Call Number (LC) Title Results
Micro- fiche Testamenta eboracensia or, Wills registered at York, illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c., of the province of York, from the year 1300 downwards.
A digest of the charters preserved in the cartulary of the priory of Dunstable
The fabric rolls of York minster with an appendix of illustrative documents /
Publications of the Thoresby Society
The Sandford cartulary
[Publications] /
A calendar of the feet of fines for the county of Buckingham 7 Richard I to 44 Henry III /
Miscellanea biographica
Calendar of Kent feet of fines to the end of Henry III's reign
Record series
Liber vitae h microform : register and martyrology of New Minster and Hyde abbey, Winchester /
Liber vitae Ecclesiae dunelmensis A collotype facsimile of the original manuscript, with introductory essays and notes /
The chartulary of the Priory of St. Pancras of Lewes
Feet of fines, Northumberland and Durham
Chartularium abbathiae de Novo monasterio, Ordinis cisterciensis : fundatae anno M.C.XXXVII
On-line services in some academic, public, and special libraries a state-of-the-art report /
Fasti dunelmenses a record of the beneficed clergy of the diocese of Durham down to the dissolution of the monastic and collegiate churches /
The Norfolk portion of the chartulary of the priory of St. Pancras of Lewes
The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings, of the Priory of Coldingham
An abstract of feet of fines relating to the county of Sussex /
Memorials of St. Gile's, Durham being grassmen's accounts and other parish records, together with documents relating to the hospitals of Kepier and St. Mary Magdalene /
The feet of fines for Oxfordshire, 1195-1291
The cartulary of Bushmead Priory
Saxon Oxfordshire Charters and ancient highways /
Early Buckinghamisher charters
Anglo-Saxon and early English psalter now first printed from manuscripts in the British museum /
Final concords of the county of Lincoln from the feet of fines preserved in the Public Record Office, A.D. 1244-1272 with additions from various sources, A.D. 1176-1250, vol. II /
Sanctuarium dunelmense et Sanctuarium beverlacense
Memorials of the abbey of St. Mary of Fountains
A collection of charters relating to Goring, Streatley and the neighborhood, 1181-1546 preserved in the Bodleian Library, with a supplement /
Newstead priory cartulary, 1344, and other archives /
The Towneley mysteries
St. Benet of Holme, 1020-1040
Willis and inventories illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c., of the northern counties of England from the eleventh century downwards /
The charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls, of the Priory of Finchale in the county of Durham /
The Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon church : with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon gloss, derived chiefly from a manuscript of the eleventh century preserved in the library of the dean and chapter of Durham /
The priory of Hexham
The chartulary of Lewes priory the portions relating to counties other than Sussex.
Cartularium abbathiae de Whiteby, Ordinis s. Benedicti fundatae anno MLXXVIII /
The inventories and account rolls of the Benedictine houses or cells of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, in the county of Durham
Libellus de vita et miraculis S. Godrici, heremitae de Finchale adjicitur appendix miraculorum /
Dialogi Laurentii dunelmensis monachi ac prioris
A calendar of deeds and other records preserved in the Muniment Room at the Museum, Aylesbury
Feodarium Prioratus dunelmensis a survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham compiled in the fifteenth century, illustrated by the original grants and other evidences /
Rituale Ecclesiæ Dunelmensis : nunc primum typis mandatum.
The pontifical of Egbert, Archbishop of York, A.D. 732-766 now first printed from a manuscript of the 10th century in the Imperial Library, Paris /
Newington Longeville charters
Calendar of charters and documents relating to Selborne and its priory preserved in the muniment room of Magdalen college, Oxford /
The correspondence of Robert Bowes, of Aske, esquire, the ambassador of Queen Elizabeth in the court of Scotland
Reginaldi monachi dunelmensis Libellus de admirandis beati Cuthberti virtutibus quae novellis patratae sunt temporibus
Memorials of Beverley minster the chapter act book of the collegiate church of S. John of Beverley, A. D. 1286-1347, with illustrative documents and introduction /
Early deeds relating to Newcastle upon Tyne
Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174
The register of the Guild of Corpus Christi in the city of York with an appendix of illustrative documents, containing some account of the hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury, without Micklegate-Bar, in the suburbs of the city /
Boldon buke a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year M.C.L.XXXIII ; with a translation, an appendix of original documents, and a glossary /
Original charters relating to the City of Worcester in possession of the dean and chapter, and by them preserved in the Cathedral Library /
Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon
East Anglian pedigrees
A calendar of the feet of fines for Bedfordshire, preserved in the Public Record Office, of the reigns of Richard I, John, and Henry III
The cartulary of Snelshall priory
The coucher book of the Cistercian abbey of Kirkstall, in the West Riding of the county of York Printed from the original preserved in the Public record office /
Publications of the Bedfordshire historical record society
The first register of Norwich cathedral priory
Cartularium abbathiæ de Rievalle Ordinis cisterciensis, fundatæ anno MCXXXII /
Extracts from the records of the Merchant Adventurers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
The autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton : of East Newton, co. York
The Thame cartulary
Cartularium prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor dioeceseos, Ordinis s. Augustini, fundati A. D. MCXIX /
Northumberland and Durham deeds from the Dodsworth mss. in Bodley's library, Oxford.
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss. preserved in the library of Bishop Cosin, at Durham.
Northumberland pleas from the Curia regis and assize rolls, 1198-1272
Salary compensation systems for librarians a study of ten members of the Association of Research Libraries /
The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels now first printed from the original manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library /
Extracts from the account rolls of the Abbey of Durham, from the original mss.
The register of the priory of St. Bees
Records of Harrold Priory (Records of Turvey and its neighbourhood, part II) /
Serials in the M.I.T. libraries
The cartulary of Missenden abbey
Cartulary of the Abbey of Old Wardon
A description or breife declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites, and customes belonginge or beinge within the monastical church of Durham before the suppression written in 1593 /
The chartulary of Brinkburn priory
Three early assize rolls for the county of Nortymberland, sæc. XIII
Pedes finium ebor, regnante Johanne, A. D. MCXCIX.-A. D. MCCXIV
A catalogue of Sussex estate and tithe award maps
The chartulary of the high church of Chichester
micro- fiche Historiae dunelmensis scriptores tres 1
Micro- film Czech relations with the Slovaks : the Slovakophile writings and activities of Karel Kálal, 1885-1900
[Non-biographic records of several offices of the Nazi Party].
Bibliography of paper and thin-layer chromatography, 1961-1965 and survey of applications
Police reform in Russia, 1858-1878 /
Wycherley's dramatic achievement : an Aristotelian view
The French colonialist lobby in the 1930's : the economic foundations of imperialism /
Sir Eyre Crowe and the English foreign office, 1905-1914
The comeady of William Wycherley : a critical reading of the plays with special emphasis on the Plain dealer
The Chetnik movement in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945
Cultures in conflict : a case study in Russian-Polish relations : the University at Wilno /
The structure of the Old English Exodus /
Polish society in Poznania and the school strikes of 1901-07 /
Euripedes' "Trojan women" : an interpretative study based upon the role of the chorus and ironic development
MICRO FICHE Liber vitae Ecclesiae dunelmensis nec non obituaria duo ejusdem ecclesiae / 1
MICROFICHE Black biographical dictionaries, 1790-1950
Text and concordance of the Crónica de once reyes (veinte reyes) Escorial ms. Y.I.12 /
The Forum of Trajan in Rome : a study of the monuments /
The Publications of the Newcastle upon Tyne Records Committee
Oxfordshire record series
Oxfordshire records series
Publications - Norfolk Record Society
The Publications of the Lincoln Record Society
The publications of the Surtees Society
Kent records.
Collections for a history of Staffordshire.
Oxfordshire Record Society : [Series] (1947)
Microfiche The Dead Sea scrolls on microfiche a comprehensive facsimile edition of the texts from the Judean Desert /
Drug use in America problem in perspective : the technical papers of the second report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse.
Memoranda of conversation of the Secretary of State, 1947-1952
Foreign relations of the United States.
Memoranda of the Secretary of State, 1949-1951 and meetings and visits of foreign dignitaries, 1949-1952.
The weaving of prestige village women's representations of the social categories of Minagkabau society /
The Birth of a nation
The Percy Chartulary
The chronicle of St. Mary's abbey, York, from Bodley ms.
Archives of the destruction : a photographic record of the holocaust /
MICROFIlLM Études françaises. 1
MICROFILM Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va.
Documents concerning Jews in the Berlin Document Center
Records of the United States Nuernberg war crimes trials Guertner diaries, October 5, 1934-December 24, 1938.
The Times literary supplement index.
Testaments to the Holocaust.
Latin America, 1941-1961. [Microfilm]
Papers of James Aloysius Farley,
John Milton Earle papers, 1652-1863
OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit reports, 1945-46
John Steinbeck collection /
Malcolm X : FBI surveillance file.
Sutro Library Hebraica : includes 128 manuscripts, uncataloged fragments, and handlist written by Dr. William Brinner of the University of California, Berkeley.
Minute books of the Owenite societies, 1838-1845
A catalog of files and microfilms of the German Foreign Ministry archives, 1920-1945.
Civil rights during the Johnson administration, 1963-1969 a collection from the holdings of The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas.
Freedom at issue.
John Henry Ingram's Poe collection /
The new republic.
Guide to captured German documents (Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Dec. 1952) and Supplement (National Archives, Washington, DC, 1959)
The Jewish people from Holocaust to nationhood archives of the Central British Fund for Jewish Relief, 1933-1960.
The critic.
The Lee family papers, 1742-1795 /
Microfilm edition of the Thomas Ewing papers in the Ewing family collection /
Microfilm edition of the Orestes Augustus Brownson papers /
Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Germany, 1930-1939
[Papers] /
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of the Free City of Danzig, 1919-1939
Microfilm Testaments to the Holocaust. 1
Ministerstvo kulʹtury SSSR D-013 (matrix)--D-014 (matrix) 6-i︠a︡ simfonii︠a︡ / 1
MJ2.M7452 T4 1987 Thelonious Monk Quartet plus two at the Blackhawk. 1
ML Music Technology in Therapeutic and Health Settings.
Musically Sublime : Indeterminacy, Infinity, Irresolvability.
Social Dynamics of Global Terrorism and Prevention Policies.
Dmitri Shostakovich Catalogue: The First Hundred Years and Beyond.
Dig : Sound and Music in Hip Culture.
Psychology of music in multimedia.
Documentación musical /
ML1 Venanzio Rauzzini : Piramo e Tisbe, A Dramatic Cantata.
Ways Ahead : Proceedings of the First International Csound Conference.
ML 1 .C857 1998 Computer music journal sound anthology. 1
ML 1 .C857 2000 Computer music journal sound anthology. 1
ML 1 .C857 2007 Computer music journal sound and video anthology. 1
ML 1 .M325 The American organist. 1
ML 1 .M327 Music : the AGO & RCCO magazine. 1
ML1 .M327 The American organist. 1
ML 1 .P109 v.22 Perspectives of new music. 1