the Colored Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York, auxiliary to the Young Men's Christian Association.
Constitution of the Delaware Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery : and for the relief and protection of free blacks and people of colour unlawfully held in bondage, or otherwise oppressed.
Constitution of the Friends' Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen.
Constitution of the Pennsylvania State Equal Rights' League.
Constitution of the Women's Central Branch of the Pennsylvania Freedmen's Relief Association : with an appendix.
A constitutional defense of the Negro /
A critical review of the late speech of Charles O'Conor, "Negro slavery not unjust" /
Declaration of sentiment of the American Anti-Slavery Society.
Declaration of Anti-slavery Convention, assembled at Philadelphia, December 4, 1833.
Dialogue between a slave-holder and an abolitionist.
A directory of the colored members of the Philadelphia bar /
A discourse by Cudjo, December 25, 1847, to the male and female bredren of Alabama.
A discourse, delivered, January 5th, 1851, in the First Congregational Unitarian Church, in Philadelphia /
A discourse in behalf of the African race : delivered at West Middletown, January 18, 1838 /
The duty of strengthening Liberia : an address /
Education of Negroes in ante-bellum America : a guide to an exhibition in the William L. Clements Library /
Emancipation in Maryland : extract from "The press."
Emigration and colonization : proposals for the establishment of townships of colored people in British Honduras, Central America.
Episcopal freedman's aid society.
"Equality before the law" : oration /
An essay on the late institution of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour, of the United States.
Essays on the public charities of Philadelphia : intended to vindicate benevolent societies from the charge of encouraging idleness, and to place in strong relief, before an enlightened public, the sufferings and oppression under which the greater part of the females labour, who depend on their industry for a support for themselves and children /
Essays tending to prove the ruinous effects of the policy of the United States, on the three classes, farmers, planters, and merchants : addressed to Edward Livingston, Esq., member of the House of Representatives ... /
Extracts from letters received by the Port Royal Relief Committee of Philadelphia from teachers and superintendents at the Sea Islands, S.C.
A fair statement : the true issue : Negro suffrage no part of the Union platform.
Annual report of the Freedman's Commission of the Board of Missions.
Annual report of the Loyal Y. Graham Hospital and Training School for Negroes, Greensboro, N.C. : for the year ending ...
Annual report of the Superintendent of Colored Schools for Washington and Georgetown, D.C. : for the year ending ...
Annual report of the National Freedmen's Relief Association, of the District of Columbia.
The Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, chartered by the Government of the United States, March 3, 1865 : principal office, Washington, D.C., opposite the Treasury of the U.S. : branch offices in all the principal cities of the South and Southwest.
The freedmen's monitor.
The freedmen's monitor and working-man's looking-glass.
The friendly visitant, for parents and children.
The fugitive slave law, tried by the Old and New Testaments /
Good news from a far country.
Hampton-Tuskegee results : a story every American should know.
Hand book of information and report of the Colored Aged and Orphanage Association of the State of New Jersey : with some facts about the colored people of the United States : organized June 8, 1893, incorporated July 23, 1893.
The history of the black slaves : being an affectionate address to the children of Great Britain, of all ranks and denominations /
Honesty the best policy.
"How can I help to abolish slavery?", or, Counsels to the newly converted /
Inaugural ceremonies of the Freedmen's Memorial Monument to Abraham Lincoln : Washington City, April 14, 1876.
Indiana Yearly Meeting of Anti-Slavery Friends, held at Newport, Wayne Co., Ind., 9th mo., 30th, 1852.
Minutes of the proceedings of the second Convention of Delegates from the Abolition Societies Established in Different Parts of the United States : assembled in Philadephia, on the seventh day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and continued, by adjournments, until the fourteenth day of the same month, inclusive.
An inquiry into the causes and origin of slavery in the United States, and a plan suggested for its extinction /
The institution of slavery in the United States, historically reviewed /
Instructions to teachers /
The insurrection at Harper's Ferry, and a faithful history of Know-nothingism and Black Republicanism, and their proposed union under the irrepressible conflict doctrine of Seward and his allies, north and south.
The status of American Negro citizenship /
The issues of the hour : Negro suffrage and Negro equality : address of State Central Committee.
Land tenure among the Negroes : a paper /
Le nègre domestique : histoire authentique et intéressante, en trois parties.
A lecture upon the rise, progress and present infidel position of the Garrisonian abolitionists /
[Letter], Boston, January ... 1865 /
Letter from Cassius M. Clay : slavery : the evil, the remedy.
[Letter], Philadelphia, June 13, 1850.
[Letter], Philadelphia, October 3, 1900 [to] Prof. W.H. Councill /
[Circular], Philadelphia, 5th mo. 7th, 1823.
A letter to Mr. Wilberforce, and the rest of the honorable gentlemen of the House of Commons, who voted for the abolition of the slave-trade : and also to every gentleman in the kingdom who joined their endeavours for that purpose.
A letter to the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Beilby, Lord Bishop of London, on the abolition of slavery.
Letters and discussions on the formation of colored regiments : and the duty of the colored people in regard to the great slaveholders' rebellion, in the United States of America /
Liberia and the mission path /
Liberty Party, 1840 /
The life & work of the Rev. A.M. Barrett, president of the Collegiate and Industrial Institute, Pee Dee (North Carolina) /
List of the taxable inhabitants, deaf and dumb, blind persons, and slaves, in the several counties of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania : from the returns made to the Governor, in the years 1842-43 : read in the House of Representatives, January 12, 1843.
The Long Bridge : the escape : slavery in the District of Columbia.
The Louisville examiner.
Lucy Neale's nigga warbler.
Mark and Hasty, or, Slave-life in Missouri /
Memorial to the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met : this memorial of the "colored citizens" of this state, residents of the city of Philadelphia.
Memorial of Professor S.S. Schmucker, relative to binding out minor colored children : read in the House of Representatives, March 7, 1839.
Message of Governor Johnston in defence of Pennsylvania.
[Letter on slavery in the United States, from Société des amis des noirs, Paris].
Minute on slavery.
Minutes of the fifth Colored Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held at Salem, N.J., August 1, 1861.
Minutes of the first Annual Meeting of the Northwestern Freedmen's Aid Commission : held in the Second Presbyterian Church in Chicago, on Thursday evening, April 14th, and on Friday morning, April 15th, 1864 ; with an appendix, containing a list of annual and life electors, and other data.
Minutes of the ... session of the New York Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Narrative of a visit to the schools of the P.E. Freedman's Com. in Norfolk and Petersburgh.
National Freedman's Relief Association, organized in the city of New York, on the 22d February, 1862.
National Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, chartered by Congress, March 3d, 1865 : Washington branch office ... where deposits will be received every business day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Negro : his past and present in America, and what should be done with him.
The Negro in politics : review of recent legislation for his protection, defence of the colored man against all accusers : address of Gen. Butler, in North Russell Church, Boston, Monday evening, May 8th, 1871.
Negro suffrage : speech of Senator Hiester Clymer, of Berks County.
Northern dealers in slaves.
Opening speech of John W. Ashmead, United States District Attorney, in the case of the United States vs. Castner Hanway, indicted for treason, in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania : delivered November 28, 1851.
Pastoral letter of the Right Rev. William Meade, Assistant Bishop op [sic] Virginia, to the ministers, members and friends of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocess [sic] of Virginia, on the duty of affording religious instruction to those in bondage.
Loyal National Repeal Association, Daniel O'Connell, and American slavery.
[Petition favoring adoption of the fifteenth Amendment] /
A petition in behalf of the colored people.
The Philadelphia main line Negro : a social, economic and educational survey /
Pity the negro, or, An address to children on the subject of slavery.
A plan for the gradual abolition of slavery in the United States, without danger or loss to the citizens of the South.
A plea for the freedmen.
A plea for a thorough training /
Preamble and constitution of the Junior Anti-Slavery Society of the City and County of Philadelphia : organized sixth month, (June,) 1836.
Preamble and constitution of the Pennsylvania State Equal Rights' League : acting under the jurisdiction of the National Equal Rights' League of the United States of America and constitution for subordinate leagues.
The plantation missionary.
[Preamble and resolutions adopted] at a meeting of the "Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery", &c. : held at Clarkson Hall, fifth mo. 23d, 1839.
Prejudice against colored people /
The present crisis in the work of the American Colonization Society : an address /
Proceedings of the Colored People's Educational Convention : held in Jefferson City, Missouri, January, 1870.
Proceedings of the National Conference of Colored Men of the United States : held in State Capitol at Nashville, Tennessee, May 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1879.
Project for the extinction of slavery in Cuba and Porto Rico.
Quadrennial report of the Freedmen's Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church : to the General Conference, held in Philadelphia, Penn., May 1, 1884.
Reasons for existence : the annual discourse, delivered at the seventy-second Annual Meeting of the American Colonization Society, held in the First Baptist Church, Washington, D.C., Sunday evening, January 13, 1889 /
Reasons for using East India sugar.
Recaptured Africans : letter from the Secretary of the Interior on the subject of the return to Africa of recaptured Africans, etc.
Reconstruction and Negro suffrage : speech of Governor O.P. Morton at Richmond, Indiana, on Thursday evening, September 29th, 1865.
Remarks addressed to the citizens of Illinois, on the proposed introduction of slavery.
Reminiscences /
A reply to the objections of the London Economist against the Memphis Convention of Southern planters : and an examination of its theory of labor, as illustrated in the white free system of Europe and the black slave system of the United States. /
Report of Indiana Yearly Meeting's Executive Committee, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen.
Report of the Committee on Education on the petition of James Jefferson and others, for equal school rights.
The report of the Eastern Committee for the Education of the Freedmen, appointed by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, at their meeting in Newark, N.J., 1864 : presented at their meeting in Pittsburg, Pa., May, 1865.
Report of the proceedings at meetings held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, May 17, 1865 : Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton ... in the chair, in the morning ... the Duke of Argyll ... in the chair in the afternoon /
Review of an address issued by Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends : cautioning their members against uniting with anti-slavery associations.
Review of "An address" respecting slavery, issued by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at Lombard Street, Baltimore, 11th month, 1842.
Review of the report of the Committee on Police, to the Councils of Philadelphia, in relation to the destruction of Pennsylvania Hall /
The School for Colored Girls, Washington, D.C.
The annual report of the General Assembly's Committee on Freedmen of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America.
Annual report of the Germantown Freedmen's Aid Association.
Annual report of the managers of the Lexington and Fayette County Auxiliary Colonization Society : made at the annual meeting ...
A sermon pertaining to American slavery : together with slave-holders and abolitionists, as viewed in the light of the golden rule /
The settler's portion.
A short sketch of the miseries of Negro slavery.
Annual report of the Rochester Ladies' Anti-slavery and Freedmen's Aid Society.
The slave question.
Slavery and the North /
Slavery described /
The Southern letter.
Sixty years in the North and twenty years in the South.
Speech of Hon. Charles L. Lamberton, of Clarion, delivered in the Pennsylvania Senate, March 11, 1862 : on the bill entitled "Joint resolutions relative to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia."
Speech of Mr. Miner, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 6 and 7, 1829 : on the subject of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia ; with notes.
Speech of the Hon. Robert J. Brent, Attorney-General of Maryland, in the case of the United States v. Castner Hanway, for treason /
Spirituelles : (unwritten songs of South Carolina), sung by the Carolina Singers during their campaigns in the North in 1872-73 /
Startling incidents & developments of Osowotomy Brown's insurrectory and treasonable movements at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, October 17th, 1859 : with a true and accurate account of the whole transaction /
Synopsis of three addresses.
Testimony of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America on the subject of slavery : A.D. 1858.
Thanksgiving appeal.
Tidings from the Orphan Asylum.
To Friends and others interested in the cause of the freedmen.
To the abolition and manumission societies.
To the clergy and pastors throughout the United States.
To the free people of colour in the United States.
To the honourable the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania : the memorial of the people of colour of the city of Philadelphia and its vicinity, respectfully sheweth ...
To the intelligent & philanthropic in the United States.
To the people of color of the state of Pennsylvania.
To the people of colour, and friends of the Canada settlement : the following statements are most respectfully submitted /
To the public.
Memorial of the Representative Committee, or Meeting for Sufferings, of the Religious Society of Friends, to the Legislature of Pennsylvania.
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled : the memorial and address of the people called Quakers, from their Yearly Meeting held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the 25th of the 9th month, to the 29th of the same inclusive, 1797, respectfully sheweth ...
Memorial of the Religious Society of Friends, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, &c., against the introduction of slavery into Nebraska : the memorial of the representatives of the Religious Society of Friends, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and parts adjacent, respectfully showeth ...
A treatise on Southern institutions : the errors of Northern fanatics exposed, etc. by a delineation of facts : the result of the Harper's Ferry insurrection, its tendency, &c. /
A triumphant refutation of John Campbell's book, which he calls Negro-mania.
The two altars, or, Two pictures in one /
Two discourses occasioned by the approaching anniversary of the Declaration of Independence : delivered June 25, a.m., and July 2, a.m., 1843 /
Tyrannical libertymen : a discourse upon Negro-slavery in the United States /
The Uncle Toms and St. Clares of Jamaica /
The underground railroad : thoughts suggested upon hearing a lecture delivered by Edwin [i.e. Edward] H. Coates, at Mt. Lebanon, N.Y. /
Unfolding Africa : eighth annual paper.
A vote for the slave trade, recollected and considered.
The Waco horror : an account of the recent burning of a human being at Waco, Tex., as reported by a special agent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ...
Want to go to Liberia.
What has Pennsylvania to do with slavery?.
The rise and progress of the doctrines of abolitionism, and a remedy for bigotry and superstition.
An address delivered before the Moral Reform Society, in Philadelphia, August 8, 1836 /
The crisis. or, Thoughts on slavery, occasioned by the Missouri question.
Comments on the Nebraska bill, with views on slavery in contrast with freedom : respectfully addressed to the free states /
Some present aspects of the Negro problem /
Resolutions on slave-holding.
List of 436 Negroes : to be offered at public sale, at the Race Course, near this city, on the second day of March next, and on succeeding days until sold, by J. Bryan, Savannah, Ga.
Kentucky jurisprudence : a history of the trial of Miss Delia A. Webster at Lexington, Kentucky, Decþr 17-21, 1844 before the Hon. Richard Buckner : on a charge of aiding slaves to escape from that commonwealth, with miscellaneous remarks, including her views on American slavery /
Grenada plantation documents,
Haiti : miscellaneous collections,
Miscellaneous Spanish American documents,
Phelps-Stokes Fund records,
Puerto Rican slave documents,
St. Mark's United Methodist Church collection,
Théodore Etienne D. de St. Léger collection,
Report of the Committee of Agriculture.
An answer to the book written by the Guiney Company in their own defence, for the management of their trade in Africa.
An answer to a paper, lately printed and published by the Affrican-Company /
The state of the country : a discourse preached in the Federal Street Meetinghouse in Boston, Sunday, June 8, 1856 /
Who have violated compromises /
Our country and slavery : a friendly word to the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL. D. and other northern clergymen /
Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772 to 1777 : elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, viz. quadrupedes, birds, fishes, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits, & roots ; with an account of the Indians of Guiana, & Negroes of Guinea /
Letter from General C.F. Henningsen, in reply to the letter of Victor Hugo on the Harper's Ferry invasion : with an extract from the letter of the Rev. Nathan Lord, D.D., president of Dartmouth College, N.H. ; and an article from the London "Times" on slavery.
A candid examination into the origin of the difference of colour in the human family : shewing the reason why, the time when, the place where, and the merciful design of the author, in bringing about this great variety of national distinctions.
The Supreme Court and Dred Scott ... : speech of Hon. Daniel W. Gooch, of Mass. : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, May 3, 1860.
History of slavery and the slave trade, ancient and modern : the forms of slavery that prevailed in ancient nations, particularly in Greece and Rome, the African slave trade and the political history of slavery in the United States /
History of slavery in Cuba, 1511 to 1868 /
Signs of the times, or, Reflections on nullification /
Address to the people of the United States : together with the proceedings and resolutions of the Pro-slavery Convention of Missouri, held at Lexington, July, 1855.
The falsities of private traders to Africa discover'd, and the mischiefs they occasion demonstrated : and an account of the settlements on that coast purchased, built, and now possest by the Company.
Substance of the speech made by Gerrit Smith, in the capitol of the state of New York, March 11th and 12th, 1850.
Report of the Ladies' Negro's Friend Society for Birmingham, West Bromwich, Wednesbury, Walsall, and their respective neighbourhoods, established 1825.
Fugitive slaves : a sermon, preached in the North Congregational Church, Winchendon, on the day of the annual fast, April 11, 1850 /
Slavery : a lecture delivered before the Lyceum in Attleborough, Jan. 4th 1838 /
Fragment of an original letter on the slavery of Negroes : written in the year 1776 /
The threat of disunion, the protective policy, a national foundery, Pennsylvania's stand-point : speech of Hon. John W. Killinger, of Penn., delivered in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1860.
Proceedings of a public meeting of the citizens of Providence : held in the Beneficent Congregational Church, March 7, 1854, to protest against slavery in Nebraska : with the addresses of the speakers.
Reconstruction : speech of Hon. George F. Miller, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, January 19, 1867.
The record of the Democratic Party : the words of their acknowledged leaders, their war record, their resolutions, &c. : facts and figures.
Slavery : its origin, nature, and history : considered in the light of Bible teachings, moral justice, and political wisdom /
State of the Union : speech of Hon. Justin S. Morrill, of Vermont, in the House of Representatives, February 18, 1861.
The Jefferson-Lemen compact : the relations of Thomas Jefferson and James Lemen in the exclusion of slavery from Illinois and the Northwest Territory, with related documents, 1781-1818 /
American slavery : a sermon preached at Christ Church Chapel, Bridgwater, on Sunday, May the first, 1853 /
An address on the annexation of Texas, and the aspect of slavery in the United States, in connection therewith : delivered in Boston, November 14 and 18, 1845 /
The American crisis : a discourse delivered on the Day of National Thanksgiving, November 24th, 1864 /
Speech delivered by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Senior, before the Whig State Convention, assembled at the Music Hall, Boston, Aug. 16, 1854.
Fellowship with slavery : report republished from the minutes of the Evangelical Consociation, Rhode Island.
Resolutions reported by Mr. R.M. Saunders. : from the Committee on Negro Slavery.
A union letter from a countryman to his fellow-citizens of Howard County.
A discourse on the covenant with Judas : preached in Hollis-Street Church, Nov. 6, 1842 /
Christianity and emancipation, or, The teachings and influence of the Bible against slavery /
Cuba : physical features of Cuba, her past, present and possible future /
Civil code of the state of Louisiana : with the statutory amendments, from 1825 to 1866 inclusive : and references to the decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana to the seventeenth volume of the annual reports, inclusive, with an exhaustive index /
A brief synoptical review of slavery in the United States /
Brief remarks on the Slave Registry Bill : and upon a special report of the African Institution, recommending that measure.
A book of scrips on reading of sermons in public worship : and on the agency of the Holy Spirit in divine worship, and on legal preaching on slavery /
The Boer and the Briton in South Africa, or, The present war in its historical and moral bearings : a paper read at a meeting of the Brattleboro Professional Club, November 14, 1899 /
The policy of the South : the Negro under Democratic rule : a letter from Gen. Gordon in reply to one from the editor of the N.Y. "Commercial Advertiser," published in that paper, Nov. 24, 1884.
Policy of the Republican Party and political condition of the South : speech of Hon. Lucius Q.C. Lamar, of Mississippi, in the United States House of Representatives, Wednesday, August 2, 1876.
A plain statement addressed to all honest Democrats /
The place and power of each family of African languages as factors in the development of Africa : an essay at the Chicago Congress on Africa, August, 1893 /
The philosophy of the rebellion : a sermon delivered in the Baptist Church, Stamford, Conn., before the Union Church Meeting /
The prayer of Thaddeus Hyatt to James Buchanan, President of the United States, in behalf of Kansas, asking for a postponement of all the land sales in that territory, and for other relief : together with correspondence and other documents setting forth its deplorable destitution from the drought and famine.
The practice of justice our only security for the future : remarks of Hon. William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, in support of his proposed amendment to the bill "To guaranty to certain states whose governments have been usurped or overthrown a republican form of government" : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 16, 1865.
Powers of the American Constitution for the protection of civil liberty : speech of Hon. George F. Hoar, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, March 29, 1871.
"Posting the books between the North and the South" : speech of John J. Perry, of Maine : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, March 7, 1860.
Position of parties : speech of Hon. R.H. Duell, of New York : delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, April 12, 1860.
Principles and mode of action of the American Anti-Slavery Society : a speech /
The compromise measures : speech of Hon. H.S. Foote of Mississippi in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 18 and 19, 1851, on the resolution reaffirming the compromise measures.
Civil rights : speech of Hon. Thomas M. Norwood, of Georgia, delivered in the United States Senate, April 30 and May 4, 1874.
"The preservation of the states united" : a discourse delivered in Harvard Church, Charlestown, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, 1860 /
The purchase by blood : a tribute to Brig.-Gen. Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., spoken in the West Church, Oct. 30, 1864 /
The providence of God a ground of encouragement in the day of trouble : a sermon delivered at Waits River, Vt., October 30th, 1864, at the funeral of Josiah Clark, who was killed at the battle of Occoquan, Sept. 19, 1864 /
Protest of the bishop and clergy of the Diocese of Pennsylvania against Bishop Hopkins' Letter on African slavery.
Prospectus of the New York & San Domingo Co. : organized under the laws of the state of New York : capital stock, $1,500,000 (divided into 150,000 shares of $10.00 each) : full paid and unassessable.
The proceedings of the National Union Convention, held at Philadelphia, August 14, 1866.
Proceedings of the Democratic Republican General Committee.
The Rebellion and our foreign relations : remarks of Henry J. Raymond, Speaker of the Assembly, on the conduct of our foreign affairs and the action and disposition of European powers.
The race problem : its possible solution /
Dialogue between a merchant and a planter
Democratic violence, proscription, and intolerance ; spirit of the white-line democracy ; duty of the Republican Party to maintain the rights of colored men ; startling democratic defalcations ; unparalleled corruption and maladministration : speech of Hon. O.P. Morton, delivered in the United States Senate, January 19, 1876, on the Mississippi election.
Democratic leaders for disunion : speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 25, 1860.
Decoration Day : address of William E. Chandler, on Thursday, May 30, 1889, at Nashua, N.H., before John G. Foster Post No. 7, G.A.R.
Disfranchisement of rebels : speech of Hon. S. Shellabarger, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, April 21, 1866.
Disfranchisement in West Virginia : I and II : a paper /
Discourses on the late riots in New York City : ... given on Sunday, July 26th, 1863 /
A discourse on the war, preached to the Northampton volunteers, Sunday evening, April 28, 1861 /
Educational wants of Georgia : an address delivered before the Society of the Alumni of Franklin College, at its annual meeting /
An earnest and affectionate address to all people, and especially religious professors of every name : and an address to reformers: from the yearly meeting of Congregational Friends, held at Waterloo, N.Y., in the sixth month, 1849.
Eulogies on the late Hon. Zachariah Chandler : delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, on Wednesday, January 28, 1880.
Essay on the propriety, wisdom and necessity of a territorial subdivision of the existing United States confederation
Emancipation! Enfranchisement! Reconstruction! : legislative record of the Republican Party during and since the war /
Emancipation /
Extract from the American citizen, his rights and duties in reference to slavery /
The expulsion of a Senator : speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, in the Senate of the United States, January 20, 1862.
Exposition and protest /
An ex-slaveholders view of the Negro question in the South /
Facts connected with the inquisition recently held in Salem.
Extracts from the minutes of Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
Extracts from observations on slavery and the slave trade and the method of extinguishing them /
Report of the Committee to whom was referred so much of the President's message, of the 7th of December last, as relates to the suppression of the slave trade.
The report of the Committee of the Convention of the Union and State Rights Party, assembled at Columbia, 10th December, 1832 : with their Remonstrance & protest.
Reply to Senator Wade Hampton's article in the Forum for June, on "What Negro supremacy means" /
Reunion of the Free-Soilers of 1848, at Downer Landing, Hingham, Mass., August 9, 1877.
Restoration of the Union : speech of Hon. Michael C. Kerr, of Indiana, delivered in the House of Representatives Jan. 21, 1867.
Restoration of the rebellious states : speech of Hon. William A. Newell, of New Jersey, in the House of Representatives, January 4, 1867.
The reprobate, or Voyages and singular adventures of David Doubtful.
Reports of the Select Committee of Thirty-three on the disturbed condition of the country.
Revive business and lessen taxation : a restored union and re-invigorated industry : speech of Senator J.R. Doolittle of Wisconsin, in the United States Senate, January 23, 1868.
Review of the slave question : extracted from the American Quarterly Review, Dec. 1832, based on the speech of Th. Marshall, of Fauquier, showing that slavery is the essential hindrance to the prosperity of the slave-holding states : with particular reference to Virginia, though applicable to other states where slavery exists /
Review of the Governor's message : speech of Hon. Palmer E. Havens, of Essex : in Assembly, February 6, 1863.
Samuel Joseph May : a memorial study /
The great question for the people! : essays on the elective franchise, or, Who has the right to vote? /
The great Civil War in America : speech of Hon. Clement Laird Vallandigham, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, January 14, 1863.
The Grant songster : a collection of campaign songs, for 1868.
Grand mass meeting at Lowell : speech of Theodore H. Sweetser, Esq., October 17, 1862.
Governor's message.
Government of insurrectionary states : speech of Hon. William E. Niblack, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, February 9, 1867.
Historical sketch of the missions of the American Board in Africa /
Historical sketch of the missions of the American Board in Africa.
High living standards in "Black" counties : (in the Southeastern United States) /
The hand of God in our national conflict : a discourse delivered before the citizens of Brandon, on the occasion of the state fast, April 9, 1863 /
Impeachment of the president : speech of Hon. Rufus Mallory, of Oregon, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 24, 1868.
The hurricane : Mauritius, April 29, 1892.
Horrors of West India slavery.
A sermon, preached on the fourth sabbath of Oct., 25th, 1863 : occasioned by the death of William Crounse, who died at Port Hudson in the service of his country /
A sermon, preached at New-Ark, October 22d, 1823 before the Synod of New Jersey, for the benefit of the African School, under the care of the Synod /
Sermon preached before the delegates to the National Unitarian Convention, New York, Tuesday evening, April 4, 1865 /
The sick woman : a sermon for the time /
A short explanation of the address of John L. Hunter, senator of St. Bartholomew's parish, Colleton district, concerning the political doctrine of state sovereignty & nullification /
Shall criminals sit on the jury? : a review of Governor Andrew's veto /
Slavery in Africa : a speech /
Slavery consistent with Christianity : with an introduction, embracing a notice of the "Uncle Tom's cabin" movement in England /
The slaveholders' rebellion, and the downfall of slavery in America /
The southern dial.
The South : the political situation : speech of Senator Morton on Louisiana affairs.
Izinshumayelo ngemisebenzi ka Tixo esiyibonayo.
Letter of Hon. Vincent L. Bradford, L.L.D. to a member-elect of the Forty-fourth Congress.
A speech delivered by James T. Shields, at Bean's Station, Tenn., May 18, 1861.
A letter from Thomas Pinckney, Esq., to the Agricultural Society of So. Carolina, on the water culture of rice.
Letter from an American woman to his lordship, Viscount Lord Palmerston.
The Southern Loyalists' Convention.
Lessons from the war /
A letter to Peter Cooper, on "The treatment to be extended to the rebels individually," and "The mode of restoring the rebel states to the union" : with an appendix containing a reprint of a review of Judge Curtis' paper on the Emancipation Proclamation, with a letter from President Lincoln /
Letter on the rebellion : to a citizen of Washington, from a citizen of Philadelphia.
The Louisiana law : speech of Hon. T.M. Norwood, of Georgia, in the United States Senate, February 17 and 27, 1875.
The life and services of Dr. David Livingstone, an honorary member of the Society.
Life and public services of Gen. John Wolcott Phelps : a sketch read before the N.E. Historical Genealogical Society /
Message of Gov. Sam Houston on the South Carolina resolutions.
Speech of Hon. George Bliss, of Ohio, on confiscation : delivered in the House of Representatives, Jan. 19, 1864.
Speech of Hon. F.W. Bowdon, of Alabama, on the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives, Saturday, January 16, 1847.
Speech of Hon. James R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, in vindication of his course, and against the establishment of military despotism in the Southern states : delivered in the United States Senate, February 16, 1867.
Speech of Hon. James Dixon, of Conn. : delivered in the Senate of the United States, Wednesday, June 25, 1862, on his resolution respecting the legal effect of acts or ordinances of session.
Speech of Hon. Samuel L. Warner, of Connecticut, on Reconstruction : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 18, 1867.
Speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, of Ohio, on the joint resolution explanatory of the Confiscation Act : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 14, 1864.
Speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, before the Johnson Union Club of the 6th Congressional district, New York, on the 9th of August, 1866.
Speech of Hon. S.S. Blair, of Pennsylvania : delivered in the House of Representatives, Thursday, May 22, 1862 : on House bills nos. 471 and 472, for the confiscation of the property and the emancipation of the slaves of rebels.
Speech of Hon. Reuben Davis of Mississippi, on the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1858.
Speech of Hon. Orlando Kellogg, of N.Y., on the measures necessary to put down the rebelion [sic] and restore the Union : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 31, 1864.
Speech of Hon. Michael C. Kerr, of Indiana, against the bill for the ratification of the Constitution of Alabama : delivered in the House of Representatives March 28, 1868.
Speech of Hon. Lawrence O'B. Branch, of North Carolina, on the presidential election : delivered in the House of Representatives, July 24, 1856.
Speech of Hon. W.T. Willey, delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 25th day of March, 1864, on the proposition to amend the Constitution, forever prohibiting slavery in the United States.
Speech of Hon. W.A. Richardson, of Illinois, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 9, 1864.
Speech of Hon. Ulysses Mercur, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, February 16, 1867.
Speech of Hon. Timothy O. Howe, of Wisconsin, on Reconstruction : delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 5 and 6, 1866.
Speech of Hon. Thompson Campbell, elector at large, on the Breckinridge and Lane ticket, for the State of Illinois : delivered at the National Democratic mass meeting, at Metropolitan Hall, Chicago, Illinois, Saturday evening, Aug. 11, 1860.
Speech of Hon. Thomas M. Edwards, of New-Hampshire : on the sentiments and options of his district and state, in relation to the political questions of the day : in the House of Representatives, June 19, 1860.
The nation's hope in the democracy : historic lessons for civil war : speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, of Ohio, on the bill of H. Winter Davis, "To guarantee to certain states, whose governments are usurped or overthrown, a republican form of government" : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 4, 1864.
The nation, and Louisiana : speech of Hon. Roscoe Conkling, of New York, in the Senate of the United States, January 28 and 29, 1875.
"The Negro problem" as seen and discussed by Southern white men in conference, at Montgomery, Alabama : with criticisms by the Northern press /
Speech of Hon. William H. English, of Indiana, on Kansas affairs, and the threatening aspect of the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 3, 1860.
Speech of Hon. William E. Finck, of Ohio, on the joint resolution relating to the Confiscation Act : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1864.
The Negro and the "Solid South" /
The new man for the new times : a sermon preached in All Souls' Church, on New-Year's day, 1865 /
The Negro, the rail, and the press : the fasces of American power.
The Negro : his origin and prophetic destiny /
"Negro slavery not unjust" : speech of Charles O'Conor, Esq., at the Union Meeting at the Academy of Music, New York City, December 19, 1859 /
Negro slavery in Wisconsin /
Speech of Mr. R.S. Donnell, of N.C., on the bill offered by Mr. Clayton in the Senate as a compromise of the question of slavery in the territories : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., July 29, 1848.
Speech of Mr. M.J. Wellborn, of Georgia, on the slave question : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 15, 1850.
Speech of Mr. Bynum, of North Carolina, on the reso[l]ution of Mr. Thompson, of South Carolina, on the subject of abolition : in the House of Representatives, January 25, 1840.
Speeches and letters of Gerrit Smith on the rebellion
Speeches and extracts from speeches of the Hon. John Letcher, Democratic candidate for Governor of Virginia : touching the subject of slavery, during his several terms as Representative in Congress from the state of Virginia.
A speech on the operation of the tariff on the interests of the South, and the constitutional means of redressing its evils : delivered at Walterborough, on the 21st Oct. 1828, by James Hamilton, Jun., at a public dinner given to him by his constituents of Colleton district.
Speech on the death of William Lloyd Garrison.
The speech of Thomas Marshall, (of Fauquier) in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the policy of the state in relation to her colored population : delivered Saturday, January 14, 1832.
Speech of the Hon. R.B. Rhett, of South Carolina, on the Oregon Territory Bill, excluding slavery from that territory, the Missouri Compromise being proposed and rejected : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., Jan. 14, 1846.
Speech of the Hon. I.N. Morris, on the status of the states and questions incidentally connected therewith : delivered before a large audience, in part composed of many leading civil and military officers of the state, in the House of Representatives, in Springfield, Ill., Jan. 11th, 1867, at the conclusion of which the audience, with entire unanimity, passed the speaker a vote of thanks.
Speech of the Hon. Edward Everett, in the House of representatives of the United States, March 9, 1826, in committee, on the proposition to amend the Constitution.
State and national finances : Republican economy and Democratic extravagance.
The star of peace, or, Public mirror : by James Sterret, the American cosmopolite, who has been afflicted with the loss of his eye-sight since 1846, and who wishes on all occasions to be found faithfully employed in performing the sacred duty of peace-maker.
Speech, Hon. W.D. Kelley of Pennsylvania : the constitutional regulation of suffrage : in the House of Representatives, February 27, 1866.
Speeches of Hayne & Webster in the United States Senate, on the resolution of Mr. Foot.
Suffrage in the District of Columbia : speech of Hon. George W. Julian, of Indiana : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 16, 1866.
Steven Symonds Foster /
Stephen A. Douglas' attitude toward slavery : a letter written by his son, Judge Robert M. Douglas, in reply to an invitation to attend the semi-centennial celebration of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
A Thanksgiving discourse : the rule of Divine Providence applicable to the present circumstances of our country : delivered in the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit, Thursday, November 28, 1860 /
What is abolition?.
The white man and the Negro at the South : an address delivered under invitation of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, the American society for the Extension of University Teaching, and the Civic Club of Philadelphia, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, on the evening of March 8th, A.D. 1900 /
Who is James G. Birney?.
Work of the National Freedmen's Relief Association for the year : report of Mrs. J.S. Griffing.
Written for Rebecca, a slave child, from New Orleans.
[Circular], 424 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, 1864.
The Freedmen's-Aid reporter.
To the generous Northern people.
Southern planters and the freedmen /
Report of the Executive Board of Friends' Association of Philadelphia for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen : read at the meeting of the Association, fifth month 11th, 1864.
The African observer : a monthly journal, containing essays and documents illustrative of the general character, and moral and political effects of Negro slavery /
The citizen of the world.
The African miscellanist, or, A collection of original essays on the subject of Negro slavery /
Spike Harris collection,
An address delivered at Bethel Church, Philadelphia, on the 30th of September, 1818, before the Pennsylvania Augustine Society, for the education of people of colour /
The case between the African Company and the people of England.
A list of the forts and factories on the coast of Africa.
Particulars wherein the bill for laying the trade to Africa free and open, takes away and destroys the property of the African-Company and their creditors, now united by an Act passed in the last session of Parliament.
A clear demonstration, from points of fact, that the recovery, preservation and improvement of Britain's share of the trade to Africa is wholly owing to the industry, care and application of the Royal-African-Company.
Proposals for printing by subscription, Voyages and travels in Africa and the West-Indies, from the year 1771 to the year 1779 inclusive, by Henry Smeathman.
Plan of a settlement to be made near Sierra Leona, on the Grain Coast of Africa : intended more particularly for the service and happy establishment of blacks and people of colour, to be shipped as freemen under the direction of the Committee for Relieving the Black Poor, and under the protection of the British Government /
Recommendations /
Excursion through the slave states : from Washington on the Potomac to the frontier of Mexico : with sketches of popular manners and geological notices /
A friendly voice from England on American affairs.
An address before the Salem Female Anti-Slavery Society, at its Annual Meeting, December 7, 1851 /
Remarks on the slavery and slave trade of the Brazils /
The life, travels and adventures of an American wanderer : a truthful narrative of events in the life of Alonzo P. DeMilt : containing his early adventures among the Indians of Florida, his life in the gold mines of California and Australia, his explorations of the Andes and the Amazon and its tributaries, etc., etc., interspersed with sketches and narratives illustrating life, manners, customs and scenery in Mexico, Central America, Peru, Brazil, Australia, the South Sea Islands, and the United States /
State of law and manners in Jamaica illustrated : by the accounts given in the Christian Record of that island, of the conduct of councils of protection, and of the minutes of evidence in the case of the Rev. Mr. Bridges and his slave Kitty Hylton.
Speech of Charles W. Upham, of Salem, in the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, on the compromises of the Constitution : with an appendix, containing the Ordinance of 1787.
Economic co-operation among Negro Americans : report of a social study made by Atlanta University under the patronage of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. ; together with the Proceedings of the 12th Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on Tuesday, May the 28th, 1907 /
Methodism and slavery : with other matters in controversy between the North and the South : being a review of the manifesto of the majority, in reply to the protest of the minority, of the late General conference of the Methodist E. church, in the case of Bishop Andrew /
A history of slavery and serfdom.
Aggressions of the slave power : speech of the Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in reply to Hon. Jefferson Davis : delivered in the Senate, January 26, 1860.
Biographical sketch of Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee : together with his speech at Nashville, June 10, 1864, and his letter accepting the nomination as Vice President of the United States, tendered him by the National Union Convention, held at Baltimore, on the 7th and 8th of June, 1864.
Address of the Congregational Union in Scotland to their fellow Christians in the United States on the subject of American slavery.
Our country's sin : a sermon preached to the members and families of the Nestorian mission at Oroomiah, Persia, July 3, 1853 /
An address to the members of the Religious Society of Friends on the duty of declining the use of the products of slave labour /
Fremont, only seventeen working days in the U.S. Senate : his whole civil life, twice voting against the abolition of slavery in Washington, the Federal Capital.
The issue, its history : speech of Hon. Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 12, 1859.
Speech of Hon. John L. Taylor, of Ohio, on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, April 26, 1854.
The anti-slavery alphabet.
Bill and report of John A. Bingham : and vote on its passage, repealing the territorial New Mexican laws establishing slavery and authorizing employers to whip "white persons" and others in their employment, and denying them redress in the courts.
Some memoirs of the life of Job, the son of Solomon the high priest of Boonda in Africa : who was a slave about two years in Maryland, and afterwards being brought to England, was set free, and sent to his native land in the year 1734 /
West African warfare in Bahia and Cuba : soldier slaves in the Atlantic world, 1807-1844 /
HT867 .B35 1999 Disposable people : new slavery in the global economy / 1
HT867 .B35 2012eb Disposable people : new slavery in the global economy / 1
HT867 .B36 2009 Modern slavery : the secret world of 27 million people / 1
HT867 .B38 2005 Understanding global slavery : a reader / 1
HT867 .B38 2005eb Understanding global slavery : a reader / 1
HT867 .C46 2017 What slaveholders think : how contemporary perpetrators rationalize what they do / 1