NA5803 .J95
L'Arquitectura religiosa en la Catalunya Carolingia. Discurs llegit el dia 27 d'octubre de 1963 en la recepcio pùblica de Mons. |
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NA5804 .N48 2020eb
Neugotik global -- kolonial -- postkolonial : Gotisierende Sakralarchitektur auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und in Lateinamerika vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert = Neogótico global -- colonial -- postcolonial : arquitectura sagrada neogótica en la Peninsula Ibérica y América Latina del siglo XIX al XXI / |
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NA5809.S3 +G37
El románico en Santander / |
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NA5811 A4 + B4
Planos de la Iglesia de Santa María de Alicante. |
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NA5811.B2 P4
Cathédrale de Barcelone; descritiou [!] artistico-arquéologique de François Rogent Pedrosa ... |
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NA5811.B28 .E833 2016
Sagrada Família Behind the Scaffolding. |
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NA5811 B8 + K3 1989
Die Kathedrale von Burgos und die spanische Architektur des 13. Jahrhunderts : französische Hochgotik in Kastilien und León / |
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NA 5811 E84 + K8 1982
Building the Escorial / |
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NA 5811 G7 + O7518 1970
The Royal Chapel of Granada / |
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NA5811 G7 + R6 1961
The Cathedral of Granada ; a study in the Spanish Renaissance. / |
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NA5811.L44 M23 1997
The old cathedral of Lleida : historic and architectural guide / |
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NA 5811 S2 + C7
The early architectural history of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, |
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NA5811.S26 S26 196-
Santiago de Compostela : La Catedral : Historia, Arquitectura, Arte, Decovión, Peregrinaciones / |
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NA5811.T63 N53 2015eb
Toledo Cathedral : building histories in medieval Castile / |
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NA5831.M3 C37
A escultura em Mafra. |
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NA5843 .S3 1952
Delineatio monasterii S. Galli ad coenobium auctore Gozberto abbate renovandum saeculo nono confecta, in bibliotheca conventus Sangallensis adhuc asservata. Simulacrum iussu societatis historicorum Sangallensium effinxerunt Schwitter et consortes, |
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NA5851.B3 R4
Das Basler Münster; 121 Abbildungen mit einem situationsplan. |
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NA5851.G39 S24 1982
Saint-Pierre, cathédrale de Genève : un monument, une exposition, Musée Rath, Genève, 10 juin-10 octobre, 1982. |
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NA5851.S3 K3
Der St. Galler Klosterplan. |
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NA5863 .A42 1985
Alahan : an early Christian monastery in southern Turkey : based on the work of Michael Gough / |
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