Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK339 .F6 1971 War powers legislation. Hearings, Ninety-second Congress, first session, on S. 731, S.J. Res. 18, and S.J. Res. 59. 1
JK339 .F73 1991 Extraordinary measures : the exercise of prerogative powers in the United States / 1
JK339 .P43 The People vs. presidential war. 1
JK339 .R48 War powers of the President and Congress : who holds the arrows and olive branch? / 1
JK339 .R8 1951 The Supreme Court and the commander in Chief. 1
JK339 .R8 1976 The Supreme Court and the Commander in Chief / 1
JK339 .U5 1945 Acts of Congress applicable in time of emergency. 1
JK339 .W45 2013 War Powers : the Politics of Constitutional Authority / 1
JK361 .H85 The garden and the wilderness; religion and government in American constitutional history. 1
JK361 .K21 1964 Religion and the Constitution 1
JK361 .Z8 American church law, 1
JK371.C7 W9 1938 The contract clause of the Constitution, 1
JK371.I6 C8 1944 The Constitution and world organization / 1
JK371.I6 S9 1919 Constitutional power and world affairs. 1
JK371.S6 H74 1982 How capitalistic is the Constitution? / 1
JK411 Administration and the other : explorations of diversity and marginalization in the political administrative state /
Taking a Stand : Reflections on Life, Liberty, and the Economy.
Crisis and leviathan : critical episodes in the growth of American government /
JK411 .A5 1933 The crisis of democracy. 1
JK411 .A76 1986 Making the managerial presidency : comprehensive reorganization planning, 1905-1980 / 1
JK411 .B3 Basic documents of American public administration, 1776-1950 / 1
JK411 .B32 1982 Basic documents of American public administration since 1950 / 1