Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA5801 .R8 The cathedrals of northern Spain, their history and their architecture; together with much of interest concerning the bishops, rulers and other personages identified with them, 1
NA5801 .R9 The cathedrals of northern Spain, their history and their architecture; together with much of interest concerning the bishops, rulers and other personages identified with them, 1
NA5801 .S24 1952 Catedrales de España : (su pasado y su presente) / 1
NA5802 .I56 Algunos problemas de las viejas iglesias españolas. 1
NA5803 .G6 1975 Iglesias mozárabes; arte español de los siglos IX à XI, 1
NA5803 +J55 Origins of the early Christian architecture of the Iberian peninsula / 1
NA5803 .J95 L'Arquitectura religiosa en la Catalunya Carolingia. Discurs llegit el dia 27 d'octubre de 1963 en la recepcio pùblica de Mons. 1
NA5804 .N48 2020eb Neugotik global -- kolonial -- postkolonial : Gotisierende Sakralarchitektur auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und in Lateinamerika vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert = Neogótico global -- colonial -- postcolonial : arquitectura sagrada neogótica en la Peninsula Ibérica y América Latina del siglo XIX al XXI / 1
NA5809.S3 +G37 El románico en Santander / 1
NA5811 A4 + B4 Planos de la Iglesia de Santa María de Alicante. 1
NA5811.B2 P4 Cathédrale de Barcelone; descritiou [!] artistico-arquéologique de François Rogent Pedrosa ... 1
NA5811.B28 .E833 2016 Sagrada Família Behind the Scaffolding. 1
NA5811 B8 + K3 1989 Die Kathedrale von Burgos und die spanische Architektur des 13. Jahrhunderts : französische Hochgotik in Kastilien und León / 1
NA 5811 E84 + K8 1982 Building the Escorial / 1
NA 5811 G7 + O7518 1970 The Royal Chapel of Granada / 1
NA5811 G7 + R6 1961 The Cathedral of Granada ; a study in the Spanish Renaissance. / 1
NA5811.L44 M23 1997 The old cathedral of Lleida : historic and architectural guide / 1
NA 5811 S2 + C7 The early architectural history of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, 1
NA5811.S26 S26 196- Santiago de Compostela : La Catedral : Historia, Arquitectura, Arte, Decovión, Peregrinaciones / 1
NA5811.T63 N53 2015eb Toledo Cathedral : building histories in medieval Castile / 1