Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK1967 +C662 2001 Congressional Quarterly's guide to U.S. elections / 1
JK1967 .C675 Controversies in American voting behavior / 1
JK1967 .F36 Retrospective voting in American national elections / 1
JK1967 .F58 Political behavior of the American electorate 1
JK1967 .F95 American ethnic politics, 1
JK1967 .G1 The Gallup political almanac / 1
JK1967 .G58 2013 On voter competence / 1
JK1967 .G73 2009eb Image bite politics : news and the visual framing of elections / 2
JK 1967 + H4 1950 Southern primaries and elections, 1920-1949. 1
JK1967 .H53 1988 Election demographics / 1
JK1967 .J43 2012 Ideology and Spatial Voting in American Elections / 1
JK1967 .J54 1966 The electoral process, 1
JK1967 .K38 2008 Unconventional wisdom : facts and myths about American voters / 1
JK1967 .L38 2006 How voters decide : information processing during election campaigns / 1
JK1967 .L38 2006eb How Voters Decide : Information Processing in Election Campaigns. 1
JK1967 .L63 2008eb Do voters look to the future? : economics and elections / 1
JK 1967 + M54 American national election studies data sourcebook, 1952-1978 / 1
JK1967 .N28 1985 Images of voting/visions of democracy / 1
JK1967 .N48 1986 The paradox of mass politics : knowledge and opinion in the American electorate / 1
JK1967 .P375 2002 The vanishing voter : public involvment in an age of uncertainty / 1